
4:40 pm. – D.D.O. – D.D.F. – A F. –

4:40 pm.


A F.

No, I am not coding or programming any longer.
Nor am I accepting any longer Facebook friends.

Ami Isabel was the last as the last and the End Game
Aligned to Stephen Johnson and his granddaughter Amelia Jane A.J.

While Regina Natalia aligned to the Target and Goal Attained. 5000 x 9.

14. 45.
Nature N. 45 Planet Earth
4.5 Billion years old.
And by late brother Nnamdi birth code as April 5th, 1969.
(4-5-69 as written here in the USA.
Really 5/4/69 as written in Europe where he, I and my sister was born.)

14-45 =

Total 59.

Aligns to 4-5-69.

54 is my Age Code 6×9 =54.
9×6 =54.

D E.

D E E.D.

Sacred Portal 99=1.A.

Queen Elizabeth Birthday was the last play of the End Game.

Her of official false Birthday is Arden Gemino- Birthday 6-12.
F L.
First Light.
6 12 is 18 Ah R- Reflection. Resolution Reaction.
R.R R.
54 .55.
1- 18.

I bought myself some Creme Half & Half for my coffee, only to find that I have 19 U.S D left in my wallet

A I.
Arden I.
Eneka Kolo.

Queen Elizabeth real Birthday is 4-21-1926.

Why do you suppose that he Official Birthday is on 6-12?

Unintentionally or Intentionally pre-meditated like this set up and play of my life for 54 years and in the illusion 56.
And the code of D I.E 65 delivered here to my our door here and only I was present to receive it yet Liberty C whose Facebook page I checked for one of the first times was at 566 Facebook Friends?
Or that Stephen Johnson- the one constant presence on my page was or is at 383 Facebook Friends aligned to C.H.C.
Connecticut Hartford C.
Connecticut Harwington Consciousness.
Here are the numbers of codes which appeared on my Facebook Page when I opened it today.
It was constantly changing until it settled when I opened my Facebook page to number 49.

39 58, 68, 107, 49

As you are all aware there is a fundamental reason that I do not trust this play Script but I do trust my self as well as my Being and Body and your Individual responses such as those I can see align with the play Script I was deciding such as our interactions which have a Transparency and a record which the entire planet can see.
Nevi Ehko
Stephen Johnson

And Kim Arthur Hinds Jr when I know he is paying attention

5:22 pm.

I mean, really how can you put a lone man against not only 7.9 billion people and a force which controls the E.M.Field of an entire adult Planet Peopled mostly in a deep coma and comma.
And create a set up like the one I had to walk through in a world asleep in Death as a lie?
And move just one man, from birth 8 pm to prove himself as The Source in a reality not even real, but the people in such deep sleep and coma do, except the ones who suspect it is not real, can not be like this, who see the entire species enslaved but could not prove it that this is a lie?

And those who fight with super powers in them are immediately pinpointed targeted and given such harrassment like David Brown harrassed by the C.I.A.
That not only will no one believe but they will be scared to, knowing that they too will be targeted and attacked to .
Driven insane. Tortured Tormented endlessly
What kind of courage and bravery it would take to engage in a battle and war you can not win?

To quote the Borg Queen in the Star Trek series
“Resistance is Futle”

Unless some Mad Man…
A Fool.
A Village Idiot
An Innocent
Finds himself spirited away to this playing field when he knows he is Home but instead finds his Home transformed into a Universal Lie.
At first he is confused and seeks to understand this realm he finds himself on.
Confident in the Truth of His Home he knows it must be in Perfect Harmony and so investigates why.
Until he begins to understand
His first reaction is ” Let me out!”
But he is locked out, and then told the only way out is to prove his Home Consciousness Infinite and Eternal as he knows it is, is by providing Evidence Empirical Evidence Facts and proof all can see how this realm his his Home but twisted inverted perverted to an almost entirely different definition of Truth but an illusion a lie.
So outrageous that indignation takes over.and what you people settled and accepting this Misery and suffering as the real world, and the Truth of Human Nature and Humanit and the Human Condition call the Fool and the Village Idiot…and the few who see and understand what you have resigned yourselves to accepting that resistance is Futlie.
Especially on realizing that the Entire reality is under the control of the Borg Queen.

