
1/26/2018 19:55 – Facebook Post

This is what popped up as I opened my computer…

Sacred Portal 33.

The Code date of birth as listed on my Face Book Page and the Human Portal represented by Jamel Salter… J.S.. 10 19… 29.

And the code sent by Kemi Sara 27 33 1234… Which I picked up today.

On the way there the number was so prevalent everywhere, that I had to point it out to Blair…

And the number 22….

It was so extraordinary… Blair had to go to an appointment, and he told me that instead his birth being listed as 12-02-1973… it was listed as 12-22-1973… L.V.

As you may recall 27… A-A…Allen Murray -Alan beds 4-012, and 4010 are aligned in the room and 27..B.G…Anthony Blair Cleveland D.E.E.-DI-Emeka Jamel completes the Equation.

Bed 4-004.. 44… Blair…

5:27 p.m.

“And so did D come to E to Arouse and Awaken him from the most Terrible Dream”

Thus 64 86 94 04… From Fritz Venneiq
And 27 33 1234…From Kemi Sara .44 (8), 33 (6), 22 (4), 11 2…( 11-02..2012 F R B)
27 33… 9 6… 1234/4321…. 44 33 22 1.. ( the one 11-02-12…who has been sending a signal which is being heard from 3 Billion miles away)
Is completed.

Allen Means “Harmony Handsome Beautiful Noble Stone…” x 2..
Anthony means “Flower.. of inestimable worth, praise worthy…:

And the Dream is code Jamel Salter.. means “Beautiful Handsome Noble, Grace,
Salter means “extractor of Salt… and Sounder…

“English: occupational name for an extractor or seller of salt (a precious commodity in medieval times), from Middle English salt ‘salt’ + the agent suffix -er. English: occupational name for a player on the psaltery, a string instrument, Middle English, Old French saltere ‘psaltery’. (The Middle English word is derived from Latin psalterium, Greek psalterion, from psallein ‘to sound’). North German form of Salzer.”

Blair Family History. Scottish and northern Irish: habitational name from any of the numerous places in Scotland called Blair, named with Scottish Gaelic blàr (genitive blàir) ‘plain’, ‘field’, especially a battlefield (Irish blár).

Andrew Boy’s name meaning, origin, and popularity. Greek for “strong,” “manly,” “courageous.” In the New Testament, Andrew is the first apostle to be called by Jesus.
English form of the Greek name ??????? (Andreas), which was derived from ???????? (andreios) “manly, masculine”,

Cleveland means “Land… Cliff Land..”

Dee is linked to David and Devi and is the portal I passed through in Masculine and Femine from Dee Dewight Smith and then to my phone number of my other phone.. 569 6455… EF.I…F.D EE…To Dee who works here, linked to her daughter 7-28 and Alexis, and then to Samuel Dewayne called Dee.. bed 5-013…
D D… 4 4.. My Bed.. My True Age…
Thus I slept on the Bed 44 “Goddess Bliss… G B.. 7 2/ 27…Blair G Andrews… ” “Andrews Man Courageous brave would be me- in a Terrible Dream of the 33..CC..Duality of two C which could not align to form from two CC..O…and 6…F… O.F.. Full Circle Fact because of they could not realize in actuality that all is in perfect symmetry and that there is only Beauty which is Harmony..

Thus… 64… F.D.. Fifth Dimension 86.. Hindsight Foresight is Victorious because it allows the In and Out, of the Eternal Line, by being able to play the Observer and the Actor…A.O… which both realm translated as the Illusion of the Spirit World and the Physical Material world are but the space of non existence permitted to manifests as a space to understand the E…

In and out of breath.. Life and Death.. are but illusion of these two realms, which enabled the equation of the 94.. The I.D…infinities Definition to be played out and understood 0-4. O-4… O 1 234…
Creating The A-A A-Z-A.. Resurrection from the End A-Z to rise to a full Circle which is not A-Z end of a line.. but A-A…
just as Spectrum represented by Ray.. Rubin.. R R.. Red Orange Yellow-Gold, Green Blue.. Indigo, Violet…must return to Red…

And sound… Sol-fa… Do Rey Me F-Ah… Sol-d! La Te.. V.. must return to Do…

AA BB CC DD… EE/FF… GG.. HH.. II.. Jay Jay…K..OLO… K=11.. Kolo means “Circle Round .. Princely Manly Warrior”

And so if you read the Names… the riddle is made clear..

Harmony Beautiful Harmony… ( Jace Horsford just arrived and a play of confirmation just took place which I will allow him to express himself…
But it had to do with the Obdisan stone…
*Image result for meaning and origin of the Black Stone -Obisidan
The Indian Islamic scholar Muhammad Hamidullah summed up the meaning of the Black Stone: [T]he Prophet has named the (Black Stone) the “right hand of God” (yamin-Allah), and for purpose. … And that is the al-Hajar al-Aswad, the Black Stone in the Ka’bah.”

…I found a Cameo designed black button.. the part which looks like mirror all in black was scratched off partly as if to reveal that which was painted over it….
I asked Jace Horsford what it made him think of .. the first thing he said was Obisidan… ( O B IS I.D…A.N… OB is 02… Linked to me and Blair as the I.D of the Blackness…Blair is a beautiful black complexion.. I am brown tan…)
He then brought an Obisidan stone which he said he had just charged.
And I flashed to the Gorilla energy which had taken me over in 2006, on discovering Generation X Gardens and the Black Stone I placed inside a Ti-Pi erected over a Peace Sign layout in the Garden…
Eshe Chuki Asale.. mirrored the exact same stone and the play…She lives in Queens Park… Where My bio sister “64” code lived…

Jace Horsford then spoke of recognizing my voice, and the flapping of wings and being carried up after answering a question :Do you want to go to Heaven or Hell.. H H…”Herman Hubbard? ” At which he said NO..
And in saying that he was whisked up an Elevator.
Ascension from his groin he gestured…
Look at the sexual nature of this sacred portal Arousal.. Through the core… Kundalini to the Crown Chakra then to out of the body to the A.Magician Infinity… then to C ..i… See I..

Allen Allan…and a third Allan who I saw and had an exchange with ( he gave me three tubes of Tooth paste… I had given 3 usd from the 22 usd to Blair… * I owed 7 usd to them, and had bought him and I coffee.. 100..150… my number 47.. his 50… his coffee 1.50…)…

Harmony Harmony Above below and all Around, 8 8 8.. Harmony Beautiful Noble Rock Solid Stone ( Obisidan) – the Flower of Inestimable Value, so highly praise worthy, lands in the Field.. the Battle ground where the brave manly courageous body of Man. the Handsome Beautiful one who is the extracter of Salt Death from the See-Sea, who manifest through Sound on to land by diving from the highest Cliff point, as David Dionisio the Beloved Lover De-Vine…Donald. The World Ruler, the Universal Ruler…
Eric “The Eternal Ruler…”…
Emeka… the


Do you see what I mean? that this could have been a beautiful post if I had been allowed to link it naturally.. but too much information arriving and manifesting… and no time, and space to and exhaustion…


Ruining the Beautiful Expression…

Of course, it links to what took place with Blair today and last night with Ray outside…
O R B…. B R O….

6:55 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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