
5:28 P.M.

5:28 P.M.

Chi nelo…

The Espirit Reflects.

This Person here who is to me uttering a response of challenge reminds me of Kieth the man I met in the Shelter..

Who I knew I was meant to meet.

I have given him my message and the rest is in his hands..

5:3O pm.

*Well will you look at that- the time aligns with his bed number.

My former hosts actually first name begins with an E though everyone calls him by A…

Edwin and Kieth make the full circle complete of Both New Yorkers, one who is born in Forte Green and my seeming going through portals of his life- from going down into the system at Forte Green where he grew up, to the Streets of New York and the Cafe Bean then on 1st and 3rd, to finding him in 2OO6, after living 61 days on the Street knowing I was looking for someone who was meant to represent the corner stone of Existence a place where something walked the Earth before man.

Which a woman named Sue living in an enormous building called of all things the Green House (G H..7 8) said I must find before thier could be an world wide awakening.

To finding opposite a Shelter 2-69 named George Haley (G H..78), at 268 a Garden called Generation X gardens and a statue of a long brown Clay man (Yes as in 146 Clay Street Shelter) standing on top of a globe sounding the Awakening of all Universe Existence…

To finding E A.S. whom I lived with for 4 years straight then 5 more years on and off.

To journey and battling at 147 The Bean 9th Street where David P.G and Nikoma both born 78- one in June the Sixth month and the other Dec the 12 month, whose energies or gifts reminded me of my own brothers Nbamdo ans Boom whom I met Nikoma first on the steps of union square playing music to a group of girls in the begining of my journey to David who reminded me of my youngest brother who later became a friend of Nikoma who I never met but who heard from Nikoma about his E.T friend Emeka and came to to where he first became my Facebook Friend just after Edwardo Enciento (who invited me to his home in Peurto Rico P R… George Phillip ROC.. G P R May 21st 5-21.,E U..Esther Uzoma, Uzoma Nwakuche. U.N) and came to the U.N inspired Generation X Garden where he met me on a stage with a White Board behind me for children alphabet in Alpha Bet City L.E Side New York…

Just as my younger brother Nnamdi born 1969 who knew me first and my brother Boom Boom born 1973 who recognized me…

As E.A.S but also as David Roman Nicholas but not as David P.G..

Who decided perhaps knowing Emeka was too much of a financial burden as well as emotional but one which Nikoma held onto but controlled the process of when to be available..

No these are not my brothers, not the ones of E nor the ones who betrayed.

All this has been but a movie to find the Truth..

Of you and of me..

And so it has all been about E A.S in this Movie…

And full Circle Meeting Keith a New Yorker as my former hosts sharing the exact perceptions I wrote in The Elegant Nomad, an article submitted to my Agents at William Morris..WM called Manny Baron ( M.B as Marina Burni of Wythe Avenue Bedford (Where I take the train to and is a 15 Minute walk from the Shelter whom I lived with and did the Sacred drawings and who witnessed then denied or was no longer sure *sic my Truth and 6:O9 pm…Nnamdi appearing to her in Tom Truman’s house a few blocks down)

Where after 6-7 months in New York, after being made homeless the second day of my arrival I lived with Todd and then a shelter Atlantic Bedford and submitted my views of New York.

The very subject of the Article for the William Morris agency asked me to write about to interst Dianne Sawyer to interview me about my Journals Talking to the Silence about my writing peoples stories from living in three continents and from all over the world which I had recorded because I was curious about why they percieved the world and kept the Truth of themselves buried deep within.

They were never written to be published but in order for me to understand the world and find my place within it.

I feel I was punished for writing about New York and America after only a few months of living here made more obvious by the response of Dureek Verrets friend also name Green I believe…

But my former Host E A S whose home I am writing from paralleling the way I wrote the Elegant Nomad while in a Shelter but visiting Todds home in queens where I wrote parts of the Article..

See me full Circle E A S and Kieth..

E K…A.S..

Edwin Kieth..

ED Win Kieth…

54- Win Kieth. A S.

Anung Sangha… A S..

54 The Bean 2nd and 3rd

2OO1 I met Eric and Todd


2OO1 after 911..

I met Eric and David in the Shelter

One accused of being an alcoholic and kicked out of his sisters house.

The other David chased by the F B I who wished to recruit him and he refused which then creates a series of harrassments.

Interestingly enough everyone believed Eric’s story but no one believed Davids.

Yet my agent at William Morris wished for me to bring David to thier offices to meet him.

I set up the meeting a bit disturbed then decided not to.

I was dropped after being promised a meeting and told to go to family and relax

So I went to Atlanta Georgia where the agency called twice and never called again.

And to my aunt I seemed a liar but strangely enough I could not get my passport from the British Embassy to leave the country the interview was canceled..

Instead I was forced to live here for 14 years as if proving that I was not a liar to my family and to the world.

Only to have two New Yorkers Affirm my Truth through thier own experiences..

One Africa American and the other Puerto Rican American who is classified in America as white

And the first letters of thier Intials form my Intials


And my 3OOth Facebook Friend A.S..

The Great Word and Gathering of The Family.


3OO The Hundred E.


Thus on the Ground and in cyber space

Earth Heaven


It would seem to me that it was never about my telling the Truth but about my being manipulated to share my Consciousness Full Circle twice..




6:OOPM…to me ending up

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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