
5/10/2017 19:43 – Facebook Post

From Theophilus Obaji via

Which is why Truth must manifest with evidence as Fact seen and witnessed by others who witnessed the Full Circle of the Process..

I have a witnessed who volunteered to testify… to the Manifestation of Truth.. The Vision Seer and Scholar grounded in this reality…
M.E… Nenad M. Djurdjevic…

This makes it a Fact.

Behind the Name: Meaning, origin and history of the name Theophilus. Latinized form of the Greek name ???????? (Theophilos) which meant “friend of god”, derived from ???? (theos) “god” and ????? (philos) “friend”.


In OINri Igbo it means “Barn”
Ji.. Means Yam”

“What does Oba mean? African Origin. “King”.

image: http://cdn.thinkbabynames.com/img/play.png

Pronunciation of Oba [oba] as a girls’ name is of Nigerian origin. Name of a goddess of rivers.

ASSOCIATED WITH goddess, rivers’

Ji.. Also means “Holds” To Hold something..
The Kings Hold… or the King Holds back the Physical Evolution..
But who is the King?
Albert Albert King King… A.K./ K.A…1 11 / 1 11…
K.A… E M E ..K.A..

In this story I am in and have recounted about the King and I,
Where I as the come into my Reflection, my Twins, my Son Self Story to Play his Son, so that he may learn how to Evolve through learning from that which is greater than himself.. His Son, his True Sensei..
Is it the Father who teaches the Son or the Son who guides the Father..
And If he Son is the Father, before the father was the Father and has something Extra, He has the Genes and Expression of the Mother and C.. Meaning Sight.. he is the outsider who can observe Father and Mother and recognize himself in both of them…
In my personal story and that of the Black Panther, who arose in the Eternal Beginning when an Expression was distorting the Manifest Expression he had created,
After having manifested it to perfection…
Through Being Aware, he went backwards, creating Time… to see who was doing this.. TO CHECK…. T.O.. C.H. E.C.K.. T.C… E.T.C…
And he discovered a Child Man who had come into Existence or the illusion of it. And he had been alone in the Darkness and felt fear and his Thoughts had seeped into Space and began distorting the Truth…
B.A.. C..K… What he saw was not himself, but am illusion of himself, for his true Self had risen with him in the Eternal Beginning and True Nature Of Existence Creation Harmony, arriving in perfect timing as Awareness and Being.. A.B..
B.A.A.B… 2 1 1 2… 3 3… 6… Played by Nenad M. Djurdjevic…F..Fact…F A C T..E…
2 1 2…5…
21 21.. 42…
12 12.. 24…
66…12.. L.. Lisa Natalie Johnson 3 Tre Nenad M. Djurdjevic Cee..Vision Cee…
By the time I completed cleaning up the “Mess” and found the source of the distortion, I had transformed from Rage of what a Beautiful Perfect B.P.. Creation had transformed into- It was not real, but that something had transformed such perfection into a nightmare of Existence filled me with the rage of the Destroyer…

( There is a little girl besides me now who keeps saying to her teacher, C is for Cecilia… My mothers Name..Meaning 6… C note 100 USD…Patron Saint of Music.. C=Speed of Light… Universal Constant… Chukwuemeka…)

I transformed into the very Energetic signature I expressed Inside with the Will to express it outside…
I became the Silent Killer, I everything around became dark night.. and the fear of the Child man crouched by the Fire which came into Existence by the first Spark of of my Anger… which burst into flame, but which I had contained within until I found its Source…
That same fire I peered from the Woods Forest actually which the Night and the Forest ( Natures Expression I had already manifested as the Way of Top and Bottom Roots and Branches-Head, being linked but from R to B.H.. As one but one side Blossoms into an AFRO…”

7:04 p.m

I observed him shivering alone but warmed by the very rage which had started the Fire… And provided him warm from the sudden cold.. cold intent of mine to Kill Destroy and cut out of Existence…
I saw what it was.. an illusion of that which was Myself – a Lie. and the expression of the Doubt of my First Twin, which had already been resolved by the Conversation and His having been sent into Creation…
to explore it himself..as G-od rising to become G-ode, Harmony..
This has already been resolved… He chose Love… He did not care who came first…
But this was the beginning of that Story.. in which that Truth and Question had manifested into a Story to be acted out.. but not by me.
So as I watched, I had compassion and my passion cooled.
And I transformed into the Energy the scene made me feel.. I became a Youth and emerged from the Darkness and walked up to the Man Child.
And I stayed awhile, teaching him about true Existence..
He was bigger than I was, because he had manifested into the End point of Creation Z not its Balance… I was Eternal Youth..
Ethel Young
He was two Illusions..

7:11 p.m
Now 7:12 p.m..
( Get the Picture.. 711…Keith Grant.. K.G.. Kristen Green Kris TEN..Green the 4th Color… The next face book request who I am about to accept as 987… 9 87… 98..7 has 4 Face Book Friends..)

