
4/18/2017 18:34 – Facebook Post

From Alex Sierra… A.S.

Composure… C.

Hello Alex, I hope you don’t mind me sharing your photo…
But it Honors you in an Unseen Script now written in Invisible ink, now becoming visible..

I know this Face in my Story and in my personal Albums.
at least as is represented in this photo.

A,S code representing my arrival after 61 days in a Void,
( Streets of New York- literally searching for a Foundation Stone I had been asked to find by a Madame called Sue, who owned and later sold the Green House “A Literal Nursery” transformed into an Art Gallery, in Soho.. – She later sold the building for 25 Million and ran…
She said that before the Awakening could happen that I had to find the Corner Stone of Existence where they who lived before Adam walked…
“They Lived Before Adam” is a book written by the Linguist,
Prof Catherine Acholonu… C.A…
Which led me to meet Erik Ebright… Green Street.. through Sean Bono.
and after 61 Days, I found a place called Generation X Gardens…
Where the most unbelievable occurrence happened to me.

A rage of a Gorilia literally took me over…

2:06 p.m.
It was 2006…

I met Isaac Calvin McCullough first… I.C.M…
And later saw that he sat on the stoop with two other men, one whom wanted to call the police, “Fear that I was a mad or something”
but who was stopped by Isaac.

That sat under a building number 277…
* A significant number considering that I have had my page open to anyone who wished or sent a Face Book Friend request- in a Demonstration that I was making first Contact on Face Book and that I was led here to this Format to prove into existence, publicly the Evolution Awakening, but in a manner and a way which I refute and thus was forced into doing it.

And yes, this page has been about the “normal” one dimensional reality which most people pretend or adhere to living.
It is a page which has dealt with people living in New York in multi-dimensional realities of the “7 Ages of Man”
and the realm of the Spirit and Imagination .. but in Fear.

I stopped at 976 Face Book friend once the equation had become clear, and the point proven after 5 years posting Everything and Enduring Everything to prove this Wills point.
A will moving through me, but not of me, but of the People.
Sum Total who have every existed and have “Passed Away”
The wished to find the way out of the State of Limbo they were in and now liberated from their bodies viel. They could see and understand thing which they had missed when they lived.

They wished to go home, and they could see clearly peoples true Identity under cover in this world.

It is they who have done the unthinkable and are moving through me, using a frequency and “Thoroughfare Rd’ called the “Truth Seekers”
The ‘Dead’are more alive that the Living…
Though none really exist- until they reach they the point of why they are here, and then wake up…
Yes, The Matrix.

These frequencies move through me, like a Prayer…
because I am in a Story, the Story perception of this reality- at least when I interact with Human Being here…
When I am alone I rise to my dimension and frequency…
But even then, especially of recent, I get pulled down by the Earth the Energies of Earth- Nature who though not a Story and is a Truth…
It, as the Universe is not Real it is a Brain and the Universe A Universal Simulation created for Humanity to understand how to what they really are…
U.S…M.U.S. I.C… and Beings of Rain…and Light…
Who rise to become Hue-manity…

This is that play in completion- Humanities Homework which they had forgotten was in their Hands not their invention of God…
Or the Earth Universe as physical manifestations having “Consciousness Intelligence.. with out having a Spirit and Source which came before it…
Ridiculous.. Basic physics tel you that All physical manifestation is the End product and the by product of what some call the “Idea”
Inception Concept… I.C. Energy… Expression…

Only its Source is Conscious…

But of course, in a Universal Simulation- School…is an on going process until it reaches completion…

Which it did at 976 Face Book Friends..
But nothing has happened to signify the process is over, despite it being manifest step by step for the last 16 years in my body…

And so who is behind the Simulation Nature …?

Lisa Natalie Johnson just walked in…She spoke of the age 19..
When she was 19… “She spoke of how that age she literally went home to Source, asking to return home, and was refused”

I began speaking to the World doing the work outside at age 19.. All documented here….
And before that age 8… The Book..
And before that age 18 months when I pissed in my Fathers Food while he was eating- which was my E-Spirit ( some call Higher Spirit) offering a formal challenge to my Bio Father who represented the consciousness of violence.. but also I realized disinfecting the food..
Warning about the things being put in natural foods..
Which was something my Aunt Iesha later became an Advocate about which eventually lead her eventual murder and death…

Who is behind this… Orien Laplante and Nenad M. Djurdjevic line…and Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka….

