
Ascension update Sat. 2/20/16 –

Ascension update Sat. 2/20/16

There’s been an acceleration of energies in the past few days leaving us feeling exhausted with achey muscles, stiff neck, back pain (low and mid area mostly), leg and foot discomfort/pain (our bodies are doing their best to ground into these new earth frequencies), hot flashes (not necessarily menopause related) and then chills, nausea, loss of appetite and then all of a sudden hungry like never before, thirst, crying for no apparent reason, anger and irritable, depression, anxiety, fuzzy cotton head, dizzy, sleep disturbances and strange dreams, no sense of place (like we have no ground to stand on), and itching skin (especially on the scalp crown chakra area).

I’m feeling a strong sense that our ego needs to step down and allow our Soul to navigate for us. The Soul takes the form of a human body so it can have these unique human experiences, so we really need to take good care of our human vessels. We are each a spark of Divine Light who chose to have this Ascension experience so that we can return to Wholeness as Love Embodied. Big lessons in having trust and faith that a much bigger force is really running the show here. What a relief! Whew!! Ohhh Ascension – What a crazy wild ride you are!! LOL!!

The energy is intensifying so that we can move into and embody our Divinity. Our crown chakra is receiving an acceleration of light codes that’s moving through our entire chakra system causing us to feel out of sorts. We can greatly assist this Ascension upgrade by relaxing as much as possible. …energy flows through relaxed muscles easier than contracted tense muscle. Up your intake of magnesium and let go and let God/Goddess take over ??

Stay hydrated, rest when needed, spend time in nature and breathe in the fresh air, take salt/baking soda baths, practice yoga, take vibrational and homeopathic remedies, extra vitamin/minerals, listen to soothing music, watch a fun movie and eat some chocolate, spend time with those you love and our beloved animal companions, and whatever you like that nourishes your body, mind and spirit.

As of yesterday, 2/19, the Sun has moved into Pisces – the sign of the Fish (a water sign ruled by the planet Neptune) . They are psychically sensitive, empathic and intuitive, the visionary dreamer, deeply creative and artistic, and they are the last sign of the Zodiac (the tail of the Dragon). Happy Birthday to all of you Pisceans out there <3 As we’re heading into the Full Moon in Virgo this coming Monday, 2/22/16, it’s a great time for releasing the old. Full Moon is a time of illumination and for shedding light on the shadow aspects that we may have been avoiding, and it’s in the sign of Virgo which relates to health, service, being detail oriented, has a good understanding of human nature and loves to help people. What a great time to be here on Mother Earth! I know there are moments when it feels like you want to give up, that’s ok- this is part of surrendering. The Universe is holding us through this Transformative Journey. Remember that we are Warriors/Warrioresses of Light who came to Mother Earth to Shine and Love like never before. I’m with you, we totally got this! Love you all to the Moon and backMaryanne Savinoo www.sacreddanceandsound.com Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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