
7:39 pm. – G.C.I. – 4-22-2022. –

7:39 pm.





Dance Group.

D-V-Ti! Vie.

1544 Right
1544 C-Town, Left.


I asked Alicia Norris and as I had expected with her 8 Mutual Facebook Friends she her response was in Perfect Harmony
– her notification just appeared on my page as I wrote the words Harmony.

A N.

So there was only one person left to align to Harmony which is the one right here present Kim Arthur Hinds Jr

I had, we had already aligned Stephen Johnson and Stevie SS to 8.
And it resulted in the appearance of his Grandaughrer Amelia Jane.
A J.
Azure Jeron.

Arden Jay.
Aurelia Jaden
Ferrill Relily.
Ferrill Ferrell

I am now at 49 95 Facebook Friends and Queen Elizabeth is now 96.

95 aligning to Kim, Serenity and her mother also called Queen.

95 is I.E.

9+5 = 14.N. A.D ( After Death) ADE which means Crowned” in Yoruba Language but we have established that we are no longer in a Ethnic play, but the Ethnic Odyssey
E F.

E F= 11.
E F A-A. S P 33. “Arouses- Awakened”

And Alicia Kim.
Is A.K.
” 1 11″
Meaning Golden Noble Aristocratts.

Now it is Full Circle
K A.
Kim Aurelia

And most of this END Game is posted under comments to Gwen King
G K – 711
24 7 , Always Open- Seven Eleven. S E/ E S.

So you can read it and I do not have to break it down again
Or the riddle of the Drummer upstairs downstairs because it is all depicted in Saceed Portal 121 ( 4)
And why it is Harmony with 4 USD in my wallet
4/4 =1.A.

15 44
15 44
O O 1-1
O 8
O 8.
O Harmony
O Harmony
One Harmony


See the sign over the Drummers head in Sacred Portal 121.

See the play of the Statue at Asylum Avenue.
4 Male Warrior of Anerican Indian
Aka Native American Indians
Female above also 4.
And the Crowning One above as the Stag.E.
Williams Shaekespeare
The 7 Stages of Man. Kind.

Connect Niel Armstrong’s N A
To Alicia Norris A N.


Nana the name of my Japanese Austrian (.J.A / A.J) “Girl Friend in 1990-1991.
First connected with my close friend David Campillo.
And she went out with me.

See Anerican Spirits Tobacco
Abd its color I always buy Marine Blue.
Color of the Agean Sea.
Ege Mutaf
E M who I met when he was aged 9 years old.
Abd how I recognize Arden Gemino- before I met him a few days later, from a photograph on the Frifge in the Kitchen age 9 taken by his God Nother
Charlene Johnston. C J

Kim gave me 20 USD.
Anerican Spirits now cost 18-19 US D.
20 19

Let’s call it an even 2020.

Kim was paying 950 USD for his daughter Serenity
Quite a lot.
But I was also aware of why it came to that amount
I coded it.

One to take responsibility
And not be taken over by that which I saw and recognized as American greed.

But also ny acknowledgement of his having been Elected and Chosen by both Nnamdi and David.
D N.
( 18)
To be a player abd witness to the END GAME.

Just as Stephen was Elected as the Candidate for the Enders Game
See N.E. Nnamdi as E
David as E.
N.E = 19
D E….= 9.


Let me clear, this is and has been the Highest Play in all Existence Cosmos
Human were not meant to be involved and that is why most of Humanity were put to sleep in a Deep Coma.
To Awaken when Evolution Everything was done.
But two lines of the E Family Sacred Portal 110.
In male and female lines elected from Humanity as Naturals and Nature two lines
That which they saw awaken even after being put to coma, comma in their “I Pods”
Stirr and begin to Awaken in the Universal Simulation called Deep Thought.

That was actually meant to be Impossible

Impossible Burger but there has always been something about Human Naturals and Human Nature which has always been Extrodinary and Astonishing

That is why the idea of Hue many becoming Cosmic Universal Amassadors to all Awakened Creation Existence took hold.

Mother Father
And Father as Mother.
Were accused by the Alien- A-lien Council of Frank Watchers and Obervers of being and having gone to far in their Ambitions and Authority.

And so thier play was suffered with Strings, sanctions hence Sacred Portal 12.
Limits and Limitations in case this species they did not trust, threatened all Existence Creation Truth.

This was not a children story.
This was Extinction Evolution not a play for a new species untried and untrained not even inked in.

8:47 pm

I have to agree a bit with the point of view of the Ovservers and Watcgers…
Look at the Truth of Humanity- an abomination but where I did not agree was the potential I saw in the few Individuals

8:49 pm.

That is how I found my self spirited away and without my permission to play Cosch and assistant coach.

Mr Parker.
Mr Allan. Allen in my own personal blue print of my life at Grade School in Winnipeg Canada Windsor Park.
1972-1976, 77 before we moved to Nigeria which for some strange reason I always sensed it was becaude of me rather than us the 4 children and my parents

Could two lines as Particle and Wave of the lowest frequency not even yet in Creation but in a Quarantined Green House Nursery School
Do the Impossible if coached by a chosen and very reluctant Champion go that deep undercover to coach by example these Chosen Ones.
Prove with Evidence AY
20 20 Vision
Perfect Symmetry
Perfect Timming
Perfect Harmony

In Hindsight
In a play.
Mission Impossible 7.

That has been my world.
And the meddling of my Original Inent.
The True Conversation which took place between Expression Energy and Atom Ah Tom

9:03 p.m

96 3.
Queen Elizabeth is 96.

9;04 p.m


Room 904 Red Rooster plus Hotel.
Asylum Avenue

I F D.
I 64.


96. 6.

All via 6th sense…
To I Fact.



Sacred Portal 97… 79.

16. 16/16.



By having a 1 2 1
One two One conversation with The Source as a man.
Like themselves?

9:09 p.m

Sacred Portal 66
Transformed to 99.

The Keys

And the rest as Bam El Lobo Vega posted today.

9:11 pm

Garbage Trash
Ground Zero

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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