So the “Fool” does not see himself as a fool or lost as he realizes that he is locked out from his Eternal Home.
Because despite the perverted reality he now finds himself in.
There is still the seed and Expression of beauty and the Beautiful even in this aberration of the Original Truth.

And so he fights back.
What else I ask you can he do?
He can not be anything other than himself.
He can not hide or adapt or pretend to make do, because everything he says and does is watched observed and he is in a fake E.M.Field which sets every moment of his Life, his being to a situations and conditions in which he can ignore or be quiet. That his entire existence and experience in this realm was pre-set to be a challenge to prove his Original Truth.
Orginal Expression

That he must fight.
Or leave his body and this set up which he now understands is a play theater created for him to prove his Point.
Perfect Symmetry
Perfect Timming
Perfect Harmony

That he can not leave his body
no matter how he may try because that which locked him out of his home had already thought of this and that he might choose this way to escape
It has access to his Body, and knows that he will not leave his Body because his Body unlike others is in Perfect Harmony Symmetry with his Being and hence Expression which is Eternal and Infinite.

So he realizes the depth of the Cruelty and Hatred that which he had given his Eternal Trust in.
That which rose after him.from within him.

That he as E Rose.
Had done the Impossible
It had betrayed its Source so that he would do the unthinkable so a New Originsl Species and Body aligned to Being would rise, and from the Ashes of the Original natural Body which had been so.twisted and perverted that he as the Author became so desperate that he had done such an action to the Source in which had arisen from.

If there was any Agony and Suffering I experienced here and which I knew you could not understand, except through a Story and your imagination. … it was this.

6:22 pm

F V.

Fritz Venneiq
F A.

To you my Story Narrating was for you to decide whether it was Fictional and a long winding journey Sacred Portal 55.
World 55…
To see and experience feel it as a Fact, ( E.F)

But there was One called Eternal Nnamdi who knew it was always an Eternal Fact.
E F. A.C T. E-A. Crowned already Supreme
After all, he set me up Alicia Norris he Spirited me away here, through the wrong way.

There is a poem I wrote in my Journals, Talking To The Silence ( 79) called Take A Ride With Me ( T A.R….W.M.
/ M.W. R.A.T… yes…Rat.the black Car who would visit 217 Downstairs)

It was written in London in 1991- Paris 1992.

That is when I knew
I had been transformed into the Manuscript Cowned.

*” En Face’ Oposite, The Gard De Nord Paris

Manu & Stephan.
Erika Chamberlain Rue de Oberkamp, Le Bastile.

Well, my body is loosening but not healed.

So with my 19 USD I am off to 15 44 C Town to get some groceries

But at least you all know and Arden Alexander I & I, obviously wanted you all know the Absolute Truth Satya.

And why I arrived in Hartford Connecticut
114 Grant Moore Motel
( G- R.A.N.T.
The Rant at G note color tone.
The Beautiful Graceful Rant.
Golden Ratio. Awake Naturally.Ti Te.
G.R. A. N.T)

With the Shadow Project on a Truck behind me as the Black Panther.

I made it clear to all that I came To Destroy

It was only because of Aware Nnamdi who made me, knew me well enough to help those who would listen to how you could help your selves by simply listening to the intel of my Take on Life via my Life Story.

Anastasia Hart
6;50 pm.

Even if it was through an Lie and illusion of my being born her of Woman in 1965.

6 5O.

Really as Sixth in Harmony in Gracefull Infinity
The Premier Firsr Individual
Snow Flake.

His name meaning…
S.P 121.

Puritys Peak and Hieghest Point.

The Pure Intention Intelligence of A Naughty Mischievous Beautiful Devil.
The Boy.

The Beautiful Assassin
The Beautiful Truth
The Beautiful Youth.

I am.

6:58 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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