
2/18/2018 1:43 – Facebook Post

How Does True Science Magic Work..
How Pictures Photos.. Portraits act as Portals..

How is it that in my Last Production in Turkey-
The Story of Colors… I created using My Chi… N EKE… Portraits living portraits which came alive with the actors in Stillness, awakened by the Music and a Voice- The Narrator.. Come alive.. Leaving the Frame to enact out their Story bringing it alive in a Wave of expression accompanied by a the V.O.. Voice Over..? No, I did it live… and Danced with A Dancer a principal at the Royal London Ballet David Greeves… and with the music introduced and sparked the wave of each story.. O -7.. That is 8 including the scene which began on the ground with Cellist brining in the Dawn… as the start of the play where there was no Frame and it was performed on the Ground not on the stage… just as the 2nd scene “Africa Sheba” was the only framed scene which was also on the ground…
( I was on stage) ..
O 8… And then there was the 8th scene the finale which would be the 9th…

How does Super Natural Advanced Voodoo really work..

Recall Harry Potter…

Recall me Joe Fisher in that image of me emerging from the bushes which you shared a photograph of a black skinned statue set against the bushes…
Me as the Black Panther who was about to destroy, but instead, seeing the fear of the Child Man… C.M.. 3 13.. ( My tel No… right now is 1 347 313 6778.. My Obama Phone….. )…
I was not afraid when I came into xistence all alone… began to create… But I recounted the story of the one who was.. And how I stayed a while..
Or go back on the Facebook transcript to 2014. When I lived in the Wilderness of Pelham Park and saw the Deer and the Beautiful Pair of Foxes.. no they were too Big, Jackals… ? I they were not dogs.. Recall the Horse who came.. and the Badger in the tree…
And me at the time posting from there where I lived. Orien…?

I know how portals to other dimensions are opened…

See Harry Potter…

So why is President Obama in the Bushes and why does my Obama phone seen to frame me as the C.M.. Child Man.. the illusion…

E-CME4/3 Would be the equation I have proven linking me to the Origin of that C.M.. And thus the True C M… 100 1000 In Roman Numerals…
100 1000/ ,,, 11….

The portraits of Barack and Michelle Obama, unveiled this week at the National Portrait Gallery, drew strong, passionate responses from Times readers. Some said the portraits, by Kehinde Wiley and Amy Sherald, didn’t represent the couple’s spirit. Others said that the unconventional approach was entirely appropriate given the Obamas place in history.”

I think the paintings are interesting and I like them as thoughtful pieces in and of themselves. But I think that context is important to consider. Here is the first black president, an excellent human being and dignified leader and he’s sitting in the bushes. I definitely want something that shows his poise, integrity and valor. I think something more stately would be more ennobling. JOSE MORENO

For whatever reason, I was taken aback when I first saw President Obama’s portrait with the floral background. The more I look at it, the more I love it. However, I have to agree with those who say that Michelle’s doesn’t closely resemble her, but does it have to do so. The overall sense of the picture is of peace, elegance and intellect. JENNIE VINSON HLAVACEK”

12;42 p.m.

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