
2/26/2017 17:21 – Facebook Post

2:06 p,m.

Via my Latest Face Book…

Romeo Maxwello…
January 1st…

I was moving through one of my most recent Face Book friends,
I did not know what I was looking for until
this image caught my attention.

It is the exact expression that the Beautiful but Primal Energy of rage makes…
The Facial Expression is so exact,
It feels very alien in me yet I know it is actually a True Version of me and my current State…

Beautiful Rage…

Added was a strange supernatural even which took place last night..

Anthony, the Igbo man whom I first met here,
who looks like an Ancient Heroic Warrior-
Big Strong Muscle… A wrestler..
I speak Igbo with him, probably the first time I have met someone and had conversations in that Language…

He showed me a video of him yesterday,
He is a musician…
And he plays the Guitar!

Since age 1 he claims…
But what stunned me was not only did he cut quite a dashing figure in but my moth dropped when I saw my Uncle Sir P Face flash before me.
He looked for a moment like the spitting image of my Uncle…
And only later did I see it submerge back to Anthony’s face but it was the resemblance remained….

I stared… Anthony has the same spasms as mine, though not as intense and dramatic, I noticed it (as does everyone else) but I knew what it was…
I had witnessed my mothers other younger brother do the same gesture…
I had told my own uncle who began to have the same symptoms..
that it was Evolution…
And the resistance was all the others “Ideas’of what it was meant to be, except that which it was Is…

And so when I looked at this image seeing the perfection of that expression I have seen in my reflection in the Mirror when that Rage comes…

I stared at this image…
And yes similar torso…
I say this simply to highlight the Same Blue Print..

The Date is 1-23… A.W…

The Name Romeo… Meaning Pilgrim from Rome..
Rome means “Strength Power. Vigor..Greatness”

The two Igbo guys I who I speak to here
Anthony and Onuka… Both started called me “Dimpka”
“A Very Very Strong Significant Man”.. A Great man of Colossal Strength”

And then I noticed that he went to Dennis Memorial Grammar School in Onistha.. D.M..G.S…
My Father went there…

Okolobia means the similar thing to Dimpka Nwoke…

And then I saw that he comes from Aguleri… From the Wilderness Woods Forest of Eri… Which means Thread.. Threads “Fil”… as well as Eat…
In this case Thread, Threads Line Dna..

Agu is the Wildreness of Others Forgetfulness…
Code Enyiagu Afam Samuel… E.A..S…

Come “My Name of the one who is a God…

2:50 p.m.

I remember making two trips to Aguleri when I was doing my thesis on Ancient Nri… And to the Palace as well as going to Engwu Ukwu to see my Great Grandmother self…
And suddenly I recalled the family story of my Great Grandparents..
He being a Musician… My mother or grandmother laughed that he was not very good… but I wonder… Anthony sang and it did not sound very good but he could damned well play the Electric Guitar….

Yes, even as I write now, just as I responded to Ab Justice’s questions in a manner which I had not intended, and with the intense activity going in my body so intensified, and my literally feeling and knowing that I should not be at Delta Manor any longer , because in any story. or world, it makes no sense why a person should be in that space any longer…
And yet all day and yesterday night as I questioned that if this has been allowed to go far.. Existence as I knew it as Eros, can no longer have the same meaning as before….
Even if this is a Story.. it has manifested a power beyond a story….
Something still has the power to hold my muscles bond and my body twisted….
It is not meant to be possible in any version of reality…

But here I am still tormented and pulled like puppet, my strings pushed as well as my buttons constantly pushed..
So I have accepted that Existence has been transformed into the Ridiculous and Absurd…
And a New meaning must be given to it…
And it should literally cancel out if it can counteract its own Truth and Source to such a degree…

I am now constantly bored and uninterested in even reading this script to the the point of Indifference…
All the Torture all that has been permitted to manifest which I have experienced despite it constantly confirming the Truth, yet demanding more..
Using Lies Deception… Promises it never keeps…
It is not the Depth of Evil which I have experienced that has manifested but rather that the Truth can be so ineffective against it.. to this degree…

Meaning Truth has literally Betrayed Itself..
Which makes Life Everything Absurd..
And even that which manifested Existence Rise…

So, in truth though I know exactly where we are
the fact that this has been made possible, and able to continue this Far and such energetic suffering imposed…

I have long since lost interest in this…

But because of the circumstances I am in..
Especially my physical body, I continue..

So yes, I linked that Anthony was meant to represent my Great Grandfather and my Great Grandmother as myself..
Which is not correct…

The Two were One,,,
My Great Grandmother and my Great Grandfather were one and the same person..
My Great Grandmother I always associate with the Large Pan she carried on her Head, when she arrived in dancing to greet us in 1977…
Enugwu Ukwu..