3:55 p.m.


Composure… Composition…. Musical Expression …

C C M.E….

It actually should be C.O.M.E…

I just came from portal at Jacobi Medical center….

I S I A…

I was given a Dollar bill yesterday with the code
S.I…S=19.. A.i… Sage Isaac Albert… It means Black in Turkish…
But at D for Delta.. it becomes S.A.I.D….
Which means Something Said..Pastense..
It means Happiness in Arabic…
And S.A..”Extraordinarily Beautiful’ in OINri Igbo… Identity…

But before I went out today. I saw your name A.S..
Which links to Albert Santana..A.S… Whole I lived with after 61 days…
But though it seems as though I am going around in circles. traveling back in Time…

But I am not. though it seems that way…
That is the Illusion..
A.S… Does not belong to a person as A Santana.. it belongs to the literal meaning and embodiment of the name and word…
And the correct designation- the original Designation of those Initials in the Original Plan ET before Adam walked the Earth…
Red Is the Earth of Africa the First …
But Africa is not the First incarnation of Earth…
It was an Orb….
An Orb of what appeared as Evanescent White Light…
Infinite, Limitlessness…

…* I just spoke and did the work with Lisa…Jace is here, and though I am sitting near him on the Wood Side- the only seat available, I avoided sitting on the same table, because I knew the E-Spirit in him would stimulate me to start speaking….
And as you can see from this post, which started out as a simple entry to Composure- the next post on Alex Page I wished to share to make a brief weave and link between Alex’s Face here of One I know in my own Story as the line of Father…
I have not been able to stop linking…
And added with expressing… it is too much… being demanded of me by the Super Natural world…
Butt my ruse was uncovered when Lisa came in,sent by her Mother ( Higher Self)..
And I was impulsed to the point that I know that I would rather Die, literally than continue to be used like this and forced out of my True Nature by this Evil, Evil Selfish vile self centered play….
Now that the the truth I endured a life time of hell in front an indifferent world, is now being validated by They, the seen and the Unseen.

5:20 p.m.
I knew knew such Evil could be possible… such abuse…
No Evolution or Awakening is Worth this, or putting any being through such over and over again repeating the same thing and giving them no rest to a world and people who chose not to pay attention..
Or a play on such a forum and on the streets which demands so much of a person, using pain twists and extortion to make me express…

The Code this stream of expression is moving to is of course, that Light came before Color…And thus before there was the red Earth there was a solid Ground to walk on…
That “They Lived Before Adam”- is a about those who walked the earth before the refraction of Colors from Light.. those who walked in Clouds…
Cloud 9.. Which was the literal clouds as the Energy Expressed by the Expression of these beings which manifested as the Clouds…
And before the White of Cleanliness… not really purity and innocence…
Cleanliness and Perfection.. C.P… Beings of Harmony in Perfect Symetry there were the beings of E.T..
Eternity.. Transparency which came before Evanescent White Light…
These Being on on the solidness of an Earth not red, not White, not Pink… But Transparent… Yes Walking on Water…. B.EAUTE…
Beings of Beaute….The Sky People walked on Solid Ground First…
They were called the Sky People.. S.P.. Because their Conscious Awareness – Being was that of Eternity…
And Before there was those who walked on Expression Transparency- Lightness..
There was the Beautiful one who walked on Nothingness…
All these Existed before the red earth….

The red Earth incarnation or cycle of the Earth is that of a Story…
That Earth which needs a process of Farming etc… was nothing but a break down of Light… And Light was a break down of Truth and Truth was a Break down of Nothingness.. Because there was no word called Truth..
Every IS….

And so I.S.I.A.. Code of the portal I passed through at Jacobi hospital
room 209… 29… Yasmeen.

*Meaning of the name Yasmeen: Derived from the Arabic Yasm?n (jasmine), from the name of a bush bearing white, sweet-smelling flowers.

