
1/30/2018 22:01 – Facebook Post

This is the image Jordyn Ryan J.R… ( Link Ray and Jacqui at Delta Manor… J.R… Laundry man.. Janitor… L.J… 12 10… 22…V… really representing the line of my family forced to play the roles of the cleaners… of Human Expression of nonsense… foul toxix…)

The date is 9-12.. 2015… I.L… T.O…. 200 USD from Amoza Born 20 IS T…O.. T O…

I L.. Is Infinite Limitlessness…
Aquarius Naim… Naim means “Happiness: I passed through Naims portal in 2003.. Where I met David Roman Nicholas and Tanya and had the greatest revelations of Evidence, concrete Facts proof of this being True and Real and present…

We draw from the Well of Well Being.. the subconscious… where True Consciousness is buried…

I asked Jordyn Ryan to share this.. but I found that I had to do it myself.. yet again….

But it gave her the answer to the question which Lady J declared … that the entire Knowing of what is going on is within all of you…
Which is what this tedious play forced me to prove…

8:59 p.m

And since Amoza Born Lady J gets it.. and It is her portal and Heart that I had to pass through to get the correct code…
I do not have to explain anymore….

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