
5/14/2016 15:28 – Facebook Post

From Junior DE Costa

1:13 a.m


(It is a long story, but basically it is about the refusal to allow me to Play, Boogie..celebrate life. That I had to spend another life time working undercover for the People…
Grace is the name of Mother, today is Saturday….12 12 is L.L…24…68…
That is number of likes on my page.
She is stating that She is I..or My Eternal Feminine aspect…

Many older face book friend might recall my constant resistance to undertaking this mission, stating that I came into the world to Boogie..
Confirmed by the friend of Jonn Blackwell’s friend TED, and his acquiring an Amp while I was there, which required repair…
And the interesting journey of his finally fixing it…

It is called the Boogie.

The same for the International Festival of Sharing, called “Paylasmak”, in Istanbul Turkey.

1:23 a,m
..Ah, A.B.C…
Sacred Portal 123…”The Great battle to bring Consciousness Infinity, to the “Cave Men and Animal- Matter realm called Dark Matter”

Marina Burini was witnessed when she arranged an interview by Skype of an “Special person” in .LA who instantly recognized me and stated that I came into the World to Boogie…”

This knowledge I had always known, and when I wrote the Book at age 8 of the Awakening and the memory of being dropped of from a Space Ship, and left behind to do a mission..I was pissed off, and wrote an essay on how the world would be ordered… Yes, I was a strange kid..but very chill.
-Because I knew, I had the memory that everything was moving in Harmony…

I already knew that there was a plan set in motion since the beginning of Existence Creation…

Which most older Face Book heard me Hollering and protesting early on in my posting…
Which is why when my childhood was so “Dramatic” I knew it was because I was being moved towards “The Mission’ instead of the Boogie…

And finally after, such an intense life by the age of 21..
When I arrived in London, I and it began again…
People coming to me ‘Avatars’ telling me remember the mission…

I sat down to finally write the journals Talking To The Silence, in which I declared that I would go undercover into the Forgetting world ( Darkness) to prove that there is Harmony…
It took me three years… and at age 25-26 I was summoned by what people call Death..
I wrote the Poem before I went into what I you might call a Coma…

* I have recounted all this often enough over the last 4 years to the Unseen world and to the Human Avatars Descendants who became my Face Book friends.. so I will only touch on this for the equation , for my newer face book friends and most especially the Akashic Records and the future when people are awake…
This 4 year posting now, a seeming chore for people to wish to make the effort to read, will become the most fascinating and astounding revelations…

That is when I saw the Light and the surrounding darkness..
which these two post by Junior DE Costa represent in the Dimension of Existence I exist in.. the F.M frequency band..
Yes, one thing may mean a totally different thing in a different realm of consciousness…
Just as one situation of word may mean many things for other people…

Which is why these two post of Jerseys mean one thing to the person who posted it… but another to someone like me, who even though I am acting as an Avatar, to my own self, I can read the the communique from the realm unseen my Human beings..

1;47 p.m.

And now because of the rules of this play and the energy of the Force of the Expression of the Eternal Truth demands Transparency..

Please see sacred portal 123..’Underneath it is written “Supremacy Transparency Rocket Fuel..”

I recounted that when I went to the light, I wished to pass through, but a voice, spoke to me and asked me to do this mission.. I said I did not wish to, and it spoke and spoke to me.. Until I really saw that I had no choice.. I woke up a few days later to two person called Elizabeth and Fred ..E.F..(56..yes..) banging on my door and breaking in and carrying me to their home..
A few weeks later, my journals caught the interest of Susan Train..S.T..at Vogue…
( I had intentionally chosen Fashion, Dance, Design as how I would Boogie much to peoples annoyance…I was intent in celebrating lightness…:) )

And everything began…

As you can see from the two T-Shirts, number 12 in Black and White is written Nana Qwame… ( Nana was the name of my Girl Friend in Belsize Park in London)


Chelsea F.C.. where I lived with Nikoma at his X Apartment…where he used to baby sit Chris Franco..
C..Hel Sea….

Hel is the daughter in Norse mythology of Loki…C is the name everyone calls my Moms.. Sea…is the legend about her having come from the sea…

14/15..Is N.O.. Nature O-Rien… The Nothingness…
A.D.A.E…See sacred portal 53..’One Day has come’…
or in O.I.Nri Igbo ADA means First Daughter…E..

Meaning that I am both the Light As White.. L.A.W.( Including the White Race)
Grace…born Today…Saturday… 5-14-2016.
Emeka.. the Blackness…

The Griffin is the Symbol I have always known represented my former Host A.S…
And of course, if one suspends disbelief and simply understands the story I have been recounting transparently ( While weaving and solving)
one sees that the Darkness challenged me, as the Nothing transformed into Nature.. It challenged its source.. and it was of course the realm of the Animal world. The Supernaturals who as well as the light…

What it the real light and darkness.. no, it was a simulation, a reflection of that which originally happened in the beginning of Creation…

I had literally been Hi-jacked to another play created my Humanity in which Unity and Faith Hope… The last aspect of creation, U.F.H…21 68
2:12 p.m got so involved with the Story of H.U..Humanity that they forgot that it was a Play.. they went into forgetfulness themselves..
And took over the role and Mother and Father of the Human Species..
H.S.. And challenged the Big Brother..’1984′ “Big Brother is watching you…

And instead of trusting in the play, because of the Illusion of Panic Pandora…They believed what they watching on Ti.Vi…

And they represented the Children.. The Human Species…
And they found me and used me to fix up a mess that never was.. It was just a riddle…

I have also spoke about this over and over again…on my page and many people whom I lived and worked where aware of this…

