
2/14/2016 1:06 – Facebook Post

From David Fishman…

I do agree, but as one lady commented that She has been pregnant for 5 years and did not create it…

I have been pregnant, literally Energetically for 5 years…
Ever since, I conceived of the E line, being the one Consciousness of Existence, which then was affirmed…

I did not create this truly Demonic Evil experience of the last 5 years…
Demonic because it twisted my body in even worse agony for 5 more years.
And I was informed, and literally experienced the illusions made to appear so real, that even I who have memory of there being no Evil in True Existence was stunned.
People saw sitting in me, the Demon lord, me being castrated, Tortured, torn into bits by a mad crowd, Voodoo, I was like the the kid in the Exorcist,, all manner of abomination, even to being a Vampire..

And it not only felt true, evidence found of poisoning, witch craft Voodoo dolls, people having consecrated me to secret societies when I was a kid, secret societies looking for me, my writings uploaded without my permision to secret societies telling me explicitly what they have done to me life…

And everything appeared or affirmed itself to be true..

And even people around me, though sure I was not evil- au contraire, still felt the need to constantly test me, or blame me or things because they saw a Devil literally residing in me and seeking to posesss me..

I did not create that, but I did conceive of the E line, but I did not know I would be forced to prove them into existence over a period of five years where my body, is literally twisted, as people have witnessed, and my body constantly rising with beautiful being literally rising through me and making my body literal bow, kneel. move in graceful intelligent movement which to my surprise has no deterred people from inviting me to their homes- only for me to reveal through evidence factual data that I was set up to come to these places…

What I am alluding to is that we do create our realities, but its manifestation often is warped and distorted by the literal collective consciousness in fear…
And their projecting a collective fear onto others, who show any sign of being different. Or having an essential point of view.. And it can even pass through generations..
But the battle lies in your not giving into that view point because of the collective ideas of such occurrences.

My body does feel as if it is Bound, my front teeth feel out giving me the appearance of a Vampire, I am usually tall slim and very athletic but my Torso has been twisted as if now squashed, and each day I must untwist myself.. I speak and another force speaks through me, literally not tourrets…
I could have chosen to belief the evidence and what it feels like..
That the King of the Demons is torturing me, and the moment I notice I temporarily begin to entertain that idea, it becomes even more real…

I have had to use reason sixth sense, facts- to retain the truth that none of that is real or true, even though the experience of it and the evidence affirmed outside, of what it feels like being affirmed.

But I did not Feel it was any of those things, because I knew it was not any of those things because my consciousness I call E or Existences Truth E.T has memory and knows that none of these things are of True Existence..
And though real, here, in this world.. a stage, a play.. it is not of Existence.

Just like cancer, disease,… people attract these diseases because of an Collective way of thinking which is diseased.. You may not even be aware of that consciousness or F.M frequency you are cruising on leads to Cancer…
Yet it does, and yet there are alot of miraculous documented recoveries from Cancer, most from a ‘noveau’ approach, innovative and ‘magical” thinking linking sequencing… Which is how great discoveries no matter the discipline, or age we exist in…
These bring miraculous cures…
The great enemy is fear and ‘Why is this happening to me?” The lament.
And that you are not loved, or safe, and this is a cruel cruel world..
And God is an indifferent cruel being who left his children to the devil..
And in my story, that Devil was given to me as a Role to play and transform back into its truth..

For in the E consciousness there is no such thing as Devil, nor the Stories which have defined this world..
Yet to reach the Truth I conceived then recollected was true, I spent first 9 years, then five years then a 15 years, and finally a sum total of 26 years facing the wrath of the world..
All because I remembered that Harmony was and is the only true Expression in the World..
And it was as if the World heard me and roared..
And unseen world of lets says the Dead..Memories, fighting my memories and then decided to put me to the test by manifesting the worst of things which fill you with dread, horror, literal praying for death, and torments made to feel so real- in which there is not one person you can turn to for help..

Real Hell..

But I knew that creation IS founded on Expression Harmony manifested all around us… And thus everything was and is in Harmony and thus a Riddle.. Even the condition of my body becoming my tomb and a living hell..

So I had to reason to prove all these Illusions made so frighteningly real.. away..
And that this Hell would end when I passed all the hellish memories and ideas of Existence which like Ghost haunts this world, covering it in a shroud and making night mares more and more real..

See the television..
Have you heard of Mass Hypnosis.. and how even our physical bodies respond..
And what if thatt is the Ultimate Test of the True Satan Devil..
Humanity who live in the consciousness of Fear, not of True Existence which is why it manifest in the place called the non existence field of human fear based imagination- which manifest all Human Fear… Fears not of True Existence and which with the correct Conscious Expression C.E you can literaly riddle out the distorted meaning and symptoms and reveal its true meaning and significance and Harmony…

What if that is the ultimate test of the Devil, making those who see clearly the Truth, pass through a gauntlet of the Impossible made possible- to see who will still keep a level head, and others uttering ‘This is impossible” instead loosing their heads… and thier grip hold and control of reality by holding onto a certain truth.. such as there are no such things as Ghosts or demons and then, the Devil makes that demon appear and feel so real..
All to see what you do.. what really is your truth.

I do not say this lightly, and that I am describing it so clearly, is that I am evoking the literal experience, and made even ore real by what my facebook friends have witnessed me doing everyday for 47 months on a public forum. transforming all experiences, even my existence made to seem and appear as infernal, hopeless homeless, disabled, dying, loosing grip of reality, slipping into the void, the once “handsome” Emeka man, a deformed and stumbling crippled man, aged beyond his years…

That is the movie I do nor give into no matter how others seek to impose it onto to me, I have fought as a might warrior in my refusal to plat such a role- just as the role people cast me in as Messiah prophet…

There is only one truth and its is the Beautiful Truth and I have fought for it since I was 8…4O years..
11:48 pm.
And I the last 5 years, I experienced the impossible, but I have aligned it through Hell, I transformed into its truth, by keeping my consciousness on the E Truth the Eternal truth while identifying and realizing that I was given the experience of living Hell, beyond human imagination because I had proposed a reality beyond human imagination…and my skin is :Brown.. so in this Western World I am called a Black Man.. and a Black Man is the Devil especially when he solves riddles which reveal theTruth..

4O years is a long long time to tell a story…Going against the rage abd challenge of this world.. alone with the Truth of the Origins of an in a rendition and true narration never heard before…

11:55 p.m.

And 5 years is a long time to be pregnant with the Truth…
And 9 years is a long time to be killed each day and forced through night to rise again each day…

But I have proven all my truths, despite People as Demons Satan Devils and Angry Angels seeking to destroy my Happy Dancing Feet and Singing deep voice, for saying there is a story I literal remember that Humanities is not from here and I know the way home- through Sixth Sense Facts Harmony and reasonable Rare Common sense…

And am at the portal of E despite the gauntlet of the last 4O years where Everything cruel in this world was done to me, to prove I am the Devil and this is an Evil Chaotic world and not one of perfect Harmony..

And so, after 5 years, I proved the Exist.. and even more importantly the only thing that is Real in Existence…
Expression Harmony manifest what is real,..
Fear manifests only that which you believe is real…
But even that can be riddled out of Existence by the one consciousness which is real..
And which affirms itself and ITs existence by moving to rid that thing identified and proven not real… Out of Existence creation for every more, right before your eyes…

That is the power of the Eternal Truth of the truth one calls their perceptions- especially of people ruled by an illusion of there being no order in Nature Or World’s Civilization… N.O.W..Cee!

12;o6 p.m


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