
In Defense of My Father… My

In Defense of My Father… My Son who became my Brother
and Evolved to My Equal….Contd

“Get Up, Stand Up”

Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights!
Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights!
Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights!
Get up, stand up: don’t give up the fight!

Preacherman, don’t tell me,
Heaven is under the earth.
I know you don’t know
What life is really worth.
It’s not all that glitters is gold;
‘Alf the story has never been told:
So now you see the light, eh!
Stand up for your rights. Come on!

Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights!
Get up, stand up: don’t give up the fight!
Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights!
Get up, stand up: don’t give up the fight!

Most people think,
Great God will come from the skies,
Take away everything
And make everybody feel high.
But if you know what life is worth,
You will look for yours on earth:
And now you see the light,
You stand up for your rights. Jah!

Get up, stand up! (Jah, Jah!)
Stand up for your rights! (Oh-hoo!)
Get up, stand up! (Get up, stand up!)
Don’t give up the fight! (Life is your right!)
Get up, stand up! (So we can’t give up the fight!)
Stand up for your rights! (Lord, Lord!)
Get up, stand up! (Keep on struggling on!)
Don’t give up the fight! (Yeah!)

We sick an’ tired of-a your ism-skism game –
Dyin’ ‘n’ goin’ to heaven in-a Jesus’ name, Lord.
We know when we understand:
Almighty God is a living man.
You can fool some people sometimes,
But you can’t fool all the people all the time.
So now we see the light (What you gonna do?),
We gonna stand up for our rights! (Yeah, yeah, yeah!)

So you better:
Get up, stand up! (In the morning! Git it up!)
Stand up for your rights! (Stand up for our rights!)
Get up, stand up!
Don’t give up the fight! (Don’t give it up, don’t give it up!)
Get up, stand up! (Get up, stand up!)
Stand up for your rights! (Get up, stand up!)
Get up, stand up! ( … )
Don’t give up the fight! (Get up, stand up!)
Get up, stand up! ( … )
Stand up for your rights!
Get up, stand up!
Don’t give up the fight! [fadeout]

Robert Marley… R.M..

Randall Michael R.M

Robert Vlaun R.V. is seated right besides me, he was here when I arrived
He is from Jamaica, the Island of St Martins.

And I just found a Milky Way Bar….M.W…B

Randall Micheal Wiltz… R M.W. in Being.

*HILLZN8 .. was on the back of the Chinese American girls blue sweater who was sitting to my right with the 20 20 Vision code on her sweater. And 34 was the number on her bag.
I am aware of the set up.

6:35 p.m.


In Defense of Father Almighty Harmony G-Ode to Existence Creation.

6:39 p.m.

Robert Vlaun is from St Martins.
Geoff LaCour is from St Barths…
Fritz Venneiq is from Jamaica…

G.F.R….Is the order of all three of how I met them all are from the Islands but St Barth and St Martins are next door to each other.
and Jamaica is at the base.
The Church we went to as a child in Winnipeg Canada was called St Barths. I was awarded a Golden Pen at Sunday School because of my interrogation of the new testament- but it was where I departed from the trust and belief in the Church and never went back because what their answers to my questions not only did not satisfy me, but I realized they did not have the answers, not did they really want the answers.

M B…J…/ J B M…
G F R….G=7, F=6, R=18….. 7 6 18….
I passed through the system of the down, called the Shelter System entering in 2015 (after writing my article/Essay called The Elegant Nomad while living in a Shelter in 2001 to investigate a condition of Human Existence which I had not covered in my then 12-13 years of writing peoples stories in my journals Talking To The Silence)
I entered and was given the bed Number 49, and then was invited by Jon Blackwell and his Wife Donna O’Sullivan to their home in 18 Mountain View.
Jonn Donna.. J.D… 104.. That is the rep of compass me Terrible Death’
Jonn Blackwell J.B.
Donna O Sullivan.. D.O.S… D.S..

I came back to bed 007.. Jay-mes Bond 007… to Manifest E..
ME V I US…That is the code I saw today on a cigarette butt…
I have Flipped the Script…
Micheal Belle
Marina Burini ( meaning that I was always in Alignment and not in the Prison my Father created for all Humanity to perish in, living out a continual Ground Hogs Day as Peter Nyarkô described for their constant betrayal of His Truth and imprisoning his Body.. his Universal Body, represented by myself, in a living hell of non existence.. Only my body was imprisoned, when I began to represent his body of Truth. It was manifesting that which was done to his Body. Sent into the abyss, the void of non existence for stating that His Truth does not Exist.
And therefore sending Him – part of him and yourselves into Non Existence.)

Micheal Belle..Embodied present here.
Tiffany SD
Tiffany Dawn Haynie present in E-Spirit..

Peter Nyarkô present in Body.
Robert Vlaun present in body.
Randall Michael present in body…
Leo is here age 17…Rep of the Q..

Chris who presents me coffees appeared later after Robert bought me the coffee.
Robert Coffee. is me.

