
4/26/2017 20:26 – Facebook Post

From Alex Sierra A.S.

7:04 -7:05 p.m.

From Alex Sierra.. A.S… Code Alberto Santana….1 19.

Mathew 6:25-34…

6 25..34…F..Y… F B.E…C.D..

I can’t believe I am still in the Christian Story,
but I was literally challenged to live this story for 16 years in New York…

It was terrible, a terrible experience.. not because it did not prove true..
Every day,and it was even recorded here on Face Book..
The play of Money Versus this very piece of Scripture…
Money or Food Housing always came…
Every day,and it was even recorded here on Face Book.., and you had to do the Work…Of the Eternal Truth.. meaning, you had to take your cues, and play your part.

I stated from the moment I was on Face Book and to Hundreds of people who were aghast at what they thought I had done with my Life…
I have never been Homeless.. I stated this over and over proving it every step of the way, and even being called to come on a public forum to demonstrate this…

But I was outraged to find myself myself proving the true essence of the doctrine of Christ, when I was the last person in the World whom you could call a Christian.
Not this world definition of a Christian…
I found most of them Hypocrites who interpreted the scriptures at their own convenience, that which was perfectly clear… at least what Christ was saying…
And the Clean ones.. well… they all seemed to be struggling with a meaning that was perfectly clear… and was founded on Common Sense…

But I lived this… And it is true..
acted out to even his very moment to Sarah Nkem Blackstock and Lisa Natalie Johnson ..
S.L…SOL..The Fifth note….I am the O.
And Death…

And a play has been completed with Nnaemeka who has left the play..
It was inevitable because everyone was being tested by Death, not me
( I loathe this play… loathe and despise it and will never forgive it… the Set ups… But I do understand why Death as the End and as the Ancestors “Sword of Truth”went to such awful lengths at my expense to test peoples truths.. including mine… 16 years..
It is people had become such amazingly deceitful liars…
Not to me but to themselves…
I knew Nnaemeka was set up from from the moment he arrived on my page because he came at age 33 which is my code…
And I was helpless but to play my role and part, though I warned him over and over again of this being a set up and that he had to remain impeccable…
And right to our last discourse he admitted that I had said so.
But he chose his way of seeing and perceiving this Truth expressed.
He had gone from calling me Master “Don”‘t call me Master”- I had stated publicly.. because you will betray me in the End.. I whispered…
Well not me, himself and the Supernaturals who were moving him…

There was a chance that he would not succumb to the power of the Supernaturals or to this knowledge which makes people grow so bif headed that from Master they become the Judges…
Why did you say “Fuck you” he has asked me, about one of my post..
I was startled then, I grew quiet deadly asked him to clarify…
He bought forth the quote, basically stating that I had no right to say that..
When I clarified that I was not saying Fuck you to anyone but saying the publics of a certain line were basically saying Fuck you by way of response to the Truth and the way they said that with money “In God we Trust”
He realized that the very thing which I had stated in posts, of people looking for ways to find flaw and mistranslate my words intentionally to prove that I can not be what ever they assume that I am…

..Because I already am, before their opinions..
I just had a conversation.. but much more pleasant with Anthony Bienke A.B… Who kept on doing that..
I kept repeating.. that you are re-translating what I clearly stated…
That it was better that he say i Deny and refute what you are saying, that you do not believe you, or I do, or I wish to investigate..
But do not change what I clearly stated.
In the end it turned out that he had hardly read anything I had written and wished to investigate… Pause.. Sigh…

Extraordinary but he had sent me a clip telling me over and over again that I was awesome..
I then seized the moment to ask him to send a cash contribution to the cause..
No response…
I laughed quietly to myself for days…
I was not offended.. I was in the evil money play…

But today something happened with Nenad M. Djurdjevic the Seer of the Human Race Line…or at least in this play representing the Human Race Cleansed and able to See…
He got sent a message by E Mail…
Anthony Crowned…. Nenad M. Djurdjevic text me in response at 10:33 a,m. J.C C…
Then at 11:21 ” An inquiry from Anthony in the UK with the the project name “The Crown”/… TC…
Anthony… Project The Crown…”
The only one in the room with me was Anthony M (Caucasian) .. Bed 5009 when I went down for breakfast…
Then when I went down for breakfast the only one in line was Anthony ( Afro) and was ahead of me and when I greeted him,. he turned in front of everyone and bowed to me and clasped his hands and raised them to me…
He had never done this before.. ever
and then at 5:10 p.m.
Anthony Bienke text me… 51 Is Area 51… Room 5A.. 51… Add the age I am representing in the Illusion as well as 50, 49. and 48…( 1969)
7:58 p.m.

