
8:38 p.m. – I C I – H C H. – Hell

8:38 p.m.


H C H.


I suppose I should say Good Bye… now.

Harmony was my mission Impossible 7 – 8.

And that has been proven despite the abomination The Script was Translated into.

There has never been The E.ND .
End of Everything including Existence and all the Cast and Crew Transformation back to their real selves

But to be Honest, it should never gotten this bad, a lone person coding it programming it, challenged and contested through every frequency Vibration Layer of Existence as the Lie and Transformation back layer after layer person after forgetting that all Hope was lost.

You can not place that sole responsibility on the one being Aware Awakened.

It makes this appear as a Joke but as you can see it was not.

It’s all about True Confidence as True Clatrity.

W .5.E

The last persons I have spoken to was Liberty C yesterday

And today with Chris Filgueira

L C.L. E. Emeka
C.A F..E. Emeka.


8; 50 pm.

As most are aware, I have never agreed with this Script. I could translate it back to it Origins its Original Trurh.
Original Intention
Original Version

And Expand upon it.

F.E / E.F.

But it is Evil.
Evil allowed to go so far by the lines of Nature and all those who forgot to play their role once I met them and Activated Memory

But they simply went back to sleep and this realms as all there is and this as thier new home.

8:56 pm

But I got to its end

10 11.

There is no saving Grace from what I have experienced and witnessed.

There is a Sel Serving Nature of Everything even the One cast in the role to play Existence

In short the whole things was and is a mess.
Not responsibility, no self accountability.
In the end it may have been a success. and that was only because I was forced to labour on via Evil and way beyond.

It used everything. Every word even my book against me, twisting its meaning to serve it’s own purpose to force the One bear Extension after Extension and so much more added which was not meant to be part of the play Script

In short, it Evil and that is now for me a proven fact.

It did things. Manipulating Deception even the Lie as Love.

9:06 p.m

I do not believe in any of it.
Except what by my force of will that which I coded and saw the Confirmation Seal
Stamp of Approval.

I know what happened what was done how it was done, even as you slept in a comma.

That is the true source of my eagerness to leave this play, what I experienced…

9;10 pm

S.P 910.

9:11 p.m

But then most of you do understand what I mean or even what you were reading.

That takes Creativity and Imagination which people here do not really have, anymore except on T.V. Computers.

So I will leave it at that.

Not really the way I wished to say bye.

At least to this 10-11 years of posting

But it is what it is…

I have learned to accept that

Each now to his or own Perception of Reality

9:15 p.


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