
11/20/2018 22:26 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 47.

8;52 p.m.

See Sacred Portal 52… “Authority Granted the SHE B.A’S to the true Source of Existence proven through their testing and their play.

Link Kelsie Bissell and Victoria Jackson.

K V.. 11 22

Cecilia David…
I am David.. I am Chukwuemeka and I played my mothers aspects Cecilia…

C D… 3 4..

47 Is the code from Victoria Jackson. 44 47…
44 Is Goddess Bliss.. Rising from the Sea to see Desire Harmony…

47 is the Entrance into the Black Hole of utter and Absolute Destruction as the Hell which people gave me and to True- through the Gifts given to them in Grace.. Expression Body and Voice

There is only one Emeka Nnamdi David Robert Stephen Patric Eric…
E N D S.P… E… Hell beyond Imagination.
To all Challenger to my Confirmation of being the expression of Perfection by the LIONESS Rage… SHE BA LINE..
The Tester…

I call upon my power and the power of the True.. Respect.. T R..
Universal Expression to rise as the wave to send all challengers who uses thier mouths and words to cause pain, to twist manipulate, pervert and then deny the perversion Expression and meaning made Clear
confirmed my Clara Star Child and witnessed by the Lines of Aaron W…
Jon and Victoria to rise with the Fury of the Mother of Dragons..

My mother was born 11-22-19 47…

See sacred Portal 47…
Her Name is Onuabuchi.. Cecilia O C…
C.O… 3O.. Noni Promise N P.. Naturalness is the meaning of Perfection. It brings Consciousness Full Circle through 6th sense.
And in Hindsight it is Read and understood as Expression…R U E..
The Rue.. “Street Car named Desire.

Onuabuchi means ‘What you say is not the Word of God… or E-Spirit, only what flows out as Harmony Song”

Send them to Hell .. To the Hell Fire.. and S.P..I.C.. E…
and let them Burn in that space which I have walked through and risen from- that hell of their evil expression despite all the True Love given to them by being made to share all my Life and give up my Existence to be led to each person representing the a portal in which how they let me pass through re-claiming all my names either through Bliss..
or through Challenge.
Peacefully or through War…

And those lines who felt that they were the Stephen meaning “Crowned with Glory”
The Alexanders…;Defender of Man,,,
Robert “Famed Bright Shinning Of Light”
And all the Names and meanings – who believed themselves the Original and took advantage of the play which took from away from everything so that I would obey and pass through thier door I raise the Curse of the 88 Rage of the Mothers and Father….
My Family I obeyed… to fire as the Fire Birds…

Rage of Destruction…

R O D… and for Every close the D,O O.R. Of Life.. Sacred Portal 43…
and let them suffer, until they as illusion as all burned away.. and are no more…

Let the Rage R-AGE.. Be as none every seen…Rise Mother Rise the Defenders of my Truth, I who obeyed and I who gave and I who was used as A Lamb but am a Wolf undercover , made to observe how each person I was sent to would respond to the Gentle Man… who is as Clouds of Wool and to all he gave and all they knew he gave and dared to treat him, with all that evidence as the Rag and Maid
and object of their Rage in they feeling of I am not the One..
That they are…
And so let them being given the space through what they have said and words they have used to send them to the Mother of Dragons who these Selfish Cruel Evil Demonic and Diabolical beings do not give a rats ass at my physical mental emotional and even the indifference of not seeing my mother in 30 years… 30 years…
all for this play for them to rise.. and still they would challenge my authority even after all the Devotion Dedication to bring them them gift of Truth and the Way Home..

Such Selfishness was indulged too much and allowed to go to far…
Evil Expression… Rage…

Let me show yoy rage and power…
Thanks Giving…?

I have a lesson in never assume..
to be courteous to be respectful/
Sacred Portal 91… Ms Manners.. Hell Fire… M M H F…
M Manly Hall.. Fact…

Hell but true hell is now a fact.

Let them Begone…
All these lies of E Line.. Who are beautiful expression..
Grace… Gentle Ladies.. but Warriors who had to pass through such Expressions of the lie of who we are…
And can never become.

9:22 p.m,
i Victorious…

You mock…
you threaten me with you have no place to go..
You think any thing you have was not because of me…
Ah! I know how to Kill A Mocking Bird… K .. A M…B…E..

I, We, send you to where you emerged from…
Non Existence…
But first.. I swore and my True Family swore we would make you and all your Avatars Pay…

9:25 p.m.

I Y… R A G E !!!!
Eternal Flame ..
Blue Flame…

I will show your Rage… Silence… and true Indifference and the true use way and power of words…

9:26 pm

i Z… END

Never Rise…
see pain

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