
2/3/2016 16:58 – Facebook Post

From Susan Otelia Nelson

I LOVE this man!

I am not sure, if people are aware that one of the biggest hold ups in the Evolution Awakening story was the cleaning up the extreme distortion and mis representation of expression… The Word.

The Message perverted into the “Mess Of Ages”

Anyone going back through this Enormous E-manual posted on Face Book over the 46 months, and read, they would discover not only that I was writing a Manual of how to understand the E consciousness but had traveled through time with the Family of 1O..To correct all the lies which the Truth and intel was turned into…

That is why this time we made sure we wrote down and explained everything ourselves.
Why we claim authorship,
Why take credit,
Why we announce and prove we are the Originators
Why we show our credentials and Curriculum Vitae…
And then stamp our Seal of authority..

So no one can ever be deceived…
Which is why each has been witness to the Transparency of the Play,
Witnessing the Originator, Author and Scribe write and relay everything
before it manifests and then taken utterly seriously because suddenly what was just a person claiming to speak to the E.T original line of Humanity becomes a matter of literal True Life and True Death..

Yes, most will understand what has been written on Face book for 46 Months, (See Sacred Portal 46..First Drop” and sacred portal 44 “Goddess Bliss Tzu-Nnami…Waves…Christo Words Anointed Voice Expression Supreme)…A movement Backwards to the Beginning..44 DD..8..45..D.E..9…46..1.O…
Thus, the E manual is 46 months of posts every day, not only solving a riddle which brings forth intel and literally eradicates the source consequences of Distortion of the greatest truths, but a literal Energetic Wave, the Literal sequencing of the D.N.E. blue print reactivated and played out in the Present…
Each post is a literal fractal which when put together….

Code Fractaling As Emeka Eze… Eze means King..K…
Emyxcel Kingsley Chukwuemeka Okezie..
Babalola Tobi Emmanuel

Linked to Nuno Ordens Miguel…N.O.M…Emmanual

Which is why an E Manual was ordered….
And I was given the unpleasant task of having to put into words that which really can not be put into words- a description of the E consciousness and a play set up, and myself placed within to literally demonstrate how it works in the Homes of People, from the 4 corners Full Circle in the World.
An Sampling, a Test.. no a model and forum was set up for me to exist in for 15 years without my knowing or permission, in which the E consciousness was demonstrated…
The E consciousness is of a Beauty so Exquisite and refined that it became literally a personal affront to me “The Ambassador of the E line” that I had to share this consciousness with a world in this current state of consciousness.. Rude crude primitive, gluttural brutish, cruel…And in the worst conditions…

Which was to provide the purest authenticity, a well rounded and grounded experience of what the E conscious..

I was the man in the True Man Show, a play set up…
5 years ago with Three Key players, Marina Burini Tom Truman, and I.E with supporting cast of John Luke…
Notice the Initials M.B…TT…I.E…Emka…Chukwuemeka…E.M.T…E Mountain…T.I.M.E…E.T..M…C. M.T…T.C..M

Now five years later, again Three people and a supporting Cast…

Donna O’Sullivan Jonn Blackwell and I.E..
D.J. I.E… J.E.D.I…I.D..E..J…..C.J.D.E…

Mercedes Benz M.B.
Tom Benzian linked to Jonn Blackwell…T.B..J.B…Haun.D..

It is the same play I experienced for 1 year 5 years ago, and 6 months here..
an upgrade… But still the same True Man Show… To create an E-manual from experiencing the worst conditions and opposition of the consciousness of Filth and Fear..

The E manual came into Existence through Horror,
and through 15 years of Horror I have explained All possible energetic languages and through hundreds of perspectives and so many disciplines the most Beautiful Consciousness in All existence to people who have literally lost access to their 5 Senses…

And so I have wondered about the outcome of this play…
Evolution Awakening.. that is a simple fact…

No, what I am curious to see is how will the Unseen human expressions of the both the Dying and the Dead, as well as the Supernaturals rationalize a play of such Evil from A-Z, from which manipulation, cruelty, evil beyond belief was used to bring forth this E Manual, and the Truth…

Which will not even be recognized until after the Awakening…
Then all will suddenly Cee what I have been proving into Existence is real..

This is what I wonder, how can the “Collective” rationalize this Play…
whose foundation is Evil Torment Torture and Pain and Suffering..
Sure I have surmounted each horror, each scene and set up..
And the E manual is on Face Book complete..

