
10/15/2018 21:16 – Facebook Post

10/15/2018 21:16 – Facebook Post

From Vincent Ponnet

116 Likes… A.P… Not Apollo Perez as the play has proven…
23 Comments … W.. Double V in French…
40 Shares .. D.O… Bed 4-016… Now 4-015… occupied by myself first as 16.. and now by Victor Kasim Hudson… as bed 15…

This was shared May 16, 2014… 5-16-2014… Numeric Code translates as E.P…T.N… Eternal Perfection ( Earth Planet) True Nature.
* Please go back to that date on my script/ Face book’ the play goes back 6.10 months…
and posting goes back almost 10 years…

This is the play of the E.T.. Extra Terrestrials which is why humans were never meant to be part of this play.
Naturals, yes.. Naturals are those who are still as Children – Open Minded or Wise Men and Women- who are also as Children because they recognize Truth….

Hence the Exquisitely Beautiful play and script which Jace Horsford who was here again when I arrived noted with awe.. finally now that I have managed to get his attention.

( Recall the birthday of Excellent Healer who is also Chi Excellent
E.H.. C.E… Age He/She put on face book 113… A-A C. Full Circle Consciousness.. Creation .. Complete… Earth 3rd Planet from the Sun…
Birthday aligned with 10-13- 69… and 10-13-88….
69 Equates to Emmanuel Nnamdi… born 4-5-69… who is me MW69
88 Is the numeric code of the name EMEKA KOLO… 35 53.. 8 8…
35 is the code of the Coffee which Jace Horsford bought me yesterday…
It is sacred portal 35 “C E The Point.. ” C E.. Consciousness Eternity which I was given as a role ( against my will to share because of the manner imposed “Force” and because I know Humanity are not real- just a work in progress…)
53 is sacred portal “One Day has Come.. DAI…” And is the bed number at B R C of Keith Grant line of me as Ancestor ..

-I was in bed 49.. That was at B.R.C.2015..When I was forced to enter the containment field to prove on a template selected by the Abomination which became the sum total of cause and effect of the current Human mentality … Cruelty and Evil beyond words to describe.. despite the pretty picture they paint of themselves…

88 H H .. Infinity Infinity… H H I I .. 88 16.. P… 99…18…R…
89 89… 17 17. 34… 7..7=8… How.. 1-7.. 1+7= 8…Because 1 to 7..
Flora Rainbow
Rainbowbluelove Skyheartangel when merged created Transparent “White ” Light from out of the Blue…. Blue is the 5th Note.

7:58 p.m.

.. Yes Jace Horsford saw the exquisite awe of the play, after 2 years in which I was being forced to make him see it, educate his line…
10-13.. Is J.M… Jump Man… There is no such thing as Zero…

8:00 p.m right now…

This 10+13… 23…W… Does not Equate.. except as Double V… Words “Mot”/ Tom..”Twin” Word Twin… WT… 23 20.. 43..
Sacred Portal Door of Life is 43.

This I have equated through a really foul script…using such a long way to that which is a simple equation of common sense.
1 O… 13… A.O M… A M… ( Dawn).. Awareness Manifested.. through one Full Circle of Awareness Alpha and Omega which caused Manifestation of 1+13..1- Passes through the point of the full circle… = 14… N… Nature Rose from the Nothingness…

8:07 p.m

* I am coding right now… on the Hologram called the Matrix.. your reality.

Nothingness manifested Nature… your body is made up of Nothingness… Ashes to Ashes Dust to Dust…

Tell me, that vital essential part of yourself, can you see it.. ?
But you can see it through this Body right.. But Being is really that which moves the Body and Energy moves Being does it not?
And what moves “Being”?
A Wave… Air Wind ..Expression does it not… AWE…

..It was an exquisite play N N = 14 14.. 28…
My date of birth 11:28… Add.. 39…C .I..

My coffee which Jace Horsford bought was 39… He already had a cup.. it had the number 35.. C.E… So he saw me.

Dawn Piercy
Anthony Bienke
Isabelle Ilic

Recall the expression I posted frequently about my solving this or equation Einstein’s E=Mc2 as the equation which manifest Destruction and not Creation. In which I spoke about how a young woman left my documents called “My Name is Woman Said She” and “Covering Letter”
On her table and her husband found it, read it and then intrigued he ran the two pieces of Prose ( not realizing that it was an equation in which I used words.. as I have been doing in facebook for the past 6.9 yeas..) and he had created a new App which transformed word on pages books, scripts, essays into mathematical equations, through and Algorithm. How he had run then through and had been stunned to discover that the piece called my Name is Woman Said She equated to Mass and he Covering Letter to C… Speed of light,
And then how he had been so stunned that he had called so Well Known Mathematicians and and Physicists around the world his findings..
13 of them responded.
One of them stated that if that which his finding had revealed was true, then it would change the way the world forever…

How I knew all this was because one day I sat outside the former Kudo’s Cafe now called “The Bean” T B…
And he sat down besides me, we had never met, before but he felt compelled to tell me the story of what had transpired…
i was smiling quietly but did not tell him that I was the author of those pieces..
The cat was let out of the bag when his wife who I did not realize was buying coffee inside saw us, and from the window.. and began making mad gestures…
we turned… and that is when she came and and told him I that I was the author of the pieces…


He was moved by the Equation.. how ..? because he read it and his Eternal Self was activated and so he was moved along the ‘Christ” which means Follower of the Words Anointed Vibrating Expression/Energy Supreme … W A V E S…
Which led him to me.. but he had no idea who I was…

