
1;26 pm – A-Z – 1:27 pm – A-A. – En

1;26 pm


1:27 pm

Enders Game.


Ref Nevi Ehko

The E Version of Endsrs Game is a lot more sophisticated and Intelligent than the idea of this realities version.
But the basic premise is the same but add Ready Player One.
And the search for the Easter Egg E E
55 Fork at Flora Restaurant F.R.

And Tunning Fork.
20 6.
26 8
29 =11.


A play took place between Kim Arthur Hinds Jr myself and Liberty C today at 11 m to 12 pm.


Do you all remember the Last intel from Kim and intel of the Man wearing the Yankees Jersey?
And how I knew that the 26 had to inverse to 29.

When Kim mentioned that he had seen the 26 instead of 29. I knew I required more posting as Rocket Fuel to complete the A.B.C.. K Equation.

Which is why much to my exasperation with this Enders Game, I posted yesterday and added E.K and 5 000 limit at 9 times twice and then 5 10.
5 11. 16 P.
5 12. 17.Q.

Which is 2-3 over the limit as sacred Portal 59.
“End of the Story” + 3


E Quantum

Kim handed me this ….

20 USD Bill with the number 29 on it.

Meaning that 26 had moved to 29.

No longer 26 8 East 4th street
But Dec 1992.
When I saw the Light Fantastic Luminosity
Aligned to the Glowing Orb revealed in my S Crystal Topper which revealed the hidden O

Perfect Symmetry

Stephen Popiotek .
S P.
Sac6res Portal out of the Maze Labyrinth of Language Sound
Numbers and Colors
29 × years ago.

And the proof of lies of Omission that I and we were still in the 4-7 week. 7-4 week play of Lydia and Edwin
Lydia and Al.santa


Also aligned to my Biological Father as the Dungeon and Dragons

Sacred Portal 910.

The inverse of Judas ?scariot ( Boston Massachusetts B.M)

Basically escape the Absolute Zero

My Bio Father was called I.K

Please see the serial numbers

K 11.
I.K 666 78 8 23 A.

I.K 66 67 88 23 A.

So Z as 26.
Is confirmed as turned to 29.
Being Infinite.
Being Individual
Being 26 +ABC. 1 2 3 =×29.

Dec 1992/ 29 91. B.I.&I.A.

Arden Alexander Alicia Norris Awakening

2:00 pm.

A play took pla

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