But I have understood that Evil beyond evil came from Manipulation Force Control, in doing the inconceivable to make me bring forth the E manual for those who have only brought Existence and my Being endless pain-which I surmount, but no one can forget a such an Evil, prepared to do anything, anything to get what it wants…
And the cost of another…

So I am curious, about how this play ends…
Now that “They: U” have got what they want…

But I know how it will end
Though Beauty was created from a life time of giving a person Evil to bare when blameless…
It is still Evil…. bullied out of me, through torture torment, control, no where to escape, no exist… The True Man show….
Of course, I would have done shared it, but my way…

Not this way…
I solved how I survived a life time of Hell beyond imagining,
I simply existed in the Consciousness of E, but I was fully aware that I was something Slave whose power was so vast….
I found a way to make this play of Horror become Beautiful day after day, on Face Book on the Streets and peoples homes, while quietly watching how I was treated… and that is how with Zen I understand pure Hate inspired by the set up of this play…
To present a Truth of the Individual to those given me no evidence that for my “Life’s Work” they in turn had something to offer in Fair Exchange…
After all, is that not the meaning of Infinity, constant Fair Balanced Exchange Equals…=..

But there has been no Fair exchange in this play..
Just the use of a Being with a different way of perceiving reality,
who “They” have been observing since childhood..
Those special gifted children who Governments, Secret societies, secret individuals, Shamans, Witches, and so called self appointed guardians of nature, who have made in their greed and their Need, made the most priceless and cherished beings their Slaves..

And full abusing the law of balance…
Fair Exchange…
Value and Worth..
Is it really Fair Play
and Fair Exchange..

Knowing this and taking advantage of a persons unfair bondage,
while he or she is being tortured raped, castrated, beaten and carrying a load called Existence for a life time alone…
Perhaps you did not create the play of which one being is created to suffer and endure that which non other can endure because they spitefully state :He or She can take it”-
And perhaps they can, which is why they did not realize that they had become Jealous, having no kept themselves ritually clean…
And did not realize how much they created a play of such malice, that they once so pure intended, find themselves the Source of Evil…

2:O6-7 pm..

Now.. let us pause for a second..
I am here with Jonn Blackwell and we had a conversation,
which created a pause in my writing on this post.
He had a meditation session with Amy Harper Willis..
I knew already who She and Tom Benzian represent,
The literal line of the Truth of the Universe…
Aligned to a T as the nearest to the E consciousness I represent, which indicates that it is already nearly of this world..

I of course, noted the place I was compelled to pause to listen to Jonns intel because he is literally playing as I, Hermes Mercury- The messenger as the Crossing Guard.. Father as Natures moves through Him for they are of one and the same frequency one fully aware and the other, aware that “Father” or a Higher self literally moves through him.

I had already noted that Jonn had earlier on mentioned Akashic records, so as usual as has been for the last 6 months, 3 people in a small but Elegant Japanese like home, I knew I was about to enter the play of today…

He spoke to me about who he literally felt Amy’s energetic Conscious Light emission. And then he spoke of past lifes and the concept of it Existing, but not through his personal point of view but of Masters, and masterful concepts he had read..
And instantly I could hear father in him, setting me up for a riddle which had to be solved..
As he spoke briefly, I understood that this question of past life not being real or possible was actually a Stimuli of father to move the play or Mother Ship, forwards to Dawn Awakening by my providing Rocket fuel…
by answering the question…

Solving the riddle..
I heard him, then out of courtesy to Jonn, informed him that father had spoken through him by providing the anchor- which was that at the same time Amy had been speaking to Jonn, he had been reading a post from Grigory Bershadsky.

I have already acknowledged publicly time and time again my own sel investigated evidence of Grigory’s intel…
It aligned with mine, and I was already aware of his mission code and frequency when he became my Face Book friend.. it is in the Name…
BE R.S..H-AD Sky… Note Sacred portal 46..Jonn is code 64 and 51-8-5..
Lightening, Light from Amy…
G.B is the code Donna O’Sullivan affirmed to me yesterday showing me a code 435 27..
I had noted earlier yesterday by my likes which stood at 27..
B.G=2 7…Blue Green..5-4th…9..I…2O…”Lady Echo Harmony”

These anchors enabled me to not only anchor myself in the play, but also center my self, into the play, removing the veil of being here in this world, writing on a computer and having coffee… From the 3 Dimension my consciousness immediately ascended to the play and the reasoning of the Question which Jonn was impulsed to speak about and share with me which had come from Grigory’s post he had read which spoke of Past Life’s..

