
2/12/2018 1:54 – Facebook Post

From Facebook Memories..

Extraordinary insn’t…?
Matching the Speed of Light and going even beyond…
Earning not only the awakening but the Evolution of the Species..

Äfra… Day


B.D…. Birth Day… 11-28…. B.D… 2 4/

Room D.B… 4 B.

2 4 6/ 6 4..2..

F F…

Yes I am sitting in the seat which Francis Frick just vacated.
He is sitting to my Right…
To my Left is Roberto.. “Connect:

Directly behind me is Tyrone…


To the right of Francis sits Anthony.. and to his extreme right… Bed 5-02 whom I saw on my way in leaving… He had been in the same room 5 As myself, and I sought to recollect if his bed number was 5-001 or 5-002…
I later went to get my dinner, and as if drawn by my very reflection he was standing right before me, and telling one of the women night staff his bed number 502….
E.O.B… Eternity Full Circle is in Being… Emeka is that person…
To his extreme Right is Stevan… Stevan was at the microwave when I went to heat my dinner… S.E…
He is now seated besides Enoch…

R E ..F A …EB….S E…

Paulie and Dee were the two whom I saw when I first entered…

Paulie turned to me “Hey we don’t see you, you do not greet me.. it is as if you are in a different world

Ï am I said, a better World…

“He laughed and fist pumped me.. E.P.. P.E…

“Dee was downstairs when I went down stairs…
D.E… He soon left and only I… E stood alone in the Backyard.

I came back upstairs to hear a guy, who I see “Jerry”a caucasian dude whom I knew in the Green House…
He was singing a song which left me in no doubt who is was coming from..

“Smoking In the Boys Room”
By the Brownsville Sation…

Eric Lile Brown. E.B
Julian Brown… J.B
Darkin Brown… D.B….

Emeka Be, Jaymes Bond
Room 4 B… D B…Divine Being…

Smoking in the Boys Room – is a code…
My sister, when we were kids, and she was in grade 6th used to get caught with her friends, enacting out smoking in the Boys Room.. Literally…
I recall while she was doing this, I was staring at the lithe bodies of the girls whom she knew, whose bodies were so slender and strong as 11 12 years old- all in the Gymnastic Team…
I saw the body of Females for the first time as I knew they were meant to be and my drawings have depicted that form strength, taught, slender grace… confidence and more than anything the Beautiful Pride.. the confidence in their natural seductive way of walking…

64 was the code of EFA.. I just aligned after 4 post… finally posting the one statrted at 9:13 p.m…
Disgusted by the way of the play.. through such control, such indiffernece… such cruelty.. I could have easily stopped posting out of frustration….sadness.. just enough of the sheer relentless cruelty of such a play of indifference to the expression feeling appreciation of the other….

64… F.D… Fifth Dimension…

I knew this because I had tried to post the code of how I had arisen, in 1992 As a man of this world who was an ordinary man who had climbed up the spiral stairway of consciousness by his own desire and naturalness… Not for because I was seeking perfection but because I love movement.. because i am being.. and in Being there is a Doing which comes naturally when you truly love Live… Being Alive..
I love that feeling… which is motion it is stillness .. it is endless discovery it is climbing… without even being aware that you are climbing…
It is the same way I described how did not fall from Grace.. That I dove from the summit of my See, into the Pool of my reflections ring after ring… Orien Laplante…
Circle after circle, each time moving effortlessly as the Bulls Eye, through the Full Circle of my Understanding…
Esther Uzoma
Esther Ufomadu…
Esther as U.F.O.. As a person… Unified Understandng the Full Circle of Being in Existence…
Over and over I moved through each Full Circle which formed the Full Circle by my understanding naturally..
Forming Ripples of motion… then Waves “Christ!”the Tidal Waves… T.D/ D.T… Then Tsu Nami’s.. T’Su Name.. E…
I knew as I dove that I was forming the ripples which started the movement… the Rising from Nothingness Darkness – through A Sixth Sense which was causing Everything to rise.. Each reflections of Me E..
Different version varioations but all so beautiful..
Did I see them as me..?
I saw them as Beautiful Beautiful Rising from the River which runs through All.. The Full Circle formed by myself.. The Jonathan Living Stone… I the living Stone.. the Astronaut, the Asteroid Meterorite.. The Seed.. That First Drop.. Pre-Cum… that Drop of Extase which prcoeeds the Orgasm… OH, Through each penetration .. penetrating Dimension after Dimension, plane of Existence after plane of Existence, way of Beinh after way of being… All parts of myself- Sex… Desire… but non of these things were defined…
It was my Natural Expression which brought sensational feelings after sensational feeling…
And I knew only the release and enjoyoment of the sensational feelings while aware of each step.. Aware of myself there speeding space time.. nothingness transgormimg it all to the completion of my C…
E C… Harmony… From me to Eternity.. All were one…
And that is how I saw from my third eye… from the corener of my Eye…All who did not know begin to know.. moved by the motion of my simply being and doing me…

