
5/7/2020 14:03 – Facebook Post

From Facebook Memories Today

1:40 p.m

I 40 pounds. AFKG

Code Play I came to my 64th portal Liberty C Liscomb
From my 63rd Jesse Macias Orejuela and his son Zion.
( His code E.Q. 5 17 at home
Her code 9 17 )

Energy Quantum
Infinite Quantum.

These are the Two Equations which I had to solve into Exisrence for the Jump Man.
( Leandee Ferrill Rielly- L F = 12 6= 18 Letter R see meaning of their names)

So yes, Everything is Energy.
And yes, in the Physical Manifested world we have understood what Energy is.
And the Quantum Equation of which Nature Abhores a Vacum.

1:47 p.m
Answer is Sacred Portal 147 A.B.

But what is Energy in a Human Being?
How does it Look, Apply to Human Being who are the True Representations of the 4th Element 5=E.
Nature is Time and Space the 4th Dimension linked from Espirit Movement to manifestation into 3D Solid Matter?
Expression Motion- Fact.
Esteban Miguel Filgueria
Fil means “Thread’ in French.

Human Beings are and were meant evolve back home to the 5th Dimension or the Source E, Source of Energy..
The place where Energy came into Being.
That Everything which looks like Nothing.. Empty Space

The code was 5-5
Cinqo De Mayo
Kold 55/75.

That is why Everything had to evolve to the Frequency of The Source of Energt – Expression and back to Harmony- Arden Eden
Without which you are non existence because only reaching the Embodiment of Energy can you cease being an illusion or a Character moved by Energy as Truth or Illusions False.
E T 5 20
I F. 9 6. There is only 6th Sense 96% Dark Matter Energy?
Ah that is the Everything Nothing -“The Matter”
6th Sense 5 1 E A
Expressing Awareness which manifest Solid Fact which all can see for themselves and taste.

E A= F

2:03 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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