
From Sarbasish Choudhury

From Sarbasish Choudhury

The Eternal you…

the realm of the limitless..

is not an intellectual Construct..

it is a literal place which exists..

The place I call home of Man…

But to get there One had to embody in a play,

the that literal consciousness.

by rising and rising through yes no yes no

Until reaching the Mountain and Valleys

of that consciousness energetically

have understood first Energetically while deep undercover in an inversed play…

And yet sustaining that Consciousness and View

as not only a Fact but the one and only truth…

To get home. one must get there first Energetically by way of Expression Essential…

Then through you Cee of Consciousness…

And then the Expression Harmonies of two Cee’s now one…

And just as the laws of physics dictate in this 3 D play,

Energy comes before Physical Manifestation…

and the messenger is Spirit

And so, once E+CC+H…O…is completed energetically…

Then finally physical change takes place,

and you literally physically go Home..

Which is where I and the World is at right now,

at my very last portal, and the physical journey home…

1:O8 P.M

Amitahba Buddha…1O8 sacred names…



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