7:48 p.m.
All are gifted and in their own ways have Supreme Divine Inspiration….
In fact that just literally played out, just now with Peter arriving here, and he was late.
I called him out, asking him why he did not text me- manners.
He did not greet Robert or Ms Brenda… And Robert Vlaun called him out- expertly.
He had told me earlier when I had called him, that he had spent the whole day at Flip J Hendrixs recording music.
I had noticed that his energy gets infected when he is there.
After Robert and then Ms Brenda had called him out with my agreeing. He told me he had problems opening the App which Jace Horsford had sent- moments later it after Robert touched it and I sent out a thought and it worked.
Later he told me that he felt as if he had become Flip J Hendrixs for a while. I then spoke of Peoples Energy fields and how it affects others…
I spoke about the recent MIT gadget which reads the inner voice in peoples heads.
I had also noticed that Obayashi had 191 Face book friends Sacred Portal 91 is Ms Manners, Ms Hell Fire…
Robert calling him out and Peters realization…
8:34 Portal Sacred 34… And the young lady Chinese American…2020 Vision… NZ8 That is the beginning of my social security number.. NZ 67 67 46

Thus, the code of Supernatural Divine Inspiration is completed and represented by Robert/ my aspect as Robert Coffee.

Robert Vlaun decided to buy me a coffee, I had indicated that I would like one but I could wait for him for Peter to come.
But he decided to get it for me anyway, the number is 48.

*See sacred Portal 48… “Beautiful Death as Transformation ” right now in NYC is 45 degree’s but feels like 39 degree;s..
45… D.E… 39.. C.I…

“Get Up, Stand Up…G.U…S.U…

We sick an’ tired of-a your ism-skism game –
Dyin’ ‘n’ goin’ to heaven in-a Jesus’ name, Lord.
We know when we understand:
“Almighty God is a living man.”
You can fool some people sometimes,
But you can’t fool all the people all the time.
So now we see the light (What you gonna do?),
We gonna stand up for our rights! (Yeah, yeah, yeah!

Robert Marley links to Randall Michael
And Robert Vlaun to myself as Robert Coffee.

RM.. RM.. is short for ROOM.
The code is Room with a View… A Beautiful View.
Michael Belle at the Shelter the Inventor age 64 who literally transmits “Father” has the name M.B.

St Martins St Barths Jamaica….

HILLZN8 .. was on the back of the Chinese American girls blue sweater who was sitting to my right with the 20 20 Vision code on her sweater. And 34 was the number on her bag.
I am aware of the set up.

I had hoped to write this post in Peace, but the plat took over…
Robert and I…and the young Chinese woman… the Miky Way Bar which I took from the last table, then later the arrival of Lawrence to my extreme Left, while Rahul D’Silva came and occupied the Table where the Milky Way Bar had been.
Too late.. I had the bar R MW.. And the Chinese American young lady sent as Witness by the Celestial Beings ..
* See the Winged Chinese Lady in my sacred Portal 111..
Then one by one the rest of the players arrived..
L.B.R…O..E…P.L…and Alex..( Alex Sierra ) Chris And EO…Kyle…

I am O.E…Lion of Judea.. ASS AD. D A S S AH!

E.O.S… Means Dawn.. E O.. Eternal Perfection…

L. B.R O E P L A C E S…


What Humanity have defined as God, and then imprisoned him in Definition which was incorrect, is not the Creator.
A Man is.
I am that man.
But I do not ask you to believe me, not am I here to convince you of that. All I ask of the public, who are reading this now to take that possibility, indeed by now the likely probability considering the evidence which I have presented.
And taking into consideration Robert Nesta Marley divine revelation in his anthem to Humanity ‘Get Up Stand
There is a reason that I find myself defending my Expression, who became my Sum and Son.

‘We know, when we understand
The Almighty God is a Living Man”

I had started to complete this post as the defense of my Sum/Sons Expression of this Script which he had imprisoned humanity to never rise.
To go out of Existence, for refusing to respect his Truth so apparent, so clear that I understand his Great Rage, but not the Script which he created for someone to live, who could life that Curse… for lack of better word but actually it was more of Consequence.. Cause and Effect of not paying attention to the obvious, choosing not to.

Why am I his Lawyer, the Devils Advocate against the Publics Persecution

*Both prosecutor and defense lawyer are attorneys who participate in the trial on the criminal cases. In contrast to the defense attorney who attends both civil and criminal trials, the prosecutor only works on criminal cases. In general, prosecutor charges the suspect and attempts to convict him/her.

The Public Prosecuted Father, put Him/Her M.E… ( P P.. 16 16.. 32.. 5.. E.. M.E Manifest Expression… ) on Trial for bringing then into Existence Creation to suffer and without any clue as to why Humanity is here, without purpose..
And They (You) Convicted Him and sent him into Non Existence and worse.

And without anyone going to investigate and discover His Truth or giving his right to speak up for Himself.
And so he in turn sent Humanity into Non Existence, which he had more of right to because in truth he had left evidence everywhere of his purpose and had sent messengers and messages over and over again to the point that it become a Ground Hogs Day for him of observing the same outcome over and over again.
He accused Humanity of Libel and sought punitive damages…

9:39 p.m



And locked Humanity in a Spiral of thier own Expression Echoed back to them…
Leaving only one possibility of redemption, a Labyrinth and Script of one or any one, who truly loved him with all their Mind Heart and Spirit..
One who would come to find him and hear his truth and point of view…

Contd… Sigh…

9:43 P.M.

I must return to the Shelter.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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