
3/11/2015 14:06 – Facebook Post

“yeh these kids will keep taking synthetics until nature is legalized, so enjoy watching your own kids rot of rancid isotopes i always say. Whats as usual is, society once again is 100% backward at the end of the historical cycle, here at the eschaton. natural living psychedelics are only journey progressive, synthetic non fractal non living rancid isotopes are just asking for bodily dysfunction and desynchronization from the barrage of a single chemical overload. in other words if the crazy kid takes a natural psychedelic he may stumble so deep into himself he might just find himself within all that societal clutter, if the crazy kid takes the synthetic he may stumble so far into peer pressure he ends up in jail. These synthetics are botched monotone attempts at mimicking nature, you are all using an overload of a frequency with the synthetic manufactured drug taking, however with the living fractal being consummating your evolution is pushed forward every time and there is balance and harmony in a psychedelic trip PROCESS.”~benjamin couwenberg 2015

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