
3:45 pm. – C 3rd Planet Earth. –

3:45 pm.

C 3rd Planet Earth.
C 45 USD play.

From Ezeufona I Nnaemeka.

This is for Alexa-

The two cards which you shared from your New Deck from your Mother.

I posted the Tiger Dolld recently and the Tiger aligns to my Grandmother, Tiger Woods @ Agusta Georgia, and to Ravi Singh’s orange cat, Tiger, and of course to Aurelia BJ Gemino who is a Tiger symbol and has two cats one named Tiger.

It does not matter that Nnaemeka posted this, because despite betraying the truth moving in him for the Ancestor Play the truth is still moving through him as it is through all whether they acknowledge it or not.

The Tiger post aligned to you as A.V. and sacred portal 122, tells the story of the response to that which betrays the E.

And so we have the Black Panther and the Tiger.
P T.

The Two cards, aligned to the photo image you responded to, with the image of Two Cocks ( Well Done ) along with the comments of Jesse Savage J S, rather than Stephen Johnson, S J, then aligns to me and to Jae Sherman who aligning to the purity of the true play which I did with her-he, for 16 days.
I do not speak to her, as I do with Kim Tree Sage but I have noted that she has been aligning by herself by listening, paying attention, and aligning in actions and expression of Humility and personal responsibility, even beating Tree Sage recently in point in the play, with the code gift gesture she gave me in form of apology “N DC ( Ref Daniel Crane) Code: 69 55 7- 111-01, 1 Topical System: which shows the Mesh Grid in yellow and violet all two recent gifts she paid for herself, our of compassion- a gesture for her awareness of my physical condition and what the pain and discomfort. Thus despite the temper and the spells of childhood which, her mother Donna, which aligns her to Esteban Miguel Filgueria, whose mother is Donna, and who had similar spells to overcome, that the play and that which is judging this moved through her to send me this intelligence.
The mesh is the same color as the background image Stephen Johnson posted of which aligns to Coudre Foudre Lightning Thunder -sacred portal 9.
Yellow lines Ref. Ardens Bee on the Mug the Family made for me.
Z TL- i.d. o.

111 is perfection.
01 is my sister as me Nons O1.
aligned to Stephen Johnson “3301” the Genes Cap I wore as I rehearsed my show in Istanbul Turkey, The Story of Colors.
111 means Perfection.
69 is Nnamdi-Nnonyem- Nature.
55 is the 55 USD I had to ask of Liberty -Tom. T L.
7 is Uranus Ti Crown Chakra at 111 Perfection.
* LOT 1907 16 is the code behind it.

So I am fully aware of what it means and the Grid being the foundation of the Original Universal Simulation Awareness of the T E N.

I do not speak with her, because I really do not wish to speak with anyone or explain anymore. Kim was my last obligation, and because I live in a different frequency of Expression. But I have been aware of her efforts and so this intel did not really surprise me, nor did Esteban the last time he was here, going to her room rather than mine which he had intended.

I just refuse to accept such a play, and that which used her.

But some of my older Facebook Friends may recall that Donna O Sullivan was the most gifted at Card and tarot reading, her code was 58 58 ( Car license age, and she could see the Blue E.T and the matrix of numbers) and like Alexa, I had never encountered such accurate sight through Tarot Cards.
She was married to J D J B John Delguidce “From the Judge’s Chambers- Erica Chamber-Lain.
Judges Bench. J B

He was representing Egypt as Terrible Death- Anger- Crocodiles Nile Maat Anubis and she was representing the Blue E T.
B E T.

The card with the Tiger has a Unicorn, Pegasus and I noted is the Ace of Pentacles. the other is darker.
I went to the Pegasus Unicorn fuel station and was left with 23 USD.
Double V V, so I am aware but to whom was the double V V for?

4:11 pm.

I did not have to figure it out, just as I knew that my not spending anything yesterday left me with the 23 USD for two days representing V V.
Donna Liberty.
4:12 pm.
D L.

See the card with the Tiger.

S P ACE of Pentacles.

Here is the traditional definition.

