
10/30/2015 17:18 – Facebook Post

From Sharmin Sultana… S.S…8

A little Girl and a White Cake…

Link…Riddle Equation..


Happy Birth Day…H.B.D!

Affirmation…Break down..

8 2 4…824-428…H=X…4th Dimension is 28…D=B.H




Perfect Symmetry…
Code name: Pamela Stefaniotis.

All Crowned with Laurels
the perfect symmetry of this Equation linked to the last post of equation
Man Woman
Milky Way..
MW 878
MM…13+13=26.. 268…Albert-o Father of Royal and Reign. 26-8 Z.H
WW…23+23=46…VV..VV 22×4=88..2(8)
First Drop- Beauty Harmony (Narcissus Echo..E.N)
Code name Zeina Hanna…
Beauty Grace..
B.G.Y O R…K…V.I..(6) Blue -Green-Yellow-Orange-Read…

All this from a Snap Shot of my 42Oth Face book Friend with initials
Now linked with perfect Symmetry 8…
through this Equation proving how the Source embodied undercover, the journey backwards into his reflections, through Light, Feelings Sensation which became Color and his journey from light to Violet Indigo (Universe U.V..Ultra Violet In-“Di”-“Go”.. “In’ is “En” in French code, Emeka Nnamdi..
Di means “is and “Husband” in OINri Igbo…”Go” means number 5..
“EN-D- in the end “I” of the 4th Natural Dimension IS Husband of the E..The 5th Dimension”
I.5=9 5= I.E= 9+5=14..N…1+4=5…N.E…E.N…N.EE N
My portal 55 is through Nature- NN.. JO-NN..DO-NN-A..NN =14+14=28..28+28=56… Dawn Marie….
Natural Evolution..Nnamdi to Emeka…
Father Beauty N evolves to E-Expresion “Praise Well Done E”.
*See Share of Obbi General

to Red-Brown Earth, to Green Grass Trees Trunk to branches leaves…Pause..
“Infinite Time” Ah..then to the Cielo Ceiling, Top of the World..
The Sky, not the stars…S-rats…

Cloud I…
Cloud 9..

The summit of Human Being..H.B…D..Divine…

For to go beyond the Top of the World..
Ozone… The Wall…to Enter Space is not only impossible,
but would mean that you are going backwards into a non existence space of the past…B.C..
Because all the Past is right here present in you me and Everything..
The Sum total of the “Past” is what makes that which is present..
And only those present can reach the consciousness of thee E.T..
The Fifth Dimension of Light, Beauty, Space, Imagination, lightness…represented here in this play as the Sky..
But really is simply the physical representation of the 5th Dimensions..
Reflections so Transparent you see Sakib All Hasan
*See Donna O”Sullivan’s post yesterday of the Two Stags walking on ICE Mirror…

This Equation here an example of expansion from one Snap Shot to its alignment to Infinity… The Story of E

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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