
From Nikolay Krusser

From Nikolay Krusser

Perfect Timing and Perfect Harmony of my Cee..

and Nikolay Krusser posting..

This is a perfect Illustration of my 443 F.B posts

And this play being delayed by the Under Cover War going on in the both the seen and Unseen realms… between the Conscious expressions of Man Woman…Mars Venus…M.W..Milky Way… M.V… 4th planet from the Sun and the 2nd…

4 2-24…66…6…12 3..C…36=9…Nikolai Tessla…3+6=9…

6 3 9…When it is so obvious that they are one…

And instead of Proving their Supremacy together as Equals..

Each wars for Supremacy War And Love..

Aries Mars..A.M..E

Aphrodite Venus…A.V..E


Alexander (Apollo)

Athena (Aphrodite)

Motion Vibration =Waves..

Milky Way…

MW…13 23…36..9….13 +Double U..21 42…55…Double V 22 44..57…

9 55 57…555-97…

See sacred portal 97..

Achilles Hell

Alexander Hamilton.

Alexander Hephaestus…

Always it was a Story of Two men

who conversed to raise Harmony Lady

The True Nature of Wu-man

Welcomed into the Line of the E..be

see sacred portal 3O..

Instead it became a War

and the Rivalry for the attention of Men, and Women

And a competition to Prove which one is Supreme..

And this is the Source of a Planet World at War…

Right to Annihilation because of this stupid undercurrent in expression affecting all that they do…

1:54 pm

Delaying the Evolution Awakening

for this….



Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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