E.A… The same Person… Room 5A…Fact..

And it would appear that I went trolling through my Face Books Friends, Friends to find this image..

This is E as Eri…

Reign Santana who is 5… his brother is 6…
But only Reign is born on the 28th…
10;28- 2011.
5 years and 4 months..
His middle name is Maxwell O… 69…15..O…
3:28 p.m.
I passed through that portal and was in at Akil Davis Evan ALexander Judson and Tim’s home then..
A.T E in that order…
E. AT..E

Where I met Rachel Rachael Devon Rios Sessions, R.D.R.S
( And Rachel McWilliams Young… R..M.W..A.Y…)
As well as Savannah Blair…

I went on the Road R.D… with Rav Sing.. R.S…
To Savannah Georgia where I met
Will Hunnitpercent Real and Eric Lile Brown Anthony David Samuel…
and then to Apt 511 Fort Lauderdale…
Fort Laud… To Laud… “To Praise”
But was not lauded, instead I met the Major from NOME Alaska..
While Identifying the portal of Atlantis….there as the Way home through the Sea…
Keith Grant and myself combined would look like this…

This is my Energy..as Okolo.. from the past.
Please See Nri Warriors of Peace by Chukodi Anuobi….
C.A.. 3 1… Catherine Acholonu C.A…
The name of Eri is Eri Okolo…
Fiction to Fact…

A.W…E…..Double V…VV… 22…4..(5)…44…(55) 4 8…15..O…
I came back from that Road trip with Rav. Singh… R.S accompanied by Billy Hung ( Will) August 4th… 84…
See my Date of Birth listed in Face Book…

V- 5…V= 22.. 4.. 26… 22 22.. 44…( 4 16… Bed 4016…Room 4B.
4- 26…8…66….. 12 3..C…
Room 5C.. 53.. BED 53 Keith Grant Room B…

I am wearing the exact same Hat as Rome O…
And have been wearing the similar beads on my wrists…

3:48 p.m.

The Passed Me as O..was.. is Visible..
And the Present me as Francis Anthony is also Visible..
Present Embodied Fact…

3:50 P.M


Chukwu Emeka Okolo…

Yes, Nenad M. Djurdjevic the “Ancestors of Earths Time line as Dna are furious with me… which is of little consequence to me…

My question is where did they get the power to enact this play and force on my body if not the People Past to Present…
And since these are all illusions..
What is powering it.


That the Being of Emeka is a Lie and that is the only Fact…?

3:53 p.m.



Well see my response, my expression Present and The Past Present…

3:55 P.M.


Christain Edwin Edwin…

He lives in LAGOS… LOGOS…
LA LO..G.O.S..5 E…S….A O…

5 ..ESA…

“Esa is a Boy/Male baby name and origin is Arabic, British, English, Finnish, Hindu, Indian, Sanskrit

Esa, gender: Boy/Male has meaning: God is Salvation; Desirable; Prophet; Another Name for Vishnu”


Given Name ESAU. USAGE: Biblical, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek. … From the Hebrew name ?????? (‘Esaw) which possibly meant “hairy”. In the Old Testament Esau is the elder of the twin sons of Isaac and Rebecca.

hairy, Rebekah’s first-born twin son (Gen. 25:25). The name of Edom, “red”, was also given to him from his conduct in connection with the red lentil “pottage” for which he sold his birthright (30, 31). The circumstances connected with his birth foreshadowed the enmity which afterwards subsisted between the twin brothers and the nations they founded (25:22, 23, 26).”

See the Codes… 25 25..YY… Red… Adam…
25 22…23 26…
From the Desert

He never sold his Birthright..
E.J…5 10… E.A..O
E Yacob..
E.Y… 5 25…30… E.Y.C..O…

The same Person,,,

Sons of Isaac…
He gave birth to the twin aspect of the story of Abraham Isaac and Ishmael..
I I.. 9 9…

This Hatred of Jewish to their source Line… Ishmael…Arab…
and Vice Versa…

Jacob means the Usuper… Supplanter… Whose name was changed to the name Israel, founded in 1948…
And it Usurped Palestine and the Arab world…

And yet they are really one and the same..
Just as True Nri and True Igbo…
Just White and Black…

That refusal to acknowledge the Truth…

Or the Fact…

And they are still fighting… in that story within me..
And in the Shelter, the very room I am in…
The Black men quiet…
And the White guys acting as if they are the Lords…subtly…superior…
Just as the Shelter treats its White Clients better… and the darker you are the worst are seen and treated…

All this is the Insanity of the Species…

And this is my Response….


With my Venom spitting back your poison back at you…

4:21 p.m.

Four U…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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