
2/17/2016 15:24 – Facebook Post

From Nnaemeka Jude Charles…

“…Traveling through the Nostrils-through breath..
the Mind is the traveler, moving through Dna (Agbulu..the blue print)
past present future…Visiting past present and future, through your Ancestors, your Descendants and Your Kin…”

Wonderful.. explanation of time Travel, and the journey into the mystery. through ignorance, only for it to come to light, from the Darkness, that we already know..the way home.
And how on earth, did we forget…

Recall yesterday how the Equation and Weave resolved yesterday to take me back to a child in 1976- through the code of 3 Jons and the 4th transforming to Lady D…
That was 4O years ago (Crazy!!).
And was the affirmation that the full circle of your adult life begins at the first full circle of your first idea of yourself and place in this world, in which you leave childhood (The Garden of Eden), and that in the end of exploring, my my case A.B.C..D…To reach the E, through Jonn Blackwell York, Peppermint Paddy share- took me back to when I was a boy when the First John I met, was called John York… J.O.Y…

Meaning that the basis of our life, is based our child hood dreams, our first dreams and that we go out into the world to realize those dreams, and when we have completed that we return full circle to the original childhood consciousness, no longer innocents, but with Wisdom… Of of experienced the process of what it took to make our dreams a Fact…
Wise Children- And only by returning to that consciousness and that state of the C, can we past through the Portal of Divine Nature Aware (D.na..Agbulu), which is the 4 Dimension- and then link with the Dimension beyond Time and Space called Eternity..
E.C.D.. and then we interface to two consciousness, the Eternal and the Child, both to 4 4.. which creates the E.C..DD..8 8…

Code intel already seen by Donna O’Sullivan outside in the World..
FFD6O88…66 46 O 88..

And then observe Nnaemeka Jude Charles Harmony,
affirming the Child is Supreme…carries the Blue Print of the mission and ones purpose in the World- comes from the awareness, that people are wandering, often lost, having forgotten, that they are still in the weave they created, of their First Childhood Dreams…

2:O6 p.m…
Mine was of the Awakening- through 4 different Vision by the age of 7-8, and then a Race, in 1976, in which I who had been more like the underdog, because I had never been part of the track team, or even that much into sports…In fact I had been kind of quiet and lived Literally in a totally different world
But somehow, my coach saw something in me, took a great risk- and I proceeded to within this regional competition…
Winning race after race…

And so, the same is linked full Circle now, my entire life has been a race- some have nicknamed me “The Running Man” full Circle 2O16 links to 1976…
Where existed the Blue Print of what my life was to be, 4 vision, and the one I chose to turn into a Book. and then at the 9, the youngest to compete,
I ran the track full circle race after race after race…

And even a standing ovation, and my coach made me run a victory lap, while the students rose and clapped.. for a Volley Ball match…

All these codes link to Childhood, the traumas had to solved away, to see the view of what become my own (our own) creation and realization, that we are born already knowing our purpose, destiny and Fate…

Nnaemeka Jude Charles meaning..

“Emekas’ Father, Praise… the Manly Warrior and his army, is the Freeman..”

2:24 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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