
5;53 a.m – E.E.C. – My body is j

5;53 a.m


My body is just berserk right now, and so I post against my will to get some peace and rest.

I felt I could ignore it, and stop posting and I had planned to do other things today, inspite of it.
But I can not I find, it is too overwhelming and distracting right now.

But at 4982 and now, 4984 Facebook Friends

That is 8 and 6 to 5000 the Facebook limit, I will endeavor to continue.

Not 6-8 mind you.

Sacred Portal 8-6 86 should give you an idea of what is going on.

Its true that there is so much more going on. and that I could expansive in, but I am no longer willing to explain but this force tormenting my body to Left and Right, Right and left knows that I know more and thus is making me, forcing me to post.

What do you suppose is the Greatest Force in Creation, which generates a Body?

And what is the age code 51 when I met Arden so relevant.
As well as 53 Age code as the Lie?

It is Sex.

S.E X.

Not love. not Light not even Power.

But Sex and Penetration.

To exist in this realm, to enter it. To have a Body, Sex is required.


Of course in varying cultures it has various designated names.

But we are in the Universal Playing field and Universal Language

L.U. R.A.Y

Liberty C at L.U. Ray – Virginia
The 10th State.
With her 16 year old Daughter, Aurlia.
Maiden Virgin.
M.A I.D.V..I.R G.I.N. i.A.

6;12 p.m

Arden… Date of Birth


Manifest Victort.

56 Maida Vale number 56

18 Mountain View

18.Alexander Grove.

Grove Armada G.A.

Eminem E.M.I.N. E M

F.. E M.I. N.E.M

It was the two music artists I was Listening to in London England as I did my daily Yoga Tai Chi excercises, watched through the Window all the building across the road.

So, then it begs the Question that if SEX.
19 5 24 (E.M.F)
24 24 =1. 48

*Sacred Portal 1 And 48.
A. D.H.
Is so relevant to everything in Creation having a body especially Mamals who are born from being carried for 9 months in the Womb as a sort of Egg.
And Reptiles and other creatures including the Cock. Rooster Chicken Hen…Serpent Snake all are born from an E.G.G.
The Outside Womb with transformed tumbling Vieled.
Ourside Seen.
Inside Unseen but Obvious.

Cosmic Egg.
E.R.O. S.E…X.

One must ask as to why Sex and Penetrative Intercourse was.denied me the moment I arrived in the U.S.A

And not from lack of Desire, far from it.but my body going literally ballistic each time I made a play for it.

Its was with females that I had and been most comfortable with.
Boys was always boarding School stuff
Masturbation not Penetration that has only been with women.
A few times later with.a couple of males to experiment but never with me penetrated basically because I was never able to come interns of how it’s in and outs work.

But one day, I know I will try it.
I am curious in all things

Okay, I have said too much, my private life should not be brought to light on a damned Facebook page.

Jesus Christ!

21.yeaes denied of Sexual Intercourse
Sexual Penetration

21 Years!

B.A. C. K.




I almost want to scream out why?

But I know, and to tell you why the Sex God of Creation
Sexuality and Sexuality was denied his very essence …for 21 years… intentionally since entering the U.S A.
Universal Simulation Awareness
Where this playing field called America is not seen as real by the Extra Terrestrial and Eternal Truth will literally cause that Dam and Damn I have been holding back to break burst into tears of Rage, Wrath and deepest abyss of hurt..
And to be made to.say so on Facsbook after holding back this truth for all these decades.

My body is calmer now… is this what it wished me to say.

Sex is the one thing used against me especially since 1985.

I do.not wish to say another word.

Juli Janice J.J.

Robin Jennifer R.J.

Lydia Sabine L.S

Tamika Ann T.A.

Lonnie Montee. L.M

Phyllis Brooke P.B.

Camille Alma C.A.

6:54 pm


6:55 p.m

J.J. R.J. L.S. T.A.L.M. P.B. C.A.

First Letters

J.R L..T. L T.P. C.

Last Name First Letter.

J.J.S. A.M. B.A.

7:02 pm


76 2.




I.always knew.

She had Sacrificed me To her One True God.

7:04 pm



But without my permission
Because that was is… me.



The World

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