
3/6/2016 18:01 – Facebook Post

From Gay-Marie Bradshaw

And your E-Spirit is your Heart…
So your heart was not broken…
just Hurt deeply hurt..

Great image…her eyes…
Beautiful Pride…

Ref Sacred portal 7…
Only now can She pass,
now that She has learn’t her lessons
No one,no man or woman can break your truly break your heart
for it is is formed of the mettle of Existence..
Eternal Love and Eternal Truth.. Eternal Cee

Indestructible In-conquerable…
Unless you succumb to that which is not real..
That you are easily destroyed
and so you shall be.. a good riddance..

For this womans eyes, defiant despite the tears
Strength and vulnerability wrapped up in passions fire and anger..
“Don’t you dare pity me!”

Now that is the indestructible family of E..
Existence Expression..
I will be Heard…

4;58 p.m..

‘And when I have had my say I will leave you forever more..
and tis you who must find the long winding path to my door..
Knock Knock..
No one there”

..that is the E-Spirit which brought forth Existence…
Beautiful Pride Creation “Exquisite and Sublime…
as the expression on this Face…my Page..
My sister now a lady called Harmony Beautiful Pride…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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