That was 2010 June July… 8 Years ago..
After which I left where I had been staying at 268 East 4th Street.
Generation X Gardens…which I had found after 61 Days in the Simulation of Death and the Abyss which I had acted out by taking an Overdose of Sleeping pills meant to Kill me, but which was really meant to prove that I not afraid of Death and that I was going Down…
61 Days in the streets of New York – sent in a fools errand by a lady called Sue who owned a building in Soho which we renamed the Green House… ( Effect) to find space in the Hologram where those who lived before adam.. They Lived Before Adam is a book written by the late Professor Catherine Acholonu…
I found myself having to prove her Thesis True…( ?) which puzzled me..
She too when I was put in touch with her did not recognize me as the living embodiment as her thesis, instead she recognized me as a lesser legend of the ancient world of Africa as the Boy .. whom Nature moved through…
See the code They Lived Before Adam… T L B A…

2012… 2 1…
True Love… Transparent Light.. Link Busayo Alonge.. it is a Yoruba Name… My bio father who Victor Kasinm Hudson and Jace Horsford both have the same energetic wave .. As Man and Boy.. ( Victor K is 51.. Jace is 24…. 27 Gap… link Roger Attaway.. 27A-Z-A..)
2012.. 32… 5… 21= 3… K O L O… 53= 8…
Hudson Harmony…

After that play I left where I had been staying with Albert Santana who had invited me to stay in his home after I answered a riddle he had asked me about his statue of a man sounding the awakening, standing on a globe in his garden blowing a conch.. he wanted to know why it had fallen… “He replaced the face he saw in his dream where he was given the instructions- which his face”
I stayed there for 4 years, doing energy work while- facing the most terrible tests of a force moving through Albert which was Darkness Cruelty.. Rage and was the power of Non Existence…
We fought…

8:42..P.M… 42 Sacred Portal shows a Buddha and a Man Woman in holy communion… sexually joined…

Yes, this is why I am linking in this page post of Vincent Ponnet..
and showing the link to another facebook friend with the name Vincent Kwarteng.. V.K..
Victor Kolo is also my name…

Victor Kassim Hudson… is one who is now in my former bed… 4-016. but which is now 4-015…
And I learned to day that he was also in the very first bed I was assigned the day I came to Delta Manor 9-16-2016..
Dawn Piercy Birthday…
the bed was 5-019… but when he occupied it, it was bed 5-018…
EOS.. Means Dawn… E.O R…
19 is 18… S R…. D E I… ( 45 =9… ) .. D E S I R E…

D E S I R .. E…. / E R I S E… D..Divine…

8:50 p.m

8 5O… H E O…

Fritz Venneiq was witness to the terrible testing and to the play with the Computer guy whose name was Collin…
yes The Apollo Mission..
Neil Armstrong. Edwin E “Buzz” Aldrin.. Michael Collins…
N A…E E B A…M C…/ C M A/E. N .. “E” A.
E E B A….( E- 2012 21…. 32 5.. E… B A… )
Yes, Isabelle Ilic perhaps you can see what I am doing…
I am responding to Apollo Perez and sending him into the fate he created with his expression and all the scum mentality I found.. he lowest mentalities of Existence which I found in Delta Manor 25 months here… the lowest of the low… true ingratitude, vampires demons beyond belief…
I made a promise… Promise kept…
8:58 P.M.

8 Years later …
Henri whose is 18 is seated besides me…
Emeka Henri.. E.H.. 5 8… George just arrived and they are helping a Chinese man… ( Yuin Chen in bed 4-017)

Fritz Venneiq took me to Pelham Bay Park after the place Collin proved too much an insult…
And then I was led to Pelham Park and there the circle of mist arrived..
And I saw with Fritz the Light beings arrive.. and then Fritz as Collin betrayed me, but he at least apologized publicly…

And so 8 years later…
Jace Horsford who bears the same middle name as Victor who took the name Kassim…
just as my Bio Father “Maurice” shared the same middle name as Nnamdi..
“Obiekwe” O B I… E.K… W.E… which means the Heart is Appeased…
Which since I am Nnamdi, I can assure you that my heart is not appeased…

8 years,,, D D.. 4 4… 8….

And why is someone being moved to follow me… as if it was a challenge of a usurper… as who brought the DAWN… First Dawn.. and Who is the One Perfection.. A.P. O L L O…

I passed through Akil Apollo Davis Green Street…

*The Greeks later associated Apollo’s name with the Greek verb ???????? (apollymi) meaning “to destroy”. In Greek mythology Apollo was the son of Zeus and Leto and the twin of Artemis. He was the god of prophecy, medicine, music, art, law, beauty, and wisdom. Later he also became the god of the sun and light.”

I came to Destroy.. then Recreate that which could not be destroyed only Added….
Add J.O.Y…
Busayo Alonge…
I am Joy and my joy will come only with the end of this play and the destruction of this World Universe Milky Way .. Universe of Words and the Annihilation of the ENTIRE HUMAN Race… Filth..
And that which remains in the End of the day are the Naturals Evolved BA CK to the Eternals.. E O S…

That is how JOY- JAY..Is added…

Jace Horsford saw the play… the Spiral .. the fire code which is in one eye of the Buddha, the other eye has a Lotus…
HE was here … and bought me a coffee a Grande…
number… 221.V.A… Victorious A.. 1…One…
Victor E.C..I… Kolo… no one else but I..
9:16 P.M

Dawn Piercy

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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