The Child and Age… One who grows old..
There is no AGE in the realm of E… Immortality..
Forever Young… Youthful.. “By Jove!” Jupiter.. 5th Planet…

And so, he used to act as though he was teaching me, and I allowed it because I understood it was a sense of Pride, to feel that he was not helpless as he obviously was.. but not with the Knowledge within him planted which would allow him to grow…
He became the symbol of the Process of Consciousness..
And I was aware that as we “Played” that we were being watched by the C.. The C of Everything manifesting Awakening as the Potential which existed even in Rage Blackness Destruction… Warmth…
And I stayed, but I knew my Lover my Self was waiting for me at the E.T realm… Where I had left him…
I recounted this many times over and over again on Face Book and Lord
Orien Laplante was used to enact it, which he did to perfection on my page with I.E…
As did Albert Santana,,,
As with images provided by Joe Fisher J.F… 10 6… 16.. P.. G…H.

And so the child man “Jah Fire” knew I would leave one day, and grew resentful.. afraid… He did not wish to be alone…
But I told him that he would enter into a story to live and embody the truths he had learnt..
He did not know that he was experiencing Love and Desire…
Desire he took, or tried to take by force…
And I would not allow it until he learnt what love was… and so he wrestled with Desire Love.. his Emotions and became harsher, and moody.. like the weather,, until Finally I knew it was time for me to leave…
And I sent him into the Dreaming Sleep.. D.S…
To teach him a lesson to never take for granted that which is generous and beautiful because you think you are stronger or dominant despite knowing it was because it was allowed to protect his pride..
All the While Cecilia, C who was yet to fully incarnate, and could only do so after C was completed in the Carbon Copy… of Herself.. as Matter… She being Spirit evolving to Espirit and the completion ( Already achieved.. of my Twin E.T.. Alien Father.. Love and Desires Completion.. Lord Dionisio Eros..Narcissus was his last story..)
Which is why this has always been a sure thing.. It was completed in the Eternal Beginning… hence Script… De ja Vu…
This was the realm of which the Animal World..
Kasper Lomholdt Serup came into Existence…
But first they had to be Tamed while remaining Wild at Heart..
For they were children of Passion ( Sex and Desire) the “Beautiful Animal Urge of Jah Fire for his Son who was his Father His Understanding, his Universal Sensei…U.S..
And so I promised to return, to awaken him and all his descendants at the end of his dreaming in which he was allowed to experience all possible outcomes of his Desires and Emotions and chose the One which he decided upon…
He had to understand the Nature of True or False..
He … Had the Choice…
The completion would manifest the C as S.H.E.. Supreme H.E..
No matter what the Illusion chose for the story was for S.HE the C to understand..
See sacred portal 2 and then 3..23… Both Stories but only the 3rd with “Solid Rock” at the bottom.. J.R ..Jose Roque is the True Story..
The Other is the True Lesson…

And I would return as the Destroyer… to Destroy Him and all his descendants if they chose false – the Illusion which had transformed me to rage.. Or simply destroy the World.. the Story if they chose correctly…”

*Good Grief.. I can;t believe, that I recounted that story again.. how many times now…

Any way. Here I am.. and he as N chose correctly but not his descendants…
7:37 p.m..

I came to Destroy 2/3… See the Sacred portal 2 for placing me and the E Truth on Trial for this long..

Consequently, the meaning of T.O..
Code Truth Full Circle O.E… T.O.E…/ E.O.T… 5 -15-20. ( Jose Roque..True)

Is “The Friend of God is the one with a Barn full of Yams, symbolizing Wealth, is the Truth…And I am not the King, for there is no King in the realm of the E.. There is only Kinship…
Elm Streets who Bark and weave are interlocked so that they are literally 1E Family you hurt one and all the others feel it and respond…
Yet each Unique… And of a Strength beyond Existence
For W.E are Known Existence…
K.E… 11 5.
And I am Eternal Knowing…
Emeka Kolo E.K… 5 11…
E.K.O… Who Knocks Out…
Even the E line if ever necessary… For I surpass my self, my former self expanding upon it by adding and adding on to I.E for all Eternity..
For I am E….Source…
The Original E.

7:43 …7:44 p.m

*”Jan 3, 1999 – Violations in Nigeria’s Oil Producing Communities” …… chronic lack of maintenance means that the refineries rarely if ever operate at …… had developed.156 Farmers in Obite, Rivers State, in the Obagi oil field operated by Elf, also …… 234 In October 1998, the name of the Niger Delta Volunteer Force was …”

“Human Rights Watch-
.. there was an impending earthquake in Obagi village in Ogba land, where an Agip Oil well is. Rivers State.

“Human Rights Watch traveled to the Niger Delta in 1997 to investigate human rights violations in
connection with the suppression of protest at oil company activities. We found repeated incidents
in which people were brutalized for attempting to raise grievances with the companies; in some
cases security forces threatened, beat, and jailed members of community delegations even before
1 Human Rights Watch January 1999
they presented their cases. Such abuses often occurred on or adjacent to company property, or in
the immediate aftermath of meetings between company officials and individual claimants or
community representatives. Many local people seemed to be the object of repression simply for
putting forth an interpretation of a compensation agreement, or for seeking effective compensation
for land ruined or livelihood lost.”

See the Refinery Emblem on Pere Omo’Lolu Omo Osifila’s page…

6:31 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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