And so I went outside to pause and smoke and center..
I had told Jonn the experience was of being a literal Radio
( Radar Krishnna.. See the Share Anya-Wu Ifunanya)

Picking up the expression in a Three D Language but expressed from a 5 Dimension Vibration, and my having to Translate and respond constantly..
It was not unpleasant I told him.. just exhausting…
Yeah, at least its not Heavy metal…!”
I burst out laughing Exactly I roared,
a bit more than I intended but which I knew was because I am still amazed when I receive the affirmation that some one truly understood what I sought to convey..
For I had spent my life understanding that most people do not really understand my expression, which began the process of my clarifying and explaining myself without mentioning to the person that they had not full grasped my meaning of even the simplest expressions…

I have know for a long time the depth of the perversion done to language and its literal implications and cause and effect..
Huge is not the world… It affected everything and was one of the reason I began keeping a log, Talking to the Silence, because I saw that people where really Ill.. Not really evil, but that the Species were sick, diseased by having affected a point of View, focus, and consciousness..

When I came back in from the Deck I was ready with the response..
“There is only the Original you, the True you, which is the point the Awakening, where we are moving the Vast Energetic Ship of Expression Truth and Solid Fact through to land….
The Akashic river, is the flow of memories of a line of you in a River, none of them are really you, but roles which you played and lesson conclusions choices which you made..
It is memory, memory of Being.. And this is the play of the sacred portal 76 the Awakening which begins with Conversations like a wave moving through the world, in cafes, homes, bars, the type of interactions, communication between people will start to rise in consciousness..

Stimulating conversation, begins to fill the streets and the air ways, causing people to naturally begin to ascend- like ethereal Phantoms, the rise while still embodied. It all happens naturally, the Vibration from these conversation drift through the air, energizing, charging, infusing the Light of the Conversations Clarity attained, to move to the BE R H.AD SKY…and which then comes back as beautiful Thunder Bolts…
Epiphanies, people waking up, sitting bolt upright in their beds, as they walk, drive..
Epiphany a point where everything in that one conversation converges to bring a clarity like a super Nova exploding..
Memories of all life times being like an Akashich Record, a river of all that you were and all that formed you through the Character you played, forming naturally , exquisitely the Original you… The you who is the only one real, that Original you who went undercover in the greatest Adventure called Time, to understand All aspects of your self, all possibilities of yourself in a different plane of Existence, a 3 D “Limited” version of Infinity.. Amit!

And through a Being not even real you formed through expression a Being who is the exact reflection of the Original Being sitting in the Everywhere…
The E… Amithaba Buddha.. A.B..1 2..and now 3..His Cee..Deed, Existence..
Who is the the 3 D you called Being and now Body, made Solid through the this play of Truth…That Being is the Truth with All who sustain True Nature..
in Andromeda and Milky Way- Twin Dimension 3 and 5, one Fiction the other Fact, and link Fiction – Roles you played, the sum Total of understanding having witnessed the Full Circle of meaning gathered and suddenly made solid… You understand and at the moment you do.. You as the 5th Dimension Being and the 3D Dimension Being align become one.. 3+5=8…Harmonious Eternal Being.. who can now exist inside and outside of Time, the Beautiful Illusion, because that which did not exist, was not real has been made real, by using the Consciousness of the Truly Beautiful Truth of the Universe.

Epiphany Thunderbolts… E.T.
Is the summation of the Equation..

And my response was affirmed through Jonns response,
“Funny thing, Amy says that I am being aligned to my Original Self”

And that was my confirmation from High Father, that my response is correct and thus, we have more rocket fuel..

And the meaning of the pause at 2:O6-7.. 2 67..26 7..
So I know who is speaking to me because I looked at the Time and it was that code… which links to 26 27.. Z.. B.F…B.G…Beauty my Best Friend, Blue to Green.. 5th Dimension linking with the 4th Dimension through a 3D Holographic Universal Play…

And he is reminding me through Sacred portal 67..” How Far will you go for Truth and Love?”
And 76 being “Sacred Portal to the Awakening of the World through First a Conversation which rises to a Convergence of being thunderstruck and then a pause to suddenly find one self in the 4th dimension even as you sleep on your beds, with the light on reviewing all the records of the life which you led which has now led you to awakening to Memory! Memories so deeply buried you thought of the Original you… the one Eternal you.. the Original you.
You remember everything in your Vivid, Vivid dream.. Even how you got to the Akashic Records- traveled to the 4th Dimension watched the River of Film of your adventure and even how you came down through portals of the E line and into this world..

