
9/12/2014 20:55 – Facebook Post

From David Philipe Gil

THATS IT….!!!!!

David you got it!!!

Thats our consciousness..

Oh!!! You made my day…the play

I have been saying this for 29 months..29 years…

I could not understand why they could not see this…

And I just could not let go of that Truth no mattee what was done to be..
I understood and I could not deny it…
No matter how cruel and mean and violent..
I could see the person and their beauty…
…thier Beauty literally gave me this force in me to endure the unendurable.
As if another force said “Oh yeah..?”
And sought to show me just how evil they are.

But I could see, I could see beyond all the illusion.
And I learnt to become a warrior fighting defending that truth, and giving evidence and reason (not excuses…that is why I beat ppl to bring out that Beauty).

Every door which this force of the Truth led me to..no matter the country, in New York in every space 5O homes.. Where opened for me. Hearts opened…And I saw the trurg.

I have been fighting that illusion all my life.
Defending the Truth of humanities right to evolve.
They took me to the Spirit realm, to all the cause and effects…to that horror of evil that you were said to guard and in the Evil itself to find it just a child allowed to go far.
People not doing anything.

But this F.B play is a set up because ppl did do something.
In New York they housed a stranger for 13.6 yrs…
In New York!!!!

And I fought every single one in their own homes and they still loved me in their own way…
But they did not know what love waa or if I could be for real…
Because they had no more examples around them of how literally beautiful they could be..
So much so that my mouth would drop ooen and heart clenched would open..

I would literally energetically fall to my knees and my resolve to cut out the lie as I thundered at the illusion
“Give me back my Brother my sister..you Dare!!!”

I fought and fought on the streets in homes in minds in consciousness in every realm unseen.
Even left on the streets, even to tge forest I woud not deny the truth.

That is why I look good as you stared surprised as you stated, that I did not look as if I was suffering..

And I said I surmount it each day for I swear with my Existence which was tested I saw a Beauty in each person which made me energetically fall to my feet….

And the ugliness was the illusion the grear Evil done by actions not responsible but the intention at the base was never truly evil..
Hurt rage dissapointment too much seeing others in pain, all the illness of humanity comes from not having clarity..
A sensie and sense that they were taken care of…loved.

This is what all.my research study authoring Harmony was abt.
There was no doubt in me abt humanities Beauty..
I remembered.

And proved it by this F.B play.
All answered the summons of a script that they were unaware of.
This was the set up and the challenge by the great Evil, the Evil in Existence who became conscious and real.
And this was the Alpha Bet of True Nature versus The E.N.D
The Truth of love…



2O 14…34…7


And you C Consciousness.

Ppl just needed to see an example.

And yet I have no doubt that the illusions and the Great Evil and anyone holding onto it had to go.

This was a private play which none would have believed if I had told them that I was brought into this world to Boigie but instead was spirited away to fight and defend thr Truth of humanity and their right to evolve.

And I am Victorious because inside all that Beauty remained True.


Well Done!!!

So proud of you and my mother C me.


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