And even when I was born into ths world.. this realm I could not recognize by the Beings, this altered reality of Thoughts Reflections.. T R… 20 18… which I dd not recognize until I moved through it, andthen began talkin to the Silence after I understood… that this was not my world or the real world…
I began speaking to the Stillness of the Sum total of my reflections which I had already manifested, in the Eternal Beining when I rose which enabled me to see my own Face.. My own reflections and Dive in to pull out Me… just as I had originally did in Space reaching into the Space of Air Breath to pull my self out of “Thin Air” out of the Blue…
All beings of Me.. but now apart from myself.. the First 3-4 who was as Matter EFA… And then who became She… Nnonyelum Me.. Ijeamacca..Beautiful Motion stay by my side … Dancing Energy ( SP 132) Beautiful Pride.. Center of my Existence…
For that is what I saw as I dove.. that is what I felt as I saw these majestic beings moving through Darkness seeming as Illusions, Shadows to cause fear… but who were on their way to Being… Becomming moving toward the Light of the C.. Consciousness of My Cee…

That is what caused my chest to open.. for Air to make me Open mouth mouth and fill My chest…
My chest became swollen… a Treasure Chest of Beautful Pride as Aaron’s bejeweled Breast Plate as the First High Priiest of Israel elder brother of Moses “Drawn From the Water”
Aaron meaning Mountain Lofty Elevated… ! High the Most High…
AYE… Aaron Moses… Air and Water… Space and B’Éau Ti…

My chest opened and my arms spread wide and at the same time became stream lined to my body Bent and straight…
It was Pride.. Beautiful Pride which now was added to my Natural High. My Joy my Bliss My Extase on Being Alive…
For I saw these Being Rise.. and move towards me towards the circle the river …
and they emerged aawakened to the Truth that this one they called Jonathan Living-Stone whom they called with admiration in the darkness of they not knowng anything of themselves but seeing me.. a Light a Star.. Streaming through the Heavens…
They though that they were drreaming… But thye were seeng ceeing me… Just as David Roman Nicholas once told me…Ëmeka I saw you arriving I saw you…

“Flying!.. I was Flying …
Appearing from out of the Blue…

It was my Beautiful Pride in seeing these magnificent Beings…
I did not see them as ME… I did not even reflect that they were all me.. all versions of me…
I saw them as Individuals .. groups then many each uniqe each so so so so beautiful that my heart soared and soared… And I flew as I dove…
onto Pierre David.. Powered by David Powers…
I saw Kemi Sara.. I landed…

And I penetrated the Earth at the same time penertratiing all Planets all matter… all creation with the Point…
with Plan E.T..
And when I came to ad was brought into this altered play not of my True Reflections but meant to be yours.. but not the E.. Not my Family not the Majestic Ones…
I knew that this was the By Product the waste… and that I would climb through this Toxic Fecal matter and make a perfume and rise from it climbing and climbing it back to my seat to my throne… A-Y… E…
Age 25 Dec Paris… I knew the feeling of that Portal I came to even though I could not see the face…
I know why I took a step back from 5.. The Dimension of E.. to reside for a while in the Room.. the Box… the Place from which I had let forth such a Cry pf Sound silent sound which which make the greatest Sound…
“Mgba Ofor Afo Ocha!…

