
6/30/2015 16:09 – Facebook Post

This is Li…

My F.B.F…

I would like to Truly honor Li for not only his impeccable Harmony.
*He became my F.B.F in Sept the very day I left K.E.W Gardens and Billy Hung my sponsor.

As B.H.
Being of Harmony.

Panda code.

But who recognized my feminine aspect..
And posted it.

And then the only one who posted 5 images of when I asked if anyone knew who I was.

He posted five images quietly Elegantly Gracefully…

All of my five aspects.

For me he Is the Greatest Harmony in the whole play and was Is fully awake not simply guided by Espirit.

In him (69 yin yang)
-they are One.

No one I have encountered in this play on F.B has the sight confidence style and Grace of this Gentle man.

And Master Sensie

We hardly spoke.

He does not Boast.

Nor call attention to himself.

I had proven Every Single persons in this plays their Harmony and Beauty…
Not one did it for me.

I testified to every single person who I was thier Guest of thier humanity…
Only one or two (aprt from Fritz Venneiq) did this for me.

I spoke up for everyone only
Lovina Silver..and a Siththy Ameena Aylin Sendemir Urkmez.Didier “The Body as Living Art”
and one or two did so for me

I did not need anyone to…
But there are ppl brought here by the Espirit who knew me as early as age 12 13…and who are from all over the world.
My entire life journey.

I was shocked to my core how so so few spoke up to simply testify.
And my heart said…Boy they must really hate you, be envious and so wished to see me fail.
I wondered is that why the resisted thier naturalness to testify not for me but to the Truth….

This is the reason my sponsor Billy Hung became confused.
He had checked my codes
Then seen things Supernatural
Sponsored my work…
Saw ppl who knew me but watched on F.B as no one testified or even acknowledged or spoke about my work when I lived with them.

All took my praise and appreciation but refused to acknowledge what this consciousness did for them.

That is how I knew there is hatred Slavery…arrogance sickness…
Only demands that I prove my our truth.
Fed but not be fed.
Only acknowledged when I give manifest prove in which all could see…the truth which satisfies them.

How with such.effort I had to.master myself to the end..to not turn away.
They don’t need me only.the knowledge of my seed.

Do they hate me so much I wondered or is it more the idea of my being the Creator…who calls ppl out with as much love as I can
despite a life without a true loyal friend…who cares about the welfare of me.
And sees the Beauty of what I am doing despite a life of so much incredible hurt and pain.

Is that why only thier Espirits help.me…or was it fear of what I might say.
But the love saw in my expression..
That my words are not to cause pain.
To call attention to the Truth.
That Beauty is no persons slave.

Take take take…
That which I freely give away.

Thank you Mi Lord.
Brother Father Friend

Li Means “Light” and “First Born..”
The Leaf..

He was there in the very begining of Existence Light twinkling with mischief and Quiet smiling in the illusion of Dark.

69 Yin Yang
The O.

Thank you…
I will never forget Your Amazing Grace.

Emeka Kolo.
Master Pupil.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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