
9:26 pm – And one last thing Li

9:26 pm

And one last thing Little Sister Liberty C Freedom Equality Harmony C.

Flat Earth.
18o Degree Ear- Ring Earth Gaiah.
2 90 Degeee Earth.
Page in A Book Earth

And of course, Universal Simulation Awakening Evolution Earth.

I have been here present for.54 Earth years.
( 56 is a lie)

And I spent 22-21 yeare Quantifying Earth for 10-11 ,years on Facebook a Public Domain and I have measured and proven Harmony by Numeric Qualification and Human ecpreeeion
Lyrical Conversation from 9 .7Billion People to a mathematical code sequence of 7.9.to 9.7.

Represented by Jesse Macias Orejuela father of Zion.

To you Libert C.and Young baby Jeron to Axure Lee Finch Lang.

It has been quantified in a Quarantined Zone
( First Time Ever In the Histoy of the World.
E Versionn.is to get consensus of time off To Think and Reflect on The Truth of your Species and Specific Specified Future)

9;51 pm

Arden I.

That being said l, the fact that my Equation is not only Victorious and Manifest and in front of you all.

Let me remind you that no True Reality or Expression Creation, Aka Gorden of Deligh.
Expression Paradise can ever be measured or quantified

Only a closed and contained can.

And echo back as you have seen countless times on my page through the last 10-11 years.

Each was milestone to me as I noted our ascension from the Depths to the Hiefht at the same time.

Hence Dana Hawkins Present.

D H.

4 8.




9:59 m

That is all.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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