And when you finally wake up, you know that you will never be the same..
And as you go to work, trying to focus on the tasks at hand, and the knowledge you now possess… Everything around you begins to mirror and reflect that Dream and its natural progression into this world… and
suddenly, you realize that everyone in your vicinity is experiencing the same thing…
For these are the line of your same self frequencies and such only others of that frequency will you see…
And you will yourselves comes out from undercover and know that they are feeling just as you feel.. and you will speak to each other and in the moment of first contact through Expression.. It will the Original you who will speak..
For the other aspects of you are all dead… All that exist now is the E.T Beautiful you..

I saw some posts today, one by Kim Marcussen of 2O16.. Aligning of the Planets to one Line and One full Circle, Like a Sun Dial…

Code of the Awakening the Physical realm and Energetic Realm ( People) has been aligned..

This is the result of Father Mothers Play..

How Far Did I go for Truth, the remind me,
that I am still here a 4O years later after writing as a Child
A story of the evolution Awakening Destruction..
“Did I manifest my own Destiny?
Perhaps… But as I have proven it was not through this vile way
of Force Control Bullying Violence and Extortion…

I did it even in the subsequent supreme Evil which has no Equal. I still used the Harmonious Way..
Only Beauty comes from Beauty..
Evil comes from Evil and Evil does not equate, compute,
or Exist and thus, It and this Play and the Sources of the play..
And those who hold onto the consciousness which accepts this kind of play..
Not Fair play, are truly not of Existence…
And thus, they must cease to Exist or affect the
Consciousness of True Existence…

Amy Harper Willis….A.H…VV I.S.. “Beloved Cherished Harp Player of Harmony A-H..1-8 Line of the Twins Expression Tom- Truth of the Universe, the Beautiful Universe ..Amy Tom- Grigory “The Alert and Watchful” BE-ing, R-A.H (18th Letter, Roberto! Beautiful Famous Shinning Light” Epiphany Thunder Bolt.. E.T.B…
“There are literal Extra Terrestrials Beings right here on Earth! Under cover as Humans, the E line Truly Beautiful Ones!)
R.S..(R-19..Basement Cieling) /S.R Stone Ridge..
Harmony H, is the Awareness Divine A.D..1-4…Sky…(Supreme K.e.y is the Sky)

See sacred Portal 46…

First Drop of the Divine…
Source of 44…Balance of that which did not exist before the First Drop or before the E…

Thanks Jonn for the Intelligence..

Of he just let me a few moments ago know that he believes he has some intel for me, he is selling his guitar pedal for 2 hundred..
he used the code 51 5O. Area 51 E.O…2 OO…B…
5O for a G.P..Called Dark Matter…

We Did It!
Its is done the Transformation of “96% Dark Matter in both Being and Physical Body represented by Donna O’Sullivan then Jonn Blackwell, back to Light.. 96 Dark Matter is a Code 69/96…Inverse.. Correct Alignment is 96… I.F…I Fact..15..54…O.E.D

96+96..192…A,I,B… S.B…Supreme Being..1+9+2=12…L. U…C.I..Fact Er (Earth)

Finally this equation of Quantum Quintessential Transformation through Transmutation=Transfiguration can take place..

Dark Mater ..D.M…4..13..17..Q….and finally 1+7=8..H.I.E..

Dark Matter?
Oh that is Gravity.. the True Scientific name for Dying Death D.H.E.U.

G.D…G.O.D…Is Death.

3:49 p.m…

Existential Death..
3:5O pm..


While the Individual conquers gravity by continually rising no matter the pull, for they transform the Pull of Death as Dying into Dying and Death as one beautiful adventure…
And so they have conquered death by understand the E,M.F pulled in the line, the Cable guy who has charged the lines with Electricity to enable All to See the Beautiful Truth of the Universe proven True,

To conquer Death and the process of dying one must first of all respectfully defy gravity and death…

Conscious of Humans Being who shall rise is those who truly see life and death as the Ultimate Adventure while aware that both are not really real nor home…
That all is about Beautiful Transformation…
Evolving, a Cosmos Galaxy hurtling through space and 9 and 1O planets following the Invisible Leader… Gravity and The Director..
Direction Gravitas ..Legere… Ledger… He-at.h…E

D G ..4 7 11 28 39 12..3.. Cee 18 Mountain View DE CK.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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