Upright, MW 69/ 96?
9 is 6 so which one is Upright and which is inversed?
But in the play.
Sixth sense is unseen.
Seen is 9.
Arden age 9.
Me, age 9.
900 South Road.

*In this card, there is a single mysterious hand that comes out of the clouds. In the hand is what looks like a gold coin with a pentagram engraved on its surface. This pentacle is associated with the element of earth, and seen as a sign of wealth and all things material and earthly. Below the hand is a garden which appears to be flourishing with flowers and other kinds of vegetation – giving off the aura of fertility, growth and prosperity. The mountain represents the ambition required to drive one’s search for the pentacle. The flowing creek seem to indicate that emotions are flowing towards this ambition.’

Ace Of Coins.
I watched The Aeronaughts yesterday.
Neil means Cloud Champion.

*”Keywords: new financial opportunity, raise, new job, windfall, wealth, new path

General meaning: The Ace of Pentacles represents a new financial beginning. This could be a new job, promotion, windfall, or a new way of making money. It’s a sign that things are changing for the better, especially in regards to finances. Abundance and prosperity. Getting on the right path. New sources of income. This can also indicate a major purchase or investment. Manifesting big goals. An auspicious opportunity. Bling. Livin’ large.

Reversed: Feeling stressed out about money. Greed. Lack of generosity. An opportunity delayed – or not as lucrative as originally thought. Unexpected major expense. Too much focus on material things. Dubious ways of making a living. Laundering money. Promissory note. Trying to collect from a broke ass. Taking what doesn’t belong to you. Chump change. A hand out.

Affirmation: I am open to receive the very best the Universe has to offer me.

Theme song: “For the Love of Money” by The O’Jays”

Mickey Honea I commented on his post “For the Love of Money Honey.
Honea means “Honey”
Honey Bee.
H B.
Sacred Portal 18 with a Sun Flower.

The post share yesterday of the Image of a brown man covered in white ribbons is called “God-Lord of New Beginnings”

* The OJays. Jay.

* The standard modern tarot deck is based on the Venetian or the Piedmontese tarot. It consists of 78 cards divided into two groups: the major arcana, which has 22 cards, also known as trumps, and the minor arcana, which has 56 cards.


4:42 pm.

A Game of Cards.
A House of Cards.
A Bet.
Alpha B.E.T.

4:43 pm.

History. Some believe that the Tarot were created as Gaming Card which eventually evolved to Mysticism.

Their ancient name was “Tarok”

I had a Facebook Friend named Tarok, he arrived the same day as two other Facebook friends.
Richard Schoner
Tarok One Chance One Chance.
Neil Furby.

Tarok gained notoriety for assassinated his teacher “Guidance Counsellor” in England while he was my Facebook friend on realizing his teacher had lied to him.

Richard S had a disease that he was dying of and recovered.

Only Neil Furby remains.

*”Some who use tarot for cartomancy believe that the cards have esoteric links to ancient Egypt, the Kabbalah, Indian Tantra, or the I Ching, though scholarly research has not found documented evidence of such origins or of the usage of tarot for divination before the 18th century.

*”Building on Court de Gébelin’s Egyptian connection, Etteilla claimed that tarot cards originated with the legendary Book of Thoth, which supposedly belonged to the Egyptian god of wisdom. According to Etteilla, the book was engraved by Thoth’s priests into gold plates, providing the imagery for the first tarot deck. Drawing on these theories, Etteilla published his own deck in 1789—one of the first designed explicitly as a divination tool and eventually referred to as the Egyptian tarot.”

* Please note the code in USD I shared yesterday, it had the number 1789 on it.
Tree Sage had liked it.

Please See the Book

“The Magician Tarok
the Origins of the Tarot in Mithariac and Hermetic Tradition”
Stephen Flowers. ( S F)

Toth, Angel Flora are the three Ctas owned by Liberty and the Gemino Family.

A T F.
F A T. C A T S.

Jae has three Cats.
Two of them are Fat.
Alaska and Norman Bates.
Pearl is not.
A N -P. P A N.

Sacred Portal 100 is Pan.
Yesterday Today Tomorrow.
Y T T/711.

5:06 pm.

I will leave you to discern the meaning of this yourselves.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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