
6/21/2017 18:54 – Facebook Post

From Kevin Wavegodsunnyg Gordon K.W.G.

Wave God….

I am full aware of this,
Great Image….
The Wave style, years ago I used to feel this was the ultimate hair style for Afro Hair. Just add pomade at then brush and then wear a tight cap to bed voila! Instant waves.

It was the Hair style my sister knew I loved on her,
It transformed her in a 1920’s Beautiful E.T Flapper…

The waves have always spoken to me,
it is that which moves through my body,
which I had sought to convince an entire world of what was happening to me.
To my Body and to my Existence.
I was on a Wave, and I recognized it when I left my sister home in Queens London in 1989…
And had been transformed into some sort of family disgrace by Gossip.
I mourned the idea I had of my Family, whom I loved so deeply.
but not stupidly. For I was aware of each person riddle…
and I wept, and grieved fully aware that I was going through a process and in a few months, if I could surmount an astonishing amount of Pain of letting of my Family and the Ideas I had of them as well as the future we would build…
I knew I would surmount, because deep within me, I was aware of another Truth, another reality which I had come into the world with which was much clearer, truer. more beautiful and the original play of life.
I had out of love entered the play of this world and family,
but I had that other reality which like a still pool was already flashing non stop through my child hood until the ‘Masters” certain people began to notice and move people, their Avatars to speak to me and make contact

But their world did not interest me, I glimpsed at it, a “Spiritual Dimension?” A realm of Human Mind Memories… Humanity as Supernaturals Spirits… Magicians… Scientists..?
Who knows. call it what you will… It was not the realm I recalled.

The realm in which an enigma existed…
Why had my original family dropped me off here?
And why had they who came from me original intend.

In a way, I already knew, as well as the furthest story of my Existence,
How I rose, the World I lived in where there was nothing but bliss and where I had risen, and repeated the cycle and it brought forth another Being and Another…
There was a thing I had to complete.. Finish and It was something which was simple…
To Celebrate the Completion of Everything….
To Enjoy.

I came into Existence from Eternity,
I did not call it Eternity then.. Now I do because I have proven that that is where I rose from.
I also assumed that everyone else had their own memories of coming into Existence…
It took my decades to realize that there was no one I have ever met who has remembered coming to Existence as I had..
Non had the memories so vivid so real, so sure, that here I am today
called a Grown Man in this reality, proving it as Eternity…
Not by choice but by this Wave….

After I left me sisters home, I finally went to that frequency of Eternity…
I had let go of all ideas, of family, of everything…
And I suddenly found my life on a Wave, which propelled me forward.
I had not expected to be on a Wave when I released myself from my own expectations and dream of my family siblings…

I had expected to simply be me and explore and enjoy my existence and help family and friends and make my life a celebration of being in Existence…
All the other stuff, all that I was discovering that I could do, the Talents, the Supernatural Beings I attracted and an Intensity of relationships which were to plague me were the last things on my mind…

This wave was something else, it alarmed me, and I was fully aware of when it began, having written about it in London in 1989… and then when it really took off in Paris in 1992…

I knew that this wave was not meant to exist, because i recalled Existence, at least my Existence and how it all began-
I wrote it down all here on Face Book for the first time and over and over and over again- drawn out of me me this wave, and then forced to prove everything, every part of it while being systematically tortured in front of an indifferent world on this forum, who believed I was on Face Book purely to entertain them with stories….

The wave never existed before, because in my Realm there is Free Will and Choice… Nothing controls you and the manifestation of things has a Source.. you.. and a reason, and logic and beauty and delight and ah everything Extraordinary….
Sensual, desire..Intoxication, Love but not of the Human idea or concept of it….

