
Via Brooke Elizabeth Banwer

Via Brooke Elizabeth Banwer

David Fishman…

D.F…Definition 46…

First Drop…

..A Tear Drop landed in the Perfect Circle of the Source reflection..

And Came back as the Two Tears of Joy which formed the Heart…

Buttocks and Chest…Back and Front..

Balanced and center joined at MI MI MI..3rd Chakra 33 6..33 9..

69.. 15 (Letter O).. O 6..54…6O.


6 of Swords

6 of Cups

1 A.C.E of Staves..

12..+1..13..Manifestion Resurrection the First Time the 12 month Gregorian Calender Cycle Solfeggio 6 has been completed..

Ending the 2OOO Year Cycle of Ground Hogs Day..

To Run Lola Run

Where She got it twice at 3…

Nadee Nakandala

Donna O’Sullivan,,,

I.C..Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones…

D.N.E..Arai-Dne…E Theseus Thesis is Complete..

12 Disciplines merged in One A,C.E…J.B..Really H.D.E.U…ME.A,N.O..

And So we resurrect 12+1= 13 Myrrh…

Awakening the Anointed to Die to be Born…


E=C.Me 4/3..43…

Sacred Portal True Life..C.B…


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