
1/7/2016 1:06 – Facebook Post

Message from Saint Germain, January 5, 2016

Hello, dear Ones ~
Today I want to dictate to you a message on behalf of all of the Ascended Masters.
We congratulate you with Happy New Year. You should know that this is an unusual year. It will draw some sort of a time border that separates the old world from the new one. And now the old world begins to crumble before your eyes, and do not notice it can only the blind.
We see what is happening now in the higher echelons of power. There’s a panic and fear. The ground was slipping from under the feet of the leaders of many countries. They frantically cling to power, but understand that they have no power to hold it no more.
Why is this happening? They themselves are not able to understand this, because, as a rule, are in a very low vibrations, and this means that their consciousness is not able to reach a level comparable to the level of vibration of the Earth, causing the vibrating imbalance it introduce in their lives and their consciousness chaos and confusion. Roughly speaking, they can no longer live in the old way, but do not know how to live in a new way. And the only way for them now – to give way to those who know it.
And believe me, these people already exist. And we are doing everything that is in our power to help them to take their rightful place at the vertex of power. And once that happens, will start a chain reaction: at the key posts in the government, they will put people who are attracted to them by the vibrations, that is like-minded, knowledgeable about what is happening on the Earth and what to do in order to go with it up and integrate into the divine stream of light that will lead the society into a new reality nascent on the Earth.
And then here will prevail very different laws – those that are not invented by people, but those universal laws – eternal and immutable, by which live advanced civilizations of our galactic family, who are in the fifth dimension and beyond.
And believe me, dear, that in 2016 will begin the countdown to visible concrete changes on the Earth, it means, it will begin to manifests on the physical plane that has for long been ripened in the higher plane of the Earth. And here we can see it well.
So what you have to do to speed up the long-awaited process? You need according to your strength and abilities to tell all those who are ready to hear from you about the energy changes in the world, that they are bringing to people and how they should behave in order to comply with the new realities that came into this world.
Now the role of Lightworkers increases many times. You become the “Avant Guarde” of society, a living example for those who still have doubts. And remember, dear Ones, that it is your behavior, your actions, your harmonious state in a much greater extent than words, can change people’s minds and to direct them to the path of light, which means to the path of Ascension.
Remember, too, that we are always with you and always ready to come to your aid – you should only Call us! After all, this is our mission in Heaven – lead people to light and love to help them realize the greatness of the event taking place on Earth, to give them the opportunity to ascend with our beloved Mother Earth.

Saint-Germain talked to you on behalf of all the Ascended Masters ~

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