
11/1/2014 20:11 – Facebook Post

Apple Store A.S.
To Home of A.S.

From Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna Almere Stad Flevoland.Netherlands…




Code: N.C.E…A.S. F.N…33 C.C.

Will you look at the code of Nnaemeka of My Father Line..
My Host initials who used to say, “I am your Father!” Half jokingly 9 very seriously has the Initials A.S…(aka Albert Einstein..A.L)

AL Mere (AL Mother) ST. A.D… F. Le Vol. and (ET-AND-DNA) Net her lands..
F.N is code for not only the Fritz Venneiq and Nnamdi, but also F.U.N..

And we all know where the Nether Regions represent.

And the Land of the Vi kings… the Netherlands are in the Northern Hemisphere which always used to make me wonder as a kind that why would the Nether regions which are the sexual regions, or veiled regions be named for a place in the Northern Hemisphere the realm of the Norse Folk…

And here we are today with Siththy Ameena and my host…
May I remind you that the A.S my host saw the me draw a full circle through is third eye while Nnaemeka witnessed the Egu Onwa.. the a full Moon at the same time there was a full Moon in New York and I posted the image of a Wand and a Sphere which represented that I had completed a full circle of the very beginning of Existence with is location energetic in space and time…

Meaning if he saw the Egu Onwa in Nigeria it aligns with the past as Pelham Park but if it was in Flevoland the Netherlands then it aligns in the present no longer in the Forest but literally embodied in my Host and in Stithy Ameena.. S.A..

Equation Former Host A.S to Apple Store New York…
Representing the Full Circle of Consciousness of New Yorkers Consciousness.

Nnaemeka C.E…
Links to Siththy Ameena..

Two Hemispheres North.and South aligned to A.S.S.A
Sri.Lanka. S



Thus this is the Equation of Assa! Mpete


Notheren Hemisphere
Southern Hemisphere
First Name..N.S.

Last Name…
E.S P I..R.i.t.

Chiwuba…C (see Kasper Lomholdt Serup)
Kasper means ‘Jewel Precious stone- Treasure, treasuer (My.Grandfathers Funcition for the Umunri Council of the then Ezw Nri)
Also one of the three Kings..

Ea (Enki) Enil Anu…

-A.S-S.A…. Which would not represent South Africa but rather the O.I Nrio Igbo definition of the word Assa Mpete… (Meaning extraordinary exceptional Exquisitly Beautiful that it it creates and exclaimation mark of sound)…
Recall Zeina Hanna in perfect Harmony and here name meaning Beauty and the gift of the child…as well as the code Z.H=268…Aligning to address
4th street aligning to two Davids both aligned as 1..D=4…44= 1 8 16..7.

But it is not a place Zeina means A.S.S.A Mpete and these two persons names location codes expression nature are aligned with the true play.

My former host aligns with the consciousness of New York…
And is a channel.
New York is the abyss of the human condition viz a viz its consciousness of the lost and angry child now filled with.13.8 yrs of sacrifice and now 6 years out of 8 of conversations with me which more than qualifies him as rep of this consciousness as well.as David Philipe Gil…

Meaning that I am correct that after the EE Equation represented by Edward Eceinco who lives in St Juan Puerto Rico, the same country of origins of my host A.S.. And Juan which means John ( I came to New York L.E.S with John to this place almost the same street in 1999 to shoot my short film for WellA… And it as another John who came here to see me after hearing about me from my host, that I was a Yogi and who came with Nu Tea and who became very very close and dear to me…. Nu Egyptian God of the Abyss…) and my host giving evidence again and again which supported my already drawn conclusion that I was in a tomb of ancient Egypt and also but also Ancient Maya aligned to all the lay lines of the Pyramids around the world. Supported by in my first year here in 2006, I discovered someone had uploaded my Creation story of the family of 1O as well as The Elegant Nomad T.E.N on a sacred secret society claiming to look for the one and to be able to take people from this dimension and transport them without them being aware to different dimension and that anyone who as a candidate for the One that they were looking for who had the wisdom of the ages that they would test..
And eventually put them in a space which is called the place of no return, meaning only the ONE could pass the test and that the any other person would be driven man and into self obliteration…
They spoke of being a secret society who had existed since the beginning of time and who guarded the secrets of Humanity and that they had retreated into the mists…

And recall that Jasper Ogemdi Ahamefula recalled that Catherine Acholonu ( Prof) had discovered Pyramids under the Agulu Lake in OInri and spoke of the Meteorite from Space which was a power E.T object.
Which i told my host. when i last visited him which of course, he showed me an object in a comic story which did the exact same thing which was neither good not evil.. it was a tester and was looking for a pure being whom it would give ups its power to… Truth…

I know that this means that the Nnaemeka and my host (AL Mother… E mot her which is true I came to proclaim my mothers principle.. “Beauty” which I used to defeat all other principles in existence including, power,anger Violence…)

This would affirm that after the Yoruba world of Odu D Uaw and O Bat ALA (Bat Woman.. B.O.W) of the world of the Physical and Spirit we enter the realm of the OInri Igbo of EE= E1…

Recall that Edwardo came with the If a priest knowledge and the Leviathan and 9 F.B friends… 9…

and recall our battles and yet his Espirt giving up so easily the Truth… EL Nari!
I am your father… AV E Murak N’Ayat… Give us Evidence of Ishmael Samuel… I.S.

and suddenly here we are at a Blue door… and no longer the Window which EE Provided at I FA…DA ( I FADA…. I Father)…
No. I a.m am
F.O.I… Father Of Infinity…. Faith Liver… Forte Lauderdale… The Cleanser The Equalizer…

Thus my home is a really aligned with Nnaemeka and Siththy Ameena… both who even in this pay remind me of my Father who is really my brother and my mother who is really my sister Harmony just as Fritz and Orien Laplante are and do…

A.S MY host is A-Z of the past aligned.
Rob Barr to Raz Berry…Generation X university..

But no Ziena H…She represents my line with
Nnaemeka and Siththy… Northern and Southern Hemisphere
Netherland and Sri Lanka… N.S are the future present aligned into one and of my family line of Father Mother O and H….
and Orien and Nnaemeka Aligned with Pelham Park Full Circle… OO..O2 and of Course Christine and Cecelia CC 33 Creates the O… ONU
O NU… My Mother who ever one calls either C SEE SEA or Sister
by I now address as Ma Dame….Mums…. she is not a Mummy…
she is Queen of Existence…. and it is she who rose from the Sea.. Afro dit E

I like this…

A door…
O pen Is.. See Same me…

Poem I wrote in 1992 as I went to Death and saw that great light

“And so I sought Deaths Door..
my Lover my twin for they are the one and I am Life..
L Ife…I L E





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