
3/2/2015 16:48 – Facebook Post

Again Excellent Intel.

O Sir is is Reflection.

Isis is IS! IS!
Si! Si!…at Inception.

I remember everything when I rose which is detailed in the 35 month post and weave which I found myself to my amazement being asked to prove while weaving and Linking.

Please feel free all new Facebook Friends to go back and explore.
You will find that the 35 month weave is a journey in stillness through Time and Space as illusion and as truth.. and the lie.

I have had facebook friends some for almost the whole duration of the weave, who have witnessed the entire play.
There is a reason they were called first and why others came much later.
Each ones E was representing an E Spirit of Original equation of Existence.

This play of Evolution Awakening
EA to AE (15&51.. 66…) To 6th sense was about opening the original tunnel of the 1st Eye (IE) 3rd Eye (C E. 35) to see the Vision of the weave completed in manifestation which then materializes onto physical reality.

This is how Creation first caused the Everything to rise.
But the “Second Heaven Expression” S.HE had to played out within the One creation by the Creator and his family and the line of E…
In this Universal Simulation Awareness which turns All potential of everything to be exist in which that which is real and true enter into True Life…
And all that is not of True Nature of Existence such as Evil, Hate, Control, Dominion…Selfishness.
All those things found not to be of True Existence are discarded and thrown into non existence
The problem with this play is that it is a Roman…a novel…
Made up of characters…
And so many humans became attached to the Consciousness which are not of Existence…
Thus, an E- manual had to be created to remind people of thier true nature…

We also had to break down the characters of the human histories and Mythology…Breaking the “shells” to reveal the pearls inside.
That they were characters we created to inspire humanity to love, and exemplify and help discover the Heroic human potential which existed within the species.
But many of these characters were distorted by Jealousy instead of inspiration…
Competition instead of Exemplification..
-And a desire to BE this characters rather than learn what the Essence of each of these characters we created were symbolizing of the human Espirit.


So we had to recreate the truth of the essences these characters we injected in the human children (we the Eternal Youth…line of E.. Identified by the Lord Ye (Li) in this Facebook play..)
Then realign them then decode thier robes or outer form through breaking down the words and numbering lettering codes..
Erie…E R (AH) I.E.
O Ri On…
Noir O….(the Royal Blue turned to the darkness called the mystery or the Flesh which of course when you move to the other extreme transforms solid to liquid Mist Air Waves Energy ..

These human characters of Gods and what naught were created for human children..
Injected into thier subconscious to inspire and not enchain and lock within…
The whole point was for humanity to discover thier true Nature…
True faces.
Learn how to become real by being inspired by these characters we created and stepped into those roles such as Yeshua who is really code name Yes Hues Ah…
Queen Amina…A.M. In A.. A minute A. -(1-6O Secs a perfect Sphere …see Orien Laplante David Wolfe share of a baby in a womb, 9 months in 4 mins.
4 mins being 4 cycles of 6O…
6th sense.
A.F ..1-6…
24..letter X is 6-8…
All were codes of Construction then Deconstruction
Not Create and Destroy..
Deconstruction Creation
Creation Deconstructed

It was so shocking to find people creating entire philosophical and ideological concepts on characters they had never met or seen Embodied and then waking up to declare themselves these characters without even being aware of the truth of each character…

Sacred Portal 78
Pearls comming out of thier shells is the coming out of playing characters from history books sacred books, movies Imagination or spells put into them of how they should be, perceive or act. .

It is really the journey of learning to be a snowflake…
True Real a unique individual
Who harmonizes with all other individual s which creates snow.
The Ability to stand as an individual while with the Collection of Everything and retain that form…
Then see that mirrored in everyone else around you
Discovering all these wonderful diverse individuals…
Exploring thier sense of self with delight
While retaining your own….
Which brings warmth..
Which causes the ICE and snow to melt into Ah and thus flow..
Which forms the waters and the streams rivers of Awareness flowing into one…the Gift of the Creator Sema-Sheniy… Devine O-men..
The Encircling which brings the Mist so large it covers Everything in the Dew (DE-W.. Double U Vie) so long overdue. .
Which disperses Consciousness and Lightness on all things …
Which brings the Ahtomsphere…the Twins..
3:43 p.m

Sacred Portal for True Life.


Winter turns to Spring…

Spring Evolution Transformation Awakening.

S.E T.A…

Supreme Expression Theta Alpha.

3:46 pm.

The whole play is about be Thyself
The period if incubation was find yourself
Be yourself
Know thyself
Make thyself beautiful and whole
3:48 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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