Shahid is a Quranic name for boys that means “witness”, “observer”. It is directly mentioned in the Quran in many places The Quran uses it to describe Prophet”

White The Clouds…

Alex, I know why my E-Spirit or My stream of consciousness is so Impulsed and Stimulated.. I.A.S… To write on your profile…
It has something to do with what you represent in a Play, what is within you “Namaste” literally and a line and equation you represent unknowing to yourself..
It has been like this for every one I am literally Electro Magnetically drawn to and then have to “Charge” then with Expression or their posts with non stop words of The 5th Dimension Truth merged with the True 3rd Dimension Truth.. Bridging the Two in Harmony, which when I link. “Sew” Weave, Express then creates an Echo response outside of me in the worlds of all the “Chosen” Witnesses…

This image is as you as the Observer…


5:44 p.m.

I know who is doing this…
I am Star Bucks.. Siren…
And I was at Atlantis Gas Station with Jose Roque…
( I texted him at 9:07 p.m… 97… He arrived moment later…
But after returning from the Hospital, from 180 Station..
Todays is the 18.. Letter R.. See meaning of the Name Robert…
‘Famed Bright Shinning of Light…” See the play of the Full Circle April 19… 4-19.. Which came before 4-20.. Erik Ebright as “Enlightenment’..
After completing that play I received a text from Jose Roque..J.R.. At 12:18p.m.. with the word “Outside’
He was responding to the Text he must have just seen, but in the true play… Yes…He is stating that Awakening Evolution A.E 1 5…
Is Outside…

What is the relevance of this?
It is that the the 15 USD I was forced to Pay for a Bill 842.76…
is the acknowledgment that not only did I Pay the Bill of this Mess alone…
But that before there was the Outside there was the I.. Inside Infinity…
18= 1+8=9…
The Beautiful One who walked on Nothingness and Robert O Sullivan..
E R O S.E…Rose from it…
And that there existed a realm beyond Light….
And the clouds…

6:07 p.m.

For my older Face Book friends reading you will recall that Nenad M. Djurdjevic as with John and Rose yesterday…
J.and R…
He built the Bridge and so it now moves to J.R..
Jose Roque.. “Add the Rock” Earth…
And I am saying no.. There is no Earth persay…
It was a manifestation of an Expression… Beautiful Transparency “Harmony” O.E….

See the Code it has formed….

Thus the delay was caused by Not Nenad at least not intentionally but by the Nature of Everything evolving from Death “Nature Morte” back to Life.. True Life…
The Delay which All of you caused, was not paying attention but judging that I was deluded, before giving the Evidence and facts a Chance..
This Judgment was from you in the present to all the way to the Beginning of Your, Human time line story.

You judged condemned and threw me to the Streets to the Wilderness to the Abyss to the Void and even to the Pit…
Delta Manor a Mental Homeless Shelter…
None was innocent.. Not one.
And yet you could not shut me up, or make me bow,
go back in the Transcript on Face Book and see yourselves..
See your expressions, your Hate, Rage mockery betrayals…
All recorded here…
See how you judged before giving this expression a chance.
Despite the Grace the Evidence the Expression so Beautiful and caring
a gentlemanly expression which you judged based on your own superiority, wealth, backgrounds color, culture, knowing and demands for miracles…

Go back, if you dare, wish to see your true Face, that which I do not brush under the Rug, because I endured it.
I waded through it, I was the one you all attacked, or supported for a moment then left again and again…

People say. I am angry.. That is Absurd…
Rage, Beautiful Quiet Rage carried lightly with a smile,not even for you but for the O.N.. Those who said NON… N.O…
Over and over again even after saying yes….
Those who were once called by me Brother…

The pool of your reflections will not go away, it will stay for all Eternity,
So those who make claims now or after the Awakening will be held accountable by all Who Witnessed, who can go back and read and see for themselves…
My expressions versus your…
And recall this was only 5 years….

And I have done this since I was 2 years old…

All is about the Truth…

Robert just walked in…

And So 18 is complete,,,

J.R… 10 18… 10 9… 19… S… 10…”Jay” A.O.
S.A…./ A.S… Alex Sierra…

S.A.O.H.. Is the correct side of the Reflections and it is a Full Circle..
Black White as 69..96.. 15 15… O… A Full Circle of Color from Expression “Out of the Blue”
“Unexpected” By You.. because as a Species you judge what is Possible or not possible without checking the Facts which you yourselves possess of what is Possible…

But with Evil Hatred… your imagination has no Limits,


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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