
3:19 p.m – 3:16 pm – C.S. C A.I.

3:19 p.m

3:16 pm

C.S. C A.I.





D- Y-( 20 22 42- 6. 8)

D-Y- F-H.

D- Y- H-I.


You will have to excuse me today.

I know that now no matter what today is the scheduled last day where I am literally forced to stop posting as access to Facebook is denied from Tomorrow.

And I can not post the play and intel which was generated today.

My day started with my body.
And it was so intense today, I could hardly move which of course led me to have to figure out what the devil was going on.

It did not take long because Kim Arthur Hinds Jr came out after leaving me alone to deal with the what he could hear clearly from his room.

When he did come out to in a pause as I took a breath. He had all the intel contained in his experience last night at his work place.

It began with a person called T.J.
And a healer called Sage who touched his body and just like that to his astonishment he felt a burning sensation at her touch which turned into a healing cooling balm and suddenly he felt extraordinary better.

Many of my older Facebook Friends will recall that Kim used to go by the names Tree. Sage.

And so Kim and I found ourselves locked in a conversation of exchange of intelligence all about the codes and the body.

The Being and the Body, the later as Time and how it was limited from its limitless Expreesion. Immortality
Self Generation

And how it became eroded by Age as decay and decomposition from it’s natural Statr of self regeneration and this malady of Illness Death and via old age.

And its return from that state back to Beautiful Transformation but through the long, long tedious way.

Tension Strees
T.S. Expressions wave lengths from people and all which surrounds us and the E.M.F.

I saw a picture today of Esteban Miguel Filgueira and his brother Nathaniel Thomas Bywater wedding
He looked Steong and posture errect.

I smiled and let me seize this moment to Express Congratulations to Nathaniel and Leanna Falco on thier marriage.

So it came as no suprise the direction the conversation took.

Unfortunately I can not share or express or explain all the intelligence and knowledge which came flowing forth from the conversation between Kim and I.

Or the Expression of the Universal Body and all the weight through the ages it has borne via billions trillions of bodies through out the ages of the Existence of the Huam but Natural body and how people absorb unnatural frequencies of which most times people are not even aware of until it is lifted and healed.

But I will say something which Kim said to me, that his greatest concern at that experience of feeling his body healed, was the trepidation of having to feel that weight again.
Better to not have had that experience at all. If you know it will go back to that experience again.

I know.

It was a Message to me that after 18 years that my body is and can be healed and back to being healthy.
Hat it is true nothing was wrong with it but that I had been made to experience this illusion as real of one literally carrying the weight and weight of the World.

Stephen Johnson has a Facebook Friend called Bill Lord.
B.L/ LB… LB is Pounds. Weight.

Here even as Kim and I converse a bill code CC arrived for Randolph Lord.

And that Randolph as Kim explained to me was the brother of the older man I saw yesterday who told me that John Mack and Mackayla Burgos had paid him.a visit and were expecting a child, that this brother of Randolph was and had been the one who had not only lived a very unhealthy life but had lived her after Randolph Lord, and it been a very bad story with drugs and conflict to he had to move out.

Kim also spoke of feeling the sensation of feeling as though he had been whipped and as Sage lightly touched his body last night, of having the sensation of the burning soothing sensation of those whip marks being healed.

I can describe to you more in detail what this means for all of you and your bodies, and its Transformation as well as my first professional Art Desiggn exhibition in London Camdem at Nicholas Levjne restaurant in 1991 called The Body As Living Art.
( T.B.A.L.A)
Or that fact, myth legend of the body cellar regeneration ever cycle of 7 O.
Or the reason I ended up last night with 7 USD in my wallet
And this morning it became 27 USD.

But I am done with all that proving and explaing.
And in time Kim Hinds is the witness to the end who can recount the last days and the intel to an Evolved and Awakened world people.

It has been to harrowing an experience in having to play a man from the future present sent down to a realm of Zero, to help others catch up to a Script. And story. Curriculum vitae in which allows many to see at the speed of light.
Which is the true meaning of Perfect Timming


The Point

4:33 pm.

I know that code…
It was on a segment of the Series Euphoria ”
And yes, where Nathaniel and Leanna live is in Oregon thre 33rd state.
Scared Portal 33
33 Vertebra in the Human Naturals body
As Spinal Chord once with an extension called The Tail.
Via the Cadual- Vertebra.

Zero Creation Mentality has grown up to transform from Non Existence
N E.
To Full Circle O.
O G O G King Map
O Gwen King

O H.K.
O.I.K.G M.A.P. / P. A.M. Daw6
Event Horizon
Scared Portal 16. 111.
99 118.
9 +18
7 + 18= 25.

But all I wish to say or add is that the last time I saw Esteban Miguel Filgueira healthy and alright he had tossed me a gift of 220 USD. More thar a year and 6 months ago.

That is what the mirco Wave was on today, which you know has been acting as my Thermometer of the Awareness Awakening Electro Magnetic Field
1 24

The next and last reading today was 125.


Evidence AY

Nathaniel Thomas Bywater once introduced to his then Fiance, Leanne Falco L.F as aka Harmony

Harmony Gema H.G.
Is the representative of that on my page blue print.

It is nice to see that Leanne had chosen or been given the correct middle name.

I have 7 new. Facebook Friends waiting.
I am currently at 4998 Facebook Friends after attaining 5000 Facebook Limit 9 times and twice.


As for me I have been tired for ages of posting and coding programming for the Record log book ( L.B)
And Mitochondrial Bean Shaped
Everyday Energy DNA to evolve into D.N.E

But as you know, and some of you with deep rooted skepticism & Suspicions and Superiority as disbelief. ….

I have stated that it has been literally my own body Awakening who has been controlling and dictating me as well as evolving by controlling and containg my Being and consequently my body to decode write and breakdown explain Harmony = Energy.


And I can not say it was pleasant more like Awakening from A most Terrible Dream.
– A Nightmare to be honest.
So you can begin to imagine my eagerness for the Awakening and to be forever gone from here.

5:18 pm
E R.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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