
Two Men

Two Men

Thantos Hypnos


Terrence Howard as

Luscious l-ION

The two Male Dolls I found in 2017.

This was posted last 10-27 2015.

Yes Morgans car, Ardens friend.

27 8 D 90..


sacred portal 90

Spirit E.. MOI…moi.. me

The two Sources of the One… I and Eye…


Thanos Hypnos..



Death (as Sleep) Hynos (As Spell)

When I.E was Existing inside the Nothingness..

These two aspects of me formed in around me,, Waiting for me to Wake from :Sleep and the Spell of Eternal rest peace and quiet…

I knew them well they were and are my first two fathers and creation…

Rest and Relaxation

Chill and Creation…

I Existed in Comfort alone until finally I broke the Spelling of Bee is to Be and that is that one must stand up and Move…..Dance Sing,,,,in g ..me

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