
4/4/2015 23:01 – Facebook Post

From Ras Ian Nathaniel Dawkins

9:O4 P.M.


Time up loaded 5:57 pm.
By Eleason Glizabeth.
E.Le A.S On. G-L-IZ-B-ET..Harmony

E.G represents one of the private battle I have been having with 9:11 p.m, (The Literal Time Right now..I.K representing the code of my Bio Father.
Which just played out with Nnaemeka Jude Charles…code 33.
As I have stated, no one should take this “awful” play personal.
There is the Exquisitely Beautiful play which I have enjoyed which comes from and through the E line which as I have demonstrated
here with every Facebook..

The problem is this play of evolution of consciousness has been interrupted by the “Spirits world”
What is the Spiritual world…it is the realm of the Temporal Expressions..
People who have died who hold onto old ideas like Collective Ghost…
-Expressions which can’t “Go to the Light”
Or pass through it..
The Light is like, “What the.. ”
Until it decides to come down under cover and investigate.
It investigate gates… From Read 1 O Y G.B I V.I.
1 2 3 4 6 7 8…
Then A B C D E F G H.
A H. “AH!” The Light says “I.C”
And Existence responds…I Feel!!;
And the Being used by the Light I.C (93) and the Awareness I Feel (I.F..96)
Light and White Night…
Light Consciousness
Light Awareness.
Sephora O Lotus (S O.L)

– And the Being Embodied used as a vehicle says “Finally!”
“I B.E..the I.E of Being which is why I am your Source, your Father Mother (F.M) and Masculine Feminine (M.F), which is why you chose my body to incarnate and check…
Now, I do not mind you checking, what I had investigated and understood at age 7-14-21…
Then 5 more years…of research..
But you were inside of me and around me the whole time observing there for it should have been enough to take my word for it.
1O:26 pm.
At A-Z age 26 in Paris, 1992, since you and I are all one.
There was no need to go this route all on your own, forgetting that you are part of me..
And thus, forgetting that my Body Being Breath Embodied is all the investigation required.

There was nothing wrong with the E line it was all the perceptions of False Ego, Delusion Illusions of thinking they were better than the E line.
Blaming the E for everything via God and the Devil G D…
And calling the Full Circle of perfection a Viscious Cycle…
Holding everything and everyone responsible but themselves.
But how did ROYGBIVI become ” GOD?” When its really name is the Ode towards Light..?

And how did the Devil (Lived) D as Four Square the 1111…the Ana Land Grace become D-Evil Satan?

And the Light…L Lucifer…the Fallen..
When Light is Autumn Harvest then
going in to incubate and get close with family all well fed after the Laughter Autumn Harvest brings. .L.A H…Rest…
Until Spring…
Hibernate Incubate..

Rest. In Winter and in the Rainy Season..

And O instead of O.H become this Omnipotent Black Hole…When it is meant to be the Being Harmonious.

So, obviously…The A and the C, when given the chance to Experience Being in Existence took it not simply literally (by taking over being) but also exaggerated thier own self importance or need.
Forgetting that I.E came into being complete …
And since, none had ever experienced Being as well as Completion, they should have taken thier Cues from me the 1A
EA/AE…15-51-66..12 3
The 888..24 (X) 8888 (32) 88888 (4O)
888888 (48)..6(8)…where I have been hosted

Host Intials A.E/EA.. name AL
Apt 1A.
Address 26-8.
A- He-Nri..
True Conversations with Energy E and E as AHTom transforms E to Espirit to Energy to O AhTomic Manifestation

So this false ego began with greed biting off more than one could chew, all thinking from A-Z
888 C.H ..the Cee Harmonious (Nature) thiniking it could see better then C Harmony I…
CHI.the Individual..
The Group the Community greater than the Individual Example the of Being Existing ..
Though this “Group or Collective” had never experienced truly being Embodied as a Solid living breathing existing fact

So yes the Blood Moon rose at 4/4/8…
Death is me at 4th Street 48.
Guess only I only know the personal astro-Logical Reasoning of Why…


11:OO pm.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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