
2:40 pm. – B.D.O. – 2 4 6. – X.O.

2:40 pm.


2 4 6.




D.O.T. V.

D E-A-T .V.

D 6 6. D.A.


And so we have it the Lie and Liars conquered by the Victorius Truth.
Sixth Sense to Fact.

Through a truly sickening nauseating Script of the use as the lie of Woman -Man.
Woman versus True Man.
True Natural Expression.

Betrayal Treason Horror….Pervesion
Versus Beauty …The Beautiful Ones
repenting Naturals and Natures Beautiful Truth..Victorious.

It is always simple and easy to see when you are in the realm of Liars and Decievers, by the Set up. And by how ones Indvidual Freedom Liberty is taken away from you. And you find yourself in a controlled setting and you discover the reason why.

Prison Camp.

The Truth you are representing as Liberty Freedom -Free-Doom, Love is imprisoned and you understand why.

Truth is what makes people afraid,
Even if they agree with you,, people are afraid of the Truth Speaker, and will allow such people to be crucified and tortured as long as the spotlight is not on them.

There is nothing which really surprises me in this final play of the Ending
End Game and Enders Game of Humanities Extinction as a species and the Evolution of the Naturals.

In one interpretation one can see this as a contest between Brother and Sister…but that would be short sighted. Just as it would be say it was a contest and War of Man Versus Woman.
Or Power.

It was a Script, everything set up to the last detail…a Mis En Scene.
To the first day at 900 South Road where the first thing I noted on Liberty C terrace was a bottle with the words Power, and a front Page of Niel Armstrong’s (N.A) 1969, “Moon Landing”

Power Control….P.C.
Personal Computer- Brain to Being to Body..?

No, this was really all about proving Harmony in the Earth World and in all Creation, basically proving my One Fathers Truth some call God. but it really G.O.D.= 26
8 . H O.D

No. Nothing surprised me about this outcome of this set up and story Script, Liberty as 665 Facebook Friends.

What was astonishingly suprising is how long it was allowed to go on and a true overwhelming hortorific Nature Malice and a Hatred beyond words in a blatant disregard and over sight of the nature of the world we currently live in.
Of this Script where everything you already see coming and yet are forced to enter and go that way.

And finally the greatest abomination bri8ng a Natural body deformed by an illusion of lies and liars used as the blue print of Humanity, made to absorb all the abdominal expressions of Humanity from the large intestines transformed into a Large Boa Constrictor of a popular Harry Potter story film meant to mimic absorbtion in the Constition State 5th State. all so that people could come back to their True senses and Senseid – Nature and Natural Expression when there is absolutely nothing wrong.
Since the Body as well as Being was made in Perfect Symmetry and thus impregnable to the effects of anything not off Essence Harmony.

And demand a person to walk through it, proving it.
Backwards to the Mouth.

So Naturals could evolve and Awaken Transform and the Diseased infected and Possessed by Illusion and False Self Projections of themselves and everything could be cut out forever to make room for the new, and always intended designated and final destination of Hue-manity.

What will could ever Script and create such a play and force a being to walk through it to end end completion using the body as its Trump Card as well as the “Sins” Shame Blame and Guilt of you all.

I know the answer but I have spoken enough.

5000 Facebook limit.
4 times.

=9 -20.

Nidia Viola Virgina Nidia

Gwen King

Peresi Stone

Ridgeway Ridgeway .

First Letters


O.G P.R.

Last Name

V K.S.R. / R.S K.V.

There really is nothing left for me to say at this point.
I have 24 USD in my wallet and I am off to get some food.

A legal Alien and an Alpha-Lien. I was forced to Live as in the U S A for the last 21b+ years.
No bank account, no passport no Identification no social security and no Friends Loyal to an Idea, and Ideal which is in all, as I have proven by the arrival of Facebook Friends from over 100 countries around the world, from different ethnicities to cultures religions covering 7.9 billion people currently on this world stage.

And move all via a ripple Effect and osmosis via words and contact to evolve and Awaken and be Stable Level Bevel and Constant by being connected and committed after being in comma and Coma for 4 5 Million years in an idea of reality which most always suspected was a lie…that there was something missing, something lacking, but which most were too lazy to investigate and figure out, so they moved to embrace Hypocrisy Lies which were like a dirty bandaid to get through their lifes.

H. A.R. T. F. O..RD Connecticut.

/ T.U C. I.T. C.E.N.N.O C
D R. O F .T.R…A.H.

It was never really about the Tunning Fork Liberty gave to me.

It was about a simple fork a waiter gave me when Stephen- Esteban Miguel Filgueira.
E.M.F invited me to Flora Restaurant in 2018 way before He moved me here.
Which had engraved on its handle
“World 55”
That was your true play.
Not mine.

And it manifested 3 years later after 3 cycles Original to Carbon Carbon Copy from Diamond Clarity to Jet Black Coal ( J.B. C, and back to Diamond Light.

(But not with the Copy Cats.. Mimic Mime.)

With Kim Arthur Hinds Jr and his Father
Kim Hinds Sr.

Born 1987.
Born 1955.
Age code 66.
Room number 66.
Age 34.- 35 in November

Keys to his 11 00 USD apartment of which I was meant to be The Guest to the End.
C.Z Guest.
To Prove with Empirical Evidence Harmony A to Z and to Ah, Be Cee.using A B.C ..

I am present here today on Facebook because I opened my page and saw the number 17.

Easter Day.

And to give Evidence of there being more beyond the Limitations of this E N D Facebook Play.

Kathryn Savannah. K S.

Teresa Teresa T.T.

Anna Lois. A.L.

Are the names of 3 more Facebook Request waiting in the Wings.

Message intelligence

K.S. T.T. A.L. / L A. TT. S K.

First Letters

K. T.A. / A T..K…Kolo.

Last Name First Letter.

S.T.L. / L.T S.

Lucifer ( Light Bringer) The Source.

/;S.T. love.

Still The Source of Light & Loved…

Light Heartedness.

4:21 pm

D U. .C.

D.B.A… C K E Y S

4:22 pm



4:23 pm

D “E”W.

D V V..B

4:24 pm


4:25 PM

D B.E.
D .Y.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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