Nnaemeka volunteered to send me cash and did so periodically but also would not send when he had doubts and would lie, but his heart was pure, he just was not always sure if I was for real…
He said it often enough but these were epiphanies….

A play took place last night with which I commented on the Igbo page where Sarah Nkem Blackstock had been on. and I saw Nnaemeka there as I had observed through the play on these pages expressing a different concept than that of the Truth he had be recognized and trained for..
I it had been like a knife at first, because 3-4 years of effort and conversation, but in the end each person has a right to chose…
What is their truth…

And so I had responded in comments and I felt as if all the Ascended Ancestors from Africa to China were with me.. actually they were…
All Pangea… And I knew I was speaking for them and I was so tired as I wrote.. I was carrying them and felt faint as I continued to comment until complete…

They had created the Money play.. everything and I hated them so deeply for it but not the hate that consumes you but the hate that understands why they did it..

And so this morning I asked Sarah Nkem Blackstock and Nnaemeka to send if they wished money codes..
I knew why I was being made to ask and I dreaded it, hated it, hated being set up knowing already the outcome…
Sarah is was easy – It was her Spirit which had moved me to that place..
Oduduwa Eri… O.E…

8:07 p.m.
87.. see sacred portal 87…
Alex Sierra has 387 Face Book Friends…

Sarah was not feeling too good it was the Stomach and I knew why and spoke to her about it but she already knew what to do and had stated how it had intensified after the reading my Comments…
She ended with the code I E…
And promised to send on Friday… It was elegant and I felt better…
Then Nnaemeka… And it was horrible.. but I dealt with it because it was expected but even though it was about Truth.. Love can not be ignored.. so I had to steel me heart..

Then I had the a play with Nenad M. Djurdjevic I steeled my heart and fired away.. but it was as usual resolved by providing clarity… and reason… And It was done…
But it was hard but Nenad is Alberto Santana.. A.S.. So I was not surprised that Clarity came…
But it cost me..
Elizabeth Clarizio..

And then I knew I had to contact Lisa Natalie Johnson and for the most stupid excuse… Money to eat dinner not in the Shelter…
I could eat there but the menu tonight is something I had planned and saved so I would not have to eat but it fell on the day I had not calculated…
But I knew it was the play…
I just steeled myself and text her…
It was so gracefully done.. Recall that Lisa Natalie Johnson is already linked to Nenad M. Djurdjevic and now to Sarah Nkem Blackstock..
( My parents call each other Nkem.. when they were together.. it means Darling dear one.. Sacred Portal.. 54… Everywhere when I arrived here Sirens were blaring.. Fire Trucks but always the number 54… I knew what it meant but I did not give a damn…it was about connecting Lisa Natalie Johnson.. and all with money…
Nenad M. Djurdjevic was the only one I did not ask except to state from now on until the completion I would only take money from him and it would have to equitable to us both and not long.. because I can not NOT do this anymore…!!…
Lisa came down even though she too was going through physical symptoms…
It was so gracefully done right here in the cafe.. she slipped Ten into my pocket and then said oh yes.. wait…
And she brought out another oil ..
Lemon Grass… That is Three.. Frankiensence Bergamot and Lemongrass.. L.G.. 12.7… Geoff Lacour…

12 7.. 19… S..

Alex Sierra…

Welcome… He replaces Nnaemeka Eze U.F.O..NNA…IFE NNA NNA… is I.E…
A.S.. Which is Me…

A Text from Nenad M. Djurdjevic today at 2:20…22 V
Silver Anodized SA AS ASA… The Seventh Chakra..
Crown.. it is me..
But also Nenad Sarah O Lisa… N.A.S.A

8:27 p,m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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