
One had 16 Likes – & and This o

One had 16 Likes

& and This one 26.

P and Z.

Total 42 From You, Your Vote- T.V.

Meaning of Existence.
It is coded Adam Douglas, A-D. Hitchikers Guide To The Galaxy, Galaxy Universe, 7-21-2020. G.A. L.A. X.Y. 7-1, =8, 12-1=13 M, X.Y- 49.
=13 M- 64/94 is M
M.M. 13 13= 1 -26 ( A-A-Z) =27.
13 13 1 26=27.

27-27 A-A, A-A= 54…+1.
9-1. I.A.

1-1 +27= 29.
and again in Amazon’s ” Discovery Of Witches”- Weavers of Fils, Strings, Thread 1-10.

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