I do know that all of humanity have a memory of things always resolving themselves, they have a memory deep within them of a Truth and of a Beauty of which things are expected to turn out well, and that was the adventure the knowing and the not knowing how it would turn out but the thrill in how it would turn out… beyond expectations.
Artists, Creators, Scientists… The Art of Do…
Has made this law, not a memory but a fact…
Till today, we do things and find the result soaring past our wildest expectations…
This is what was considered Normal.. and that is what people still expected when born into this World…
And I suppose that it why the witnessing of these Natural Laws less and less has brought about the demise of this World and the end of the Human Species…. a Thought… a Wave… Who could not feed the Truth.. That this is not the way things ARE…

The expectation of Failure…
The acceptance of Brilliance of my Nature.. of any one like me… being in a Shelter, or on the streets, of asking for contributions and then showing the proof of a play…

I just received a text from Shane Michael Robinson Sr. at 5:49 p.m.
E.D.I…./ ID…E… Perfect symmetry in which he was going to send a contribution code.. Which was to end the play today…
And it has because he stated that instead of sending the code.. which he knows could been as low as he wished to whatever amount..
responded that “Times are Hard”…
And I wonder who he thinks he is addressing.. a Man who is stating that he has solved the riddle of Existence and proved it by breaking reality into fragments and then rebuilding all the Fractals back into one by using a Script created by Pure Evil as the Lies Humanity express in their beliefs… and moved it through they are the portals proving that they are not the originals.. And that the only ones who is respond to the Scripts prompts are the line which is in perfect Harmony with a play that this Being alone, and in Isolation and Solitude is presenting…

5 49.. Sacred portal 49 is Existential Death…. E is Existential Death because I have endured Betrayal By Everything in Existence Everyone in my life on Face Book in my Existence past and present…
Except the line of my Mother C…
EC… And my own C and Truth…
Elizabeth Clarizio..
and me.. E.T.C..I… For I never betrayed my Truth…
I never expressed anything that I did not embody…
I do not lie…
And the Wave which carried me to this point, to each person over the course of 25 years, who each betrayed their Truth.. Who each revealed the Core Truth of themselves…
While I revealed the core truth of the E in themselves…which responded….
That to the Core.. they lie to themselves..
There is no one here in this World Play who believes in the Awakening..
Who would sacrifice all to bring forth the Truth…
Such being like Snowden and Manning… These people are not of the Human Race.. not any longer… Such beings who risk everything to bring Transparency.. who believe their actions are will move others to rise… But are then crushed by “Sorry my friend times are Tuff”
( No insult to Shane Michael Robinson Sr. because he obviously as many believe my being on Face Book is a poetic but futile pursuit where one can press “Like” and truly beilieve that a being such as myself will take that seriously as their commitment…
Commitment is the willingness if you have to, in this hideous reality to Sacrifice all.. Because there is no Sacrifice…
Because you do it because you can not live as a lie…
That you can not be any other thing than who you are…

You do not wish to suffer, you do not wish to be tortured, you did not come into Existence to Endure such things…
You know this.. but suddenly you are transported into a Nightmare that you know is impossible…
And yet there you are in Guatamo Bay.. There you are in a Cage with a Mythical Creature of Evil who can do things to you that are impossible logistically… And where even the safety Switch of Death does not come on… that notion that relief that this torment will end…
But it does not…

And so here I am….
In all those places..Bradly Manning…Chelsea Elizabeth Manning….
B.M… Bed 5-005… 55…
C.E.M…./ M.E..C…
Elizabeth Clarizio… E.C…

I am fully aware of the Depth of the Insult the World has given me in Response to my Surfing this Wave .. Word Anointed Vibrating Expression Supreme… WAVES… Kristen Green…
Full Aware how deep the insult to my Words..Anointed with such Beauty and Eternal Truth, Vibrating quivering with the Focus and power of Witnessed Embodied Empirical Evidence… Essence Energy Expression so symmetrical that Everything I saw manifests a response before even all you its Supremacy and Splendor….

No… I am fully aware of how the World of People has insulted the gift of my Intelligence and Sharing…
And how this Wave is not of my Will.. not of my Words… but another’s use of them who happens to know that I am speaking the Truth…
And who knows who I am… Death and the kingdom of the Dead… Memories… Yes just another form of Evil…
Taking over the Control of another’s experience and expression which can not be taken over…

No, I know….

But it still has no bearing on the Beautiful Truth… of that which I did not not deny or lie, or use words and betray language…

George Orwell 1984 is who the World is because you can only be hypnotized by a lie if you yourself are a lie…

The Beautiful Truth IS…

I see that Kevin has 65 Face Book Friends.. meaning that I am his 65th….

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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