
These current energies are rea

These current energies are really something to say the least. I want to share with all of you some tools that have been easing my Ascension symptoms. For anxiety/panic attacks: salt baths, Bach Rescue remedy, FES Flower remedies- Fear-less blend, Neroli, Rose, and Lavender essential oils, magnesium (the powdered one is great, the name is Calm), Homeopathic remedy called Ignatia Amara (great for nervousness and anxiety), Yoga asana practice along with slow deep breathing.

For depression and feeling discouraged, FES Flower remedy – Illumine blend for depression, free form movement and dance as meditation, various forms of sound healing ( crystal and metal singing bowls, wind chimes, vocal toning and chanting), any uplifting essential oils (peppermint, orange, lemon, tangerine- any citrus oil is great, petigrain, Melissa, Balsm Fir, and Pine.

**And I’m taking extra Vitamin D3, C, B-complex, plenty of purified alkalized water…lots of nature walks and watching funny movies. Lots of Prayer
heart emoticon

I highly recommend getting a copy of Down Into Up by Karen Bishop, it was written in 2013, but is so timely for these current energies. You can order a copy from Amazon.com, or Gamabooks.com

Stay strong everyone, I love you all…WE SOOOO GOT THIS!!!! 😀 <3 <3 <3 Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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