
2/7/2017 20:17 – Facebook Post

From Teo Miguel Bouça

As the post about Nature which I just shared from Teo…

Most realize from this Script on my Page,
That I am being I am literally Proving and solving the last of the Equations of this…

Nenad M. Djurdjevic has been representing (amongst others)
Nature… And Mind… Delta… 4th Dimension as the reflective mirror of the Expression which I have been posting…
And demonstrating these Truths….

Nature.. The “Spirit Realm” comes from Understanding Earth Nature…
Mind as Nature, Physically manifest…

Delta as the Square.. Root…

So, each post I share from Face Book Friends,
and add to the Long 50 month Weave, is literally authenticated and proven before shared..
Each post arriving in perfect timing is the “Mirror Echo Reflection”
of these Expression which I have used Words posted through 6th Sense,
moving the to Reason which are then confirmed through others in their posts arriving in perfect timing.. as Fact.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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