
6/11/2018 20:29 – Facebook Post

It is the 29…November…

Kasien Thompson is 11-29- 63… I passed through his portal..
Kyle Murphy is age 29…
K is 11… Meaning Mirror reflections…
Kyle’s best Friend is Randall a blonde dude
Kyle is going to the Wave Concert… on July 28th with Karl.. who is friendly with Randall Michael Wiltz…

Kevin Wavegodsunnyg Gordon
Kevin G Gordon… born 7:28 p.m.

I am born November 28.. 8 is 9…89/ 89…. 17… 8.
And after O is the portal..

Van size 13… 11.5 Timberlands… 11…Converse….

*I can not believe the codes I am being asked to align over and over again…
Ophiuchus… is the 5th Element…
The Babylonians omitted it because it was Tidy…? 12… 500 200 500 USD… Billy Hung…?

Perhaps but there is a higher reason and purpose as to why it was omitted..
It had to embodied, Exemplified by a Man… and as truth of the I.D of Man. N…
Man as Naturalness and thus Supreme over Nature… The 5th Element and the 1st Element of the 1st which is the 5th…
151 was the code I bought a pair of scissors for yesterday..
It is the bed which Randal inhabited after Talyor Law who linked to Lawrence who became Lovers here at Delta Manor…
He died DEFIANT Suicide…
Thus, Death had to be conquered and proven as Transformation and not the End..

V T C…/ C T V… Creation is Literally T.V… Television.. “Ti Violet”.. “Te! Purple” T P..
And how on earth can you prove that Death is not an End?
You have to prove that not only can you cross over, but that you can communicate with someone who “Died” and sustain a conversation ( CONVERSE) with such a being infront of the entire world and in this case sustain it publicly for 6.5/6 years that someone is obviously conversing with me.. And that I am not talking to the Silence.. That the Silence has a sound…
If you listen… carefully…

Yes.. I have been conversing with my Brother, My Younger Self my past.. Nnamdi.. since 1989… “Talking to The Silence” and solving his Riddles while navigating the Mess of ages here and the Challenge of the Void as Nature Morte… Nature as Death as the End… even Terrible Death if you could not solve the riddle and “move the Stone Rock Boulder” from the Tomb as Jesus is said to have done as Yeshuah…. Abel De Yeshua Yeshua…. A D Y Y… A D 25 25… A D 50… A D E.O… A D E F…. After Death Eternal Realm Definitely Exists… But to open that portal it had to be DEFINED…Given
A DEFINTION…. I D I D… I D MANN… E…Infinite Harmony Perfect Timing to Cee See Everything it requires to See at reach given moment…

Flash Gordon… F G… Recall that play when I left from 268 to Miami Florida after returning from 18 Mountain View… I spent 9 months at 18 MV.. and 2 Months in Miami…
“Donna Jonn” Husband and Wife…. H A W.-A II… H A W=E… D J… / J D…..
Erik and Jim… Father and Son… F A S …T…. F A S T… .. Add T and L.. Love -Harmony… F L A S H… ..Gordon…. F G… 6 7. 76…
Speed of light… C…. E…
Faster than a Speeding Bullet…

Nnamdi passed in 1982..

8:02 p.m Right now….

36 Years ago…
36 on my locker..

11 Randall.. Two Randalls… R M W…
11 18… 29… 58…
R R… 18 18… 36… My coffee at the Arab Bodega was again Number 9 as yesterday…
99 18…

Star bucks 47… 11… 11 18… 29….

29- 11 to 1-20… November 29th to January 20… 20 _29= 49… D I… See sacred portal 49… And see Alaska Nome the 49th State…
To reach the 5Oth State in this evil play.. One had to pass through the 4th Kind… Nome Alaska… Sum Total of Human Evil and Cruelty…
Recall I entered the system at B R C.. 2015.. From 268 East 4th street… To bed 49…

* I moved to Paris, January 20th 1992… USA Presidents inauguration.

41st President G H…W B…. 7 8 W E B…. My Govt Phone William Bracey was bed 4-005… I was bed 4-004… 44 45…April 5th… 44 54…
13 47.. 313 67 78…
H is G… 41…D A… See sacred portal 41… and 42…

Harvey Wienstien…
William Hung…
All Codes.. All a Web… G B… George Bush… Great Britain… Golden Blue…. 72/ 27… 9 9… 18… 9… I..

George Herbert Walker Bush is an American politician who served as the 41st President of the United States from 1989 to 1993. Prior to assuming the presidency, Bush served as the 43rd Vice President of the United States from 1981 to 1989. Wikipedia
Born: June 12, 1924 (age 94 years), Milton, MA
Vice president: Dan Quayle (1989–1993)
Presidential term: January 20, 1989 – January 20, 1993

* The United States presidential election of 1992 was the 52nd quadrennial presidential election. It was held on Tuesday, November 3, 1992. Democratic Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas defeated incumbent Republican President George H. W. Bush, independent businessman Ross Perot of Texas, and a number of minor candidates.’

I lived at Hells Kitchen… Near Clinton Ave…
He went visit the Mystics of the Dogon in West Africa… they have knowledge of the Stars..
Bill Clinton…. B C …. 2 3….5 E..

I.E…Ikemefuna Emeka… I D M A N N…. M A… 14 14… 28… B.H… A- Z+ 2…B… I D M A ..B…/
B A M.D..I..
Bam El Lobo Vega
M.D…is I… MD Hand Sanitizer….
Being “Infinite Harmonious ) A.M… Delta.. is I. Emeka..
E I… Beautiful Awareness Manifested AM…David I…

8:29 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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