Unity and Faith Hope..were meant to evolve and learn Harmony…
In the aspect of the family of 10, they represented number 7.
and I, 6 and 7…76..
77..66 See sacred portal 77..Battling the Animal Nature…

They were playing the roles Guardians of the Human and Animal nature.. not realizing that they had become blinded by both the Light and Darkness of Seeing and Feeling their own Beauty and Purity of intention that they could not see the it was a play and that they were increasing the cause of Pain and Suffering in the world by playing God…
That they were not the real thing…

That they were representing a story, a play in which like an educative movie in school, they were meant to learn the story of Double U.. Unity is Understanding…77 is God is Grace.. GG.. 88 Harmony H.i-Story…
99 is Infinity Individuality… OO..is Two Full Circles of Symmetrical Perfection..
As anyone who has been following the play, I had to fight to bring them back to thier senses… And of course, the species… by proving the intentions of E…and that they were in a play…

And then the worse of Course was the their enacting the God and the Titan.. Body Mass.. Flesh (Darkness) Water ( Light)..

Hence the play of the The Seven Seas and the Graces.. 5 ‘Land to walk in -5 five continents…57/75… Aligned to Donna O’Sullivan in this play which became the Ultimate Challenge..
And the worst..the danger of people using Belief’ instead Truth and Fact…
And this terrible idea of people going so far to state that they are right without entertaining the possibility of their being incorrect or even simply not seeing something. because they were so sure of their perfection..

This is why I had to stay till the 25 day.. replicating the 25th year when I saw the Light..
This is why a 4 year old boy was moved to give me a Yellow gum ball..
Y is 25..
Black and White jerseys.. 12 12 .. 24…X.. 6 8…F.H…144 Ascended Masters..14=N, 4=D… N.D.. La.N.D…14+4=18…
9=I… Infinity..

2:43 p.m

X.Y Chromosomes…46 chromosomes… 22 are the same.. the 23 is where the two differ…22 VV…23..W..No such thing… Double U..Double V… 42…44…Actually there are 33 Each.. 66..
Add 10-10..20..T..Echo Truth.. E.T..
Chris Franco..I.


The Eternal Truth rose to defend me, by setting up this play to determine the Truth…
Ending the Reign of an idea of God Goddess Titans.. C Hel Sea…
In Humanity…
Unity and Faith Hope are illusion.. just as Children are, just as Humans..
children grow up and are constantly changing until they reach the age of 18-21.. then they stabilize….at U..This being the physical representation of the Energetic play.. At 21 you C.. 2+1=3… and at 22…V..5.4/4.5.. you Vie…
Live..A 5th Dimensional Consciousness in the 4 Dimension of TIME Space…
The Most Beautiful Illusion of All…

There is not real Unity, nor is there anything really called Hope and Faith…
These are tools words.. which lead you to the one Truth 88…Harmony Infinity..
The Truth which I found myself being forced to deeper and deeper, way beyond and point I would voluntarily go to prove this Truth and then wait for the ECHO of 1010..1O 1O…The T.W.O…Every-Thing and Every-Where and the Every One my inner Chi represents…

All because they could not admit they had made a mistake and thus, allowed the play go on and on and on…

Represented in my own bio family Nnonyelum and Oboom…
Who have not sought me out in 14 years, since the last time i saw them at my brothers wedding and once when they each invited themselves to come and see me 3 years ago..when I had to turn them back because I was in the Holy of holies and they came in the wrong consciousness which could have killed them both..

Their true self are of course in perfect Harmony…
But as this play and World, has demonstrated the Human Being is not..
and the human ‘Being’ is an illusion..
There is a Human Body.. which is the Beautiful Truth which exists for a moment in this reality… and only leaves when the Breath of E Truth sustaining it leaves.. and then the Body. dies.

Super Man is my name in this play…
and Bat Man..
S.B.. M.M…19-2.. 21…1313..26…U.Z…C.H..I…E

Clark Kent.. C.K.. O.C. C.O.C.K…
Bruce Way-N.E.. B.W… O.I..Black Ore White… B.O.W…I.e

Kalel… K.A..L..E.L…

Meaning of Kalel…
Actor Nicolas Cage named his younger son Kal-El, after the comic-book character. Kalel in song, story & screen: | Edit. “Kal-El”, Superman’s Kryptonian name, which resembles the Hebrew words ??-??, which can be taken to mean “voice of God.”

Voice Of God..U.E….

V.O.G.U.E…. Susan Train 1993…

Vogue means ‘To be in Demand or popular at the moment.. Fashion.
It is also a Dance…
but originally means

“Late 16th century (in the vogue, denoting the foremost place in popular estimation): from French, from Italian voga ‘rowing, fashion’, from vogare ‘row, go well’.

Micheal ‘Rowed the Boat Ashore..’

Go Well.. G.W…7 23.. 75…7 Double U 21..42…6.. 76…Double V.. 2222..8..
78.. 55..1O.. 71O..

See sacred portal 74…Mouth of God…

‘Go Well..E.Harmony Infinity..

And so despite my luggage being held in safe keeping by my Former Host…
brown Perry Ellis (Island)… B.P.E.I.
green Fake Army Laundry Bag… G.F..A.L.B
Brown Green.. B.G…2 7
Brown is red Earth..1..Green is 4..
After Death…


Emeka Play…E.P.

Perry Ellis..P.E
not Emeka is the Play of Physical Education

3:23 p.m.

3:26 p.m


21 3 12.. III..

Universal Consciousness Life.. Instinct Intuition Infinite

Earth the third planet from the Sun…

3;28 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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