
From Susan Otelia Nelson

From Susan Otelia Nelson

Brilliant Intel as Ever..

Many might recall Nina Simones

Strange Fruit…


Link Stephen Filgueira..

Crowned with Laurels of Victory the Fil- Thread the Warrior who went- (to investigate) and my being told by my former hosts at 268, that he saw me in his dreams before I arrived as a man with noose around his head..

A Hanged Man…

And then meeting Billy Hung through his friend Ravi Singh….

And how he tried to publicly Hang Me, on Face Book, and in real time, and to Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan..

after doubt was put, and which he allowed into his mind..

To all that he had already recognized as truth because of the response from the public in 2013 to that which he had so thoroughly investigated as real true that he staked nearly everything on in.. in hopes of Fame and Profit as well as genuine love for the world fighting within him…

Now observe the posts I aligned and linked just before this Charles Manson Charles Man-Son of Man…

But Man at his most banal which warranted to Charles Assassination as Escape from the Horror Man Son has become…

The Son of Man..

Yeshua Christ..

Anti Christ…

Now read this post..

and the Source Codes meaning contained in the correct translation and meaning of the name..

Charles Manson….

Free Peron is Man Son…

Man is ON…

3:50 p.m.


See E.O…

3:51 pm.

C..Area 51… An Assessment Shelter..

Not a Prison..

1 46 C.L.AY.E.. street..

See sacred Portal 46.. In Cloud 9..I.. C.I…Free

3:52 p.m.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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