
1:22 a.m – A.V. – Sacred Portal

1:22 a.m


Sacred Portal 122.

Judi Maryjane JmM

So, I we are at 4997 Facebook Friends

I had been saying 4 then 3 left

3 is C

Left Right
Window of Opportunity



10 13.


Double V.V. V.I.E

Vie Life.
Leading a double life.
Like perhaps as a Secret Agent.

I just returned from my room. Guest Z.

On impulse I counter the Pennies near the C.D and silver couns.

Total 122.

I stared.

“You really are magic I heard myself say”

Total when I added the Quarter which had fallen yesterday

125 in silver coins.

Total 1.37 cents.

1:33 a.m.

And my body responded with joyous agreement while my being was quiet somber
” But you have always known… Emre..Emyrs.

And so I came back into the Kitchen and heard my phone…

Judith Maryjane.

Maryjane was my girlfriends name in University
Adoala ” Jewel of the Sea”

1:37 a.m.




But I am not at 4987…nor is it 3 or 4 left but add 10.

3 4 attains 4990 not 5000 which begs the question as to why no one cared or was interested in pointing that out…
Not even you Stephen Johnson ?

Well. Its 13 and 3 as 90 I.O. ( M.O.I…Me in the Story as the Spirit World
S W.
So I suppose it is Accurate Correct
Makes me wonder if I..we complete
I F.I.N..I at 4990?

It would make sense, allowing a space of 10.
Since that is all done with Liberty C Aurelia, Jeron Azure who moved to the 10th Stare and then came down to close the House at 900 South Road.

Yes. but what a tiring exhausting play.

So many want the end of this story but there are secretly those who at first could not imagine it possible much less conceivable by a person on Facebook and of course, me.

But as that possibility loomed more possible you revealed your true intentions and fears becoming spies.

I do not hold that against you, just the Deception but if you simply wished to learn my ways and use that to stop or defeat me and we truly became friends colleague but not Family
Or you would have Instantly found a way to come to me…
To show solidarity in immediate action
Just like the movies and real life here and in any Dimension in what you call the “Multi Verse.

See Liberty Liscomb film I shared

And I can feel the resistance in my body still with secret thoughts.

No, I would not blame you, it is your Individual right.

And I am Aware

And can understand your point of view.

Nor can any distraction you send by way stop me.

So 14 or 13… N.M.

Or D.C.. 4 3.

It really does not matter to me, and is way too far now for Kim Arthur Hinds Jr code he used as Noble Apology.
Which takes full responsibility of ones actions.

It simply is what it is.

My Facebook Friend can be my Foe.

But if you can not see my eyes, touch and physically feel my heart beat…

Then what more can this be but a Enders Game where the best man or woman wind…
Or better still is the Victot Victorious Victoria Jackson

2:06 am.
26 Z.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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