
2/19/2016 23:46 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 37..

“Divine Fee-Male -Creation Made Manifest’

Code Sophia Laurentis…S.L..S.O.L…

Code Played out Larry Sax…L.S…

Sophia…Sophies World..
Laurels… Hayes Stephanie E.H.S/S,HE…Ha! Yes
Pamela Stefaniotis…

Aligned to E.D.I..N.G..U..
Nadee Nakandala
Donna O’Sullivan
Gay-Marie Bradshaw
Enika Olah..

Out of Africa version of the Play..
I did this same Equation with the African origin play 3 years ago..

1O-47 P.M…Code 37.. 1 O…21.. 22..V-E..31..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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