
2/25/2016 16:52 – Facebook Post

From Fey Mirach


The F.M Band..
Are symbolized by the Pegasus Chrysaor Bellerophon-e.
they symbolize the Wind, the Music..
the Waves of Poseidon their Father
and Perseus (Pierce-us) Father Brother as
Transformation Liberation… T.L..2O12
32.. Chrysaor, (Golden Sword) Belle-Rophon-e (Slavery of the Chim-Era)
5..5th Dimension E…

A.B.C..Purity Intention Expression aligned to one…
The truth with and your expression, as well as your enactment
must be one and the same aligned..
if not despite your intentions- it proves that you are simply a lie..
Because purity was a gift given to thee which none can claim credit for..
But aligning the reign of the Three beautiful Stallions
children of Athena Medusa- Poseidon Perseus…
A,M..PP.. 1616.. 32.. C.B… 5-E
was what each was asked to do…

Stone Mother
Father Sea..
to Spring Pegasus…C,B..E
C Fire
B Heros
E Zorro
F Ziena
G ode Family..
the play ends at I..
J means H and H is E..
no such things as 10..
This is what this post share means..
and I just noticed, I just received affirmation by New Face Book friend request…And we will see what the message reads…

3:51 p.m

C- Area 51…E Alpha

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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