
11:50 am – I just wanted to giv

11:50 am

I just wanted to give credit to John Mack .

It was John Mack who insisted that I meet Andrey Klebanov
( Newington Connecticut
Water Man)
When were living here in 2019 on the 3rd Floor.

It was because Andrey kept on seeing the code 58.
E H.

And it was driving him to Distraction.

I told him, very happy and grarified.

As you have witnessed with the final play on my page how many years later via Stephen Johnson

Stephen John’s Son.G.
And Ami Isabel
Aligned to his Grandsughter
Anelia Jane.

( A.K.A. Anelia Earhart
The First Female Anerican
The American Navigator)

And the 5 8
5000 Limit 8 times.

And to Jeron Satya as Earth Heart.

That J.M.was spot on in insisting I meet and speak with Andey who turned 25 Yesterday.

That is 6th sense in a Natural Expression of 6th Sense crowned Supreme
On 4-19-2022.

4- 25.
Delta Y

For the Rexord
And your children and descendants to be very proud

12:05 am


See Sacred Portal 97.

12 6.
L. FF.


12:07 a.m


Captains Log.

C L.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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