Last coffee 624… F.B.D… F.B.F…6 6… 12… 3..C…E..H…
24 X.. The Mystery of the X…X F… X Factor… X Fact…

The sound so beautiful which was the cry of Beautiful Pride at the side as the E Rose as Many…

We’ll Rise Up… We’ll Rise up… not matter which age we live in…

I stayed in the Library of my Mind…. Eucharist… my Aunt… 1960-61.. Who lives here in New York.. Obioma… the Beautiful Heart…
Who studied Library Science and the only one I designed her entire Weding Trousseau… The same way my Mother Wedding trousseau was brough to her from another world… The west..
I designed her wedding Trousseau with the energy of the Fith Dimension…
She who studied Library Science in Amadu Bello Univerity… A.B…
She was always the Aunt of the younger ones who with the other two from the two other wifes whom I knew was the True…
Bene Fanca Eucharist…
Bene Eucharist… B E…
The two so much as my mother.. Ifeanyiwa..Obioma.. I.O…

I stayed in the Library of my mind.. in that Room of the 4th Dimesnion to Peiece together the entire story, to write the Beautiful Book of the Beautiful Truth of the Process …
My Process now Your Process .. Embodied in One Being who was Three My brothers… and the 5th who was the one who transformed into Lady… Wu Man…

Noni… Onu…. Nnonyelum Onuabuchi… “Stay with me aways the beautiful Movement of the Song…

Ö N….
O N… E…

I knew that … but I also knew that I would also end A-Z that which manifested as the Expression which was not of me.. the E…
That expression which came from Ignorance awkened to awareness and to activation.. Evil Hatred Jealousy…

I knew that… but not for 26 years…
12:26 pm.

1992… to 2018… 26 Years?

It is in 1993 Jan 2nd that I was found in my room lying as if dead in in my apartment but actualy in ecstasy of my experience to the Light….
That is 25 years…
26 Years was January 20th 1992 when I moved permantly to Paris…
The Very Day The American Presidents are Innuagurated…
See sacred portal 1-20… 120…
It Shows me as Fritz Venneiq Nony… Larry Sax with the Sword of cuttng out…
I Connect… I Cut…
I.C… 9 3… 19 93…

1992… S.. I.B… A I..I.B…

Biafra…. B.I… A F R A…. D A Y…

Afra means “Doe”… Doe a Deer..the First Note…
Means also Reddish White… 1 is Red… 1-7 is the First Color.. Note… Doe… White Light … Is that Light which I saw when I came to my Portal.. The Light disperses from that Blinding Transparency to Transparency to reveal a Face…
Iru.. I Rise Up… I R U…I R U E… E R U… H E R U E… F A C E…
My own Face… Shinning smiling back at me…
Of your Desire..
I had only one Desire… and that Desire was not to chase After Perfection…
It was simply the Bliss Extase.. Joy.. of Being Alive.. which also happened to be the Idenity of who I.BE…
Jace Horsford…. Face… Hartford…

Others Rose up not because they wanted to be me…
Bt because they wanted to be as Me…
And so we Rise Up…

6:06 p.m
coffeE 606..
Afra Day A.D… Song…
My Vioice..My sister self calling out from Eternity… Lady Echo…
to you all…from Eternity….the Fith Dimension..
F D.. 64…

12:46 P.M.

Smoking In The Boys Room…
Its a Code…

S I T.. B R… O. T H E R…. E..
9 3 9…
I am HERE…

And that is why after leaving the Library of my mind…
Why after I left Room 4B…
I moved to room 5A….Bed 5-006…
I did not come down again after I climbed up in 1992 to see my Face…
I Simply Song… U.FO…And I sang. and I swam and I walked through all those dimensions corrupted to finally end the expression A-Z of Wrong…

There is only Right… Angles…
Sitting up…
Right Angle R A…
To See Re… Rey…
Cee.. Consciousness E…

12:52 a.m.

Completion 1-12 of BEING Eternal…

That is why and How I knew in 2006…
Last Year at this Time…
Always knew that from Here that room… I go home with my Family of E..
The Evolved… the K NEW…
